United States & Gun Control discussion.

I have a love hate relationship with the people who go "full kit" to these rallies.
On one hand, it seems to work well as a show of force and is a great intimidation tactic.
On the other hand, they tend to look like idiots. I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover, but I've seen way to many pictures of these "warriors" in full Gucci Gear that look scared to even be rallying, let alone if anything actually happened.

However, OPINION; a lot of this hubbub does prove the time of walking quietly with a big stick is over. Even after the Virginia rally, politicians seem to be doubling down. Don't go out and shoot your governor, but everyone, please, for the love of God or whoever you pray to/worship, prepare while you can, and research and pay attention to how people are acting. On both sides. You can tell when someone is going to punch you long before they swing. Don't get caught with your pants down.
I have a love hate relationship with the people who go "full kit" to these rallies.
On one hand, it seems to work well as a show of force and is a great intimidation tactic.
On the other hand, they tend to look like idiots. I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover, but I've seen way to many pictures of these "warriors" in full Gucci Gear that look scared to even be rallying, let alone if anything actually happened.

However, OPINION; a lot of this hubbub does prove the time of walking quietly with a big stick is over. Even after the Virginia rally, politicians seem to be doubling down. Don't go out and shoot your governor, but everyone, please, for the love of God or whoever you pray to/worship, prepare while you can, and research and pay attention to how people are acting. On both sides. You can tell when someone is going to punch you long before they swing. Don't get caught with your pants down.
If I had a bug out kit, I surely wouldn’t be posting pictures or going out to rallies with it on. The 2A community doesn’t need to be scary or intimidating, that validates anti gunners fear towards us. I don’t know much about plates and vests but isn’t it counter intuitive to have one sit so high that your abdominal region is completely exposed?
The 2A community doesn’t need to be scary or intimidating, that validates anti gunners fear towards us. I don’t know much about plates and vests but isn’t it counter intuitive to have one sit so high that your abdominal region is completely exposed?
While I agree, most people don't listen to threats made by people who don't look like they can follow through with them. "Come and take it" said by a guy with a button up and jeans isn't quite as impacting as someone who is in full kit with a loaded rifle saying it. Anti-gun advocates fear gun owners regardless. That is why they do not want to go confiscate the guns themselves.

Also, if you want to know more about plates and vests, here is a PDF with how to wear one, and why to wear it like that. ( http://sixty-six.org/files/GUNFIGHTER_ANATOMY_proper_wear_of_armor.pdf )
I personally don't care for the "weekend warrior" look as I don't feel it does much to help defend the 2A from those that want it diminished. In fact, I think it hurts the cause, but...that's just my opinion and isn't worth much.
that's just my opinion and isn't worth much.
It’s worth about as much as everyone else’s. Personally I think it looks dumb, but it makes people who can’t tell otherwise that “pro-gun people” mean business. Also, just my opinion.
Sorry for the double post, it's not a law yet, however it has passed committee.
Virginian law-makers are not listening to the people.
Sorry for the double post, it's not a law yet, however it has passed committee.
Virginian law-makers are not listening to the people.
I genuinely hope they get some sense about them. Where the hell is the NRA? I haven’t seen anything coming from them other than before the 20Jan Protests.
HB961 passed in VA. translation: "possession of ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 12 rounds punishable by up to one year in prison even if the magazines were legally purchased."
Not suprised given how they basically shat all over the Gun rights Rally and ignored any concerns of Gun owners
HB961 passed in VA. translation: "possession of ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 12 rounds punishable by up to one year in prison even if the magazines were legally purchased."

Yep. Somehow, the ammo itself will be outlawed in the future. People can have those "pesky" weapons that they love so much...they just can't have more than three rounds to fire in them.

Text of H.R. 5717: Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 (Introduced version) - GovTrack.us

I figure the bill's fucking table of contents says enough:

TITLE I—Firearm licensing

Sec. 101. License to own firearms and ammunition.

Sec. 102. State firearms licensing.

TITLE II—Background Check Reform

Sec. 201. Universal background checks.

Sec. 202. Completion of background checks; 7-day waiting period.

Sec. 203. Reporting of background check denials.

TITLE III—Firearm possession

Sec. 301. Protecting victims of domestic violence.

Sec. 302. Fugitives from justice.

Sec. 303. Minimum age for purchasing firearms and ammunition.

Sec. 304. Secure gun storage by owners.

Sec. 305. Secure gun storage or safety device for all firearms.

Sec. 306. Consumer product safety standards for gun locks and gun safes.

Sec. 307. Gun-free school zones.

TITLE IV—Extreme Risk Protection Orders

Sec. 401. Extreme risk protection order grant program.

Sec. 402. Federal extreme risk protection orders.

Sec. 403. Federal firearms prohibition.

Sec. 404. Identification records.

Sec. 405. Conforming amendment.

Sec. 406. Full faith and credit.

TITLE V—Assault weapons and firearms silencers and mufflers ban

Subtitle A—Assault weapons ban

Sec. 511. Definitions.

Sec. 512. Restrictions on assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices.

Sec. 513. Penalties.

Sec. 514. Use of Byrne grants for buy-back programs for semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices.

Sec. 515. Ban on untraceable and undetectable firearms.

Sec. 516. Prohibition on possession of certain firearm accessories.

Subtitle B—Firearm silencers and mufflers ban

Sec. 521. Definition.

Sec. 522. Restrictions on firearm silencers and firearm mufflers.

Sec. 523. Penalties.

Sec. 524. Effective date.

TITLE VI—Firearm trafficking

Sec. 601. Prohibition against multiple firearm sales or purchases.

Sec. 602. Increased penalties for making knowingly false statements in connection with firearms.

Sec. 603. Retention of records.

Sec. 604. Revised definition.

Sec. 605. Firearms trafficking.

TITLE VII—Dealer reform

Sec. 701. Gun shop security measures.

Sec. 702. Inspections.

Sec. 703. Employee background checks.

Sec. 704. Gun store thefts.

Sec. 705. Civil enforcement.

Sec. 706. No effect on State laws governing dealing in firearms.

Sec. 707. Lost and stolen reporting requirement.

Sec. 708. Report on implementation.

Sec. 709. Enhanced record keeping requirements.

Sec. 710. Deadline for issuance of final regulations.

Sec. 711. Repeal.

TITLE VIII—Industry reform

Sec. 801. Repeal.

Sec. 802. Repeal of exclusion of pistols, revolvers, and other firearms from consumer product safety laws.

Sec. 803. Increase in excise taxes relating to firearms.

Previously possessed firearms

Subsection (a) shall not apply to the possession of any firearm or ammunition by an individual who otherwise lawfully possessed the firearm or ammunition under Federal law on the date on which the Attorney General begins issuing Federal firearm owner's licenses under this section.

Time to buy what you want!