That could also be, but I still think they are, or getting crippled. In the article you posted, it says: “They’re down to somewhere between 20 and 25% of their original land forces up there. But then the naval component is totally untouched by the war.”
I'm sure they have and upgrade a lot of stuff in and around the arctic, fleet, radars, runways etc. Especialy now following those airbase attacks.
But afaik, Russia has only two arctic warfare brigades. The 200th, that fought in Ukraine and the 80th. They might have more, idk, just reproducing what I searched. The 200th suffered serious losses in both manpower and equipment. Yet they keep deploying defense systems, specificaly designated for arctic warfare. Wasting stuff needed to protect an area that provides 20% of their GDP. From what I read, that particular system or variant, is a very rare piece in the Russian inventory.
Why do that, if not running out of equipment at the front and by doing so, they keep depleting their arctic (ground) forces.
Sure just speculation, and "20 and 25%" less personnel doesn't equal 20 and 25% combat losses. But the 200th alone lost ( visualy confirmed ) 40% of it's motorpool and allegedly also over a third of its troops. I guess, there is still the 80th and its intact(?). Thx for the links.