United States & Gun Control discussion.

Just remember that some NG and police officers confiscated weapons after Katrina. If VA or any other state wants the Guard to do this, it will. The state will find units that will blindly carry out it's orders with respect to gun confiscation. When it is over, soldiers will state they were "just following orders" as if that absolves them of any wrongdoing.

If it comes down to using the NG to enforce these state laws, the above is how it will go down. We've already seen it happen here in the US albeit on a small scale.

All of the "Molon Labe" crowd, how willing are you to kill uniformed soldiers and police officers?
Just remember that some NG and police officers confiscated weapons after Katrina. If VA or any other state wants the Guard to do this, it will. The state will find units that will blindly carry out it's orders with respect to gun confiscation. When it is over, soldiers will state they were "just following orders" as if that absolves them of any wrongdoing.

If it comes down to using the NG to enforce these state laws, the above is how it will go down. We've already seen it happen here in the US albeit on a small scale.

All of the "Molon Labe" crowd, how willing are you to kill uniformed soldiers and police officers?
If that crowd was willing to what would happen?
Just remember that some NG and police officers confiscated weapons after Katrina. If VA or any other state wants the Guard to do this, it will. The state will find units that will blindly carry out it's orders with respect to gun confiscation. When it is over, soldiers will state they were "just following orders" as if that absolves them of any wrongdoing.

If it comes down to using the NG to enforce these state laws, the above is how it will go down. We've already seen it happen here in the US albeit on a small scale.

All of the "Molon Labe" crowd, how willing are you to kill uniformed soldiers and police officers?
In Virginia? Not so sure. But 76 of 95 Counties have declared themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuary cities.
The President can federalize the VA National Guard and order them to stand down. (US code 12406) I'd guess there's enough interpretive wiggle room there for a competent lawyer to apply it in this kind of circumstance.
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The area for this battle MUST be the courtroom and inside the ballot box instead of on a field. The consequences for everyone are much too great. :(
I don't believe the Marxists have any intention of letting the people do that. People tried undoing the democratic BS enacted in Colorado and it's gone nowhere. What Democrats are proposing in Virginia is worse and they don't give a shit about the law or will of the people.
The area for this battle MUST be the courtroom and inside the ballot box instead of on a field. The consequences for everyone are much too great. :(
This is precisely the reason for the second amendment. To protect against a tyrannical government, so the venue is actually the village green.

The whole point of the Electoral College and having equal representation in the Senate is to stop places like the City of New York being the dominant body politic and creating policy the has primacy over places like Nebraska.

In this case, it is now 77 counties in Virgnina [of 95] telling Northam to fuck off.
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In a cosmic twist - ole' Virginny was the most crowded state in the Union during the first US census - the founding fathers created the electoral college so states like VIRGINIA and Pennsylvania would not be the ones setting the tone for the rest of the nation...

The more things change, the more they something something same........... - and all that jazz