In defining intelligence, I noticed a few posts where there was an attempt at trying to convey two things:
- the nature of action that friendly forces might take, based on information
- the nature of action that enemy forces might take, based on information
For example this type of verbiage: facilitate accomplishment of the mission.
And here:
Counter adversary deception and surprise
Support friendly deception efforts
And here:
To support the execution of the commander's intent.
In the FM's:
The most important role of intelligence is to drive operations
In each of these cases, there is the overlapping theme, using synonymous terminology. There is mention of surprise (as in, "we want to surprise the enemy whenever possible"), as well as preventing surprise against friendly forces. From my perspective the one word that can apply almost universally to all these various themes is the one word that everyone in the chain of command can readily identify with. It is the concept of
initiative. Warfighters want to establish, gain, sieze, and keep the initiative in every operation, every mission, every strategy. And we want to actively prevent the enemy from ever gaining the initiative. When friendlies have the initiative, then by definition the enemy does not have it. Initiative is everything, since the force that is causing the other side to react is the force which has the initiative. Intelligence can disclose so many different aspects of the enemy's disposition, but the end result (or the objective) is to give advantage to friendlies so that we can sieze the initiative, and deny the enemy the ability or opportunity to seize the initiative from us. Whatever else happens- whatever tactics, covert means, SIGINT, HUMINT, and other sources, these are methods and avenues to the same destination, in my opinion: seizing and keeping the initiative.
So, coming from this perspective, I propose the following alternative verbiage:
"The primary function of intelligence is to provide information and assessments to facilitate accomplishment of the mission, by aiding friendly forces to seize and actively maintain the initiative."