Violence in Baltimore

I just re-watched a good portion of the Mayor's most recent press conference again - she is not a leader - it is embarrassing. As far as I'm concerned, (and this started with our current President), this is what you get when you allow social media to dictate via soundbites and funny quotes, who your future leader will be.
None of these people care when soldiers get killed, black or otherwise, but now ONE person dies and this happens.

I guess being from Baltimore carries more weight than being an American.
None of these people care when soldiers get killed, black or otherwise, but now ONE person dies and this happens.

I guess being from Baltimore carries more weight than being an American.

And this surprises you brother??? Rumor is that there is a purge coming up in some of the neighborhoods there. Not substantiated by PD yet....

While I doubt your department specifically would take part, the opportunity may come soon enough. From the Twitter feed of a senior editor at the Sun, one Matthew Hay Brown:

Maryland State Police activating 500 officers for Baltimore; requesting up to 5,000 from neighboring states

I am fine with MD State Police helping, I am not fine with cops from neighboring states coming in (see Hurricane Katrina Relief).
Cops from neighboring states are not certified under MD law, and probably don't know the finer points of the law.
MD has a National Guard that can be activated, and they can augment the local police.
What do you mean by purge?

Do you remember that movie, The Purge, where there is a gov. Sanctioned "free for all"? Something like that but this will not be sanctioned and these savages will just have the free for all bullshit. Again, not sanctioned and it has not made PD alerts like the gang thing.... The bloods, crips and black gorilla family have apparent made a truce and all vow to " take out cops". That is an alert that has made it up here to Philly. @policemedic could elaborate more perhaps....

I am fine with MD State Police helping, I am not fine with cops from neighboring states coming in (see Hurricane Katrina Relief).
Cops from neighboring states are not certified under MD law, and probably don't know the finer points of the law.
MD has a National Guard that can be activated, and they can augment the local police.

I believe it's within the governor's ability to request assistance from law enforcement from neighboring states in the Emergency State Function 13. Besides, where does the authority come from?

Another point is that national guard doing Defense Support to Civil Authorities is incredibly expensive.
I believe it's within the governor's ability to request assistance from law enforcement from neighboring states in the Emergency State Function 13. Besides, where does the authority come from?

Another point is that national guard doing Defense Support to Civil Authorities is incredibly expensive.
The authority comes from the Legislature.
How is a NG PFC more expensive than a cop from another state (who is getting overtime) ?
Good thing MD passed that gun control bill, wonder how many sheeple feel safer today.
After Hurricane Andrew states began signing pacts or whatever allowing for one state to request another's NG units in the event of a major disaster. Problem: How many states have done this when every Guard unit, Army and AF, was already activated? If you aren't putting every single soldier or airman on state orders then how can you justify asking for outside assistance?

Re: Baltimore...let that city burn. If the mayor is going to encourage those animals then let them reap it.
The authority comes from the Legislature.
How is a NG PFC more expensive than a cop from another state (who is getting overtime) ?
Good thing MD passed that gun control bill, wonder how many sheeple feel safer today.
False equivalency. NG PFC doesn't go by himself, he goes with an entire unit of joes, support, and home-state coordination. It's incredibly expensive and there are many factors that prefer other means to accomplish the mission, or transfer mission, as soon as possible.

After Hurricane Andrew states began signing pacts or whatever allowing for one state to request another's NG units in the event of a major disaster. Problem: How many states have done this when every Guard unit, Army and AF, was already activated? If you aren't putting every single soldier or airman on state orders then how can you justify asking for outside assistance?
Typically activating servicemen in affected areas is a hardship. We did this this quite successfully during hurricane Katrina to Mississippi and Louisiana.
Typically activating servicemen in affected areas is a hardship. We did this this quite successfully during hurricane Katrina to Mississippi and Louisiana.

Fair enough, but if you're bringing in other states while leaving your own units, minus the affected areas, inactive then something's wrong. The entire purpose of a State possessing the National Guard is to handle State business, so if you're going outside of your state for help it should mean all other options were exhausted. Something like a riot shouldn't be another state's responsibility, the law exists to cover natural disasters, not a group of assholes being assholes.
Fair enough, but if you're bringing in other states while leaving your own units, minus the affected areas, inactive then something's wrong. The entire purpose of a State possessing the National Guard is to handle State business, so if you're going outside of your state for help it should mean all other options were exhausted. Something like a riot shouldn't be another state's responsibility, the law exists to cover natural disasters, not a group of assholes being assholes.

Definitely can't disagree with you on the last part, but I can offer up the rebuttal that the activities of the state next to me could have consequences to my state. Sort of like an Area of Interest concept.
From FOXNews.....
Social media analysis suggests links between Baltimore and Ferguson violence

I'm reading Days of Rage about the underground revolutionary groups of the 60-80's. Professional protests/Agitprops moving between cities. It's pretty much know in the WTO protests, but pure domestic activities.... this is a first note of it....
"How did this happen?", asks the media. Today alone, I've seen half a dozen articles with titles asking questions like that. Then they bring in some 'experts' who brush this off as a failure of 'society as a whole'. Ignoring the fact that it is THE MEDIA who keeps telling black people that they are being viciously oppressed, that they are being deliberately 'murdered', that the police is racist in all of their actions*. If not outright saying things like that, then they will convey the message indirectly by giving credence or 'equal worth' to such viewpoints (providing air-time to idiots who push this kind of agenda) and/or doing nothing to refute them. Because after all, sensationalism and outrage are two things which get great ratings. And a fucking riot? Cop cars burning? Fuuuuck yes, that is going to make for some great footage, bro!

They are the ones fueling the fucking fires (even if it is mostly by proxy), and then they try to blame this on Average Joes and their families... Fuck.

*not to say that there aren't shitty, racist cops... but they are fucking far from a representation of law enforcement as a whole.
"How did this happen?", asks the media. Today alone, I've seen half a dozen articles with titles asking questions like that. Then they bring in some 'experts' who brush this off as a failure of 'society as a whole'. Ignoring the fact that it is THE MEDIA who keeps telling black people that they are being viciously oppressed, that they are being deliberately 'murdered', that the police is racist in all of their actions*. If not outright saying things like that, then they will convey the message indirectly by giving credence or 'equal worth' to such viewpoints (providing air-time to idiots who push this kind of agenda) and/or doing nothing to refute them. Because after all, sensationalism and outrage are two things which get great ratings. And a fucking riot? Cop cars burning? Fuuuuck yes, that is going to make for some great footage, bro!

They are the ones fueling the fucking fires (even if it is mostly by proxy), and then they try to blame this on Average Joes and their families... Fuck.

*not to say that there aren't shitty, racist cops... but they are fucking far from a representation of law enforcement as a whole.
The same media constantly puts relatives on who loudly profess to the goodness of the person killed.
• March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance

• March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault

• January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing

• January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute

• December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute

• December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing

• January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana

• September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape

• April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation

• July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute

• March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute

• February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation

• August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana

• August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)