Violence in Baltimore

Orioles game has been postponed -

Oh, and dear Fucktards:

Looting not only doesn't help your cause, it makes those who might support you, hate your thieving asses.
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Supposedly, another flyer made the local social media rounds calling for a "purge." Pass the popcorn and bullets, please. I'd love to see a real purge happen there. Then, once all that's left are the victors, send in the heavy guns of the law to kill them where they stand, as the parameters for the use of deadly force will have most certainly been met many times over. However, I understand that this is naught but a fantasy, and such actions are illegal and impossible.

That being said, the National Guard has just been called up, and a state of emergency declared, according to the Baltimore Sun.
calling for a "purge."

Do the people calling for a "purge" really think they could win against LE if it came down to it? The only thing keeping the cops from wrapping this up in 5-6 minutes is because the cops (most of the time) follow the law while the protestors don't. If the gloves ever truly came off, it'd be over PDQ.

Just like Iraq; the only reason the insurgents won is because we weren't allowed to bomb them back to the Stone Age.
You know the Mayor and everyone is trying to say it's people outside the community doing the rioting and looting and that is complete bull shit. You can clearly see the kids who had just got released from school still wearing their backpacks throwing bricks and rocks.

Then the cutting of the fire hose?!? I wouldn't be surprised if CVS just left that location all together.
Cops should get food poisoning enmasses and sit out for 72hrs.
Maybe the Mayor would rethink her position.
Need more ammo, gun show this Sunday.
I wouldn't be surprised if CVS just left that location all together.

That's what happened to a lot of inner cities after the '68 riots. Business owners took their insurance money and moved to the suburbs, or business owners couldn't get insurance coverage, leaving nowhere in the inner city for the remaining population to buy healthy food or find jobs.

And somehow it was all 'the mans' fault. :rolleyes:
Live coverage here on all local news channels. Orioles fans are pissed that the game was canx'd. Weather is a little chilly but this weekend it'll warm up and I'm sure it'll get worse.

This just in.

Your mayor is an idiot. ETA: Actually, it was on Saturday when she made this statement:

Fast forward to 7:30.

"We also gave those who wished to destroy, space to to do that as well.” – Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

About an hour ago, she finished a news conference, and was asked about this quote. She then blamed the media for taking her comment out of context. :rolleyes:

I relooked at the video, and quite clearly, she stated exactly that, in plain language. Nothing before or after mitigates it or puts it in a different perspective. There was no excuse IMO, for such a statement or the lawlessness that has taken place.

And for the record, if there was wrong doing on the part of the officers, they be held accountable and punished to the fullest letter and extent of the law.
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Fuck Baltimore, if they elected a fucking retard like that to power then let the place burn to the ground. I just hope the innocent law abiding non retarded citizens escape along with emergency workers.
Then wall the place off and use it as a dumping ground for every scum group that riots like this.

As @0699 stated, these pricks could be cleaned up in a heartbeat if the authorities were let loose. Just look at the London riots, the cops stood back because they were legally restrained, the minute after the Prime Minister took the gloves off the cops dove in, kicked ass and finished that shit quick-smart!
The protesters should be damn thankful I'm not in charge or a member of the Guard there with the authority to rock and roll, I'd take great pleasure in cleaning those streets with deadly efficiency.
EMS has strike teams prepositioned and ready for events like disasters. They travel interstate and bring extra paramedics, EMTs and supplies to where they're needed.

LE needs the same infrastructure; I wish my department would send some of us up there just to spell our brothers for a day.

While I doubt your department specifically would take part, the opportunity may come soon enough. From the Twitter feed of a senior editor at the Sun, one Matthew Hay Brown:

Maryland State Police activating 500 officers for Baltimore; requesting up to 5,000 from neighboring states
Fuck this bullshit "BlackLivesMatter" All lives matter.

So, to protest a possibly criminal act, you destroy your home, burn businesses and kill people... I do not see the logic here.

the Baltimore mayor is a complete idiot. Stupid is as stupid does.

...and that's all I'm gonna say about that.

eta - ok, I fibbed - last point - every police officer involved in the transport and initial intake should have been immediately been put on unpaid leave pending a full investigation of the events. The cops were wrong, the rioters are wronger.
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eta - ok, I fibbed - last point - every police officer involved in the transport and initial intake should have been immediately been put on unpaid leave pending a full investigation of the events. The cops were wrong, the rioters are wronger.

Exactly.....there is a system and process for this, but no one has the patience......and most are just looking for an excuse to cause chaos.