I'm feeling a little sporty and don't know how to shut my mouth, so I want to expand on an earlier comment I made. Love or hate the guy, I think Joe Rogan put it best back in 2013:
"This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem"
I'm 48. This shit wasn't a thing in the 80's/ early 90's when I went to school. During deer season half of the school had shotguns and rifles in their trucks. Fights weren't settled with guns or knives or bats or anything but one's fists.
We’ve Known How To Prevent A School Shooting for More Than 20 Years
“School shooters typically do this out of a profound adolescent crisis,” said James Garbarino, a professor of psychology at Loyola University Chicago who specializes in teen violence and began studying school shooters in the late 1990s.
The rest of the article discusses that point and those around school shootings, but the point remains...this is a mental health issue.
And if you think we don't, another little anecdote for everyone. This forum is well aware of the number of veteran suicides per day. What, you think they were distraught they couldn't buy Chik-Fil-A on a Sunday? No, we have a mental health crisis in the US. Crisis, and I say that without hyperbole. During the unspecificed virus of unknown origin global lockdown, expert after expert talked about the effects of the pandemic on everyone's mental state. Some will bounce back, but some won't. Now, go look at health coverage from the ACA or insurance from your job. Check out the mental health side. Mine pays for 6 visits. 6 hours of therapy to work out whatever is in my head. Same for you probably. Some plans might offer 10 visits, but if you have an excellent mental health program through your insurance you've hit the lottery.
Imagine a kid who has been abused, bullied, an outcast...do you think 6 hours of therapy is going to save them? That's a band-aid on a bullet hole. You have more physio visits covered to rehab a joint or muscle injury, but your brain? Nah, son. Good luck.
We have a mental health crisis in the US. School shootings are a symptom. Veteran suicides are a symptom.
I'm tired of typing. You either learned something or you didn't. Just look out for each other and those around you.