Not coming at you, but I hear this sentiment a lot about the "optimized" Q course. I graduated in one of the last "Legacy" Q course classes before the changes. I remember being pissed when I first heard they were shortening the course cause if someone hasn't gone through what I had, then some how I'm better than them. That's just a "last hard class" mentality I think.
I always thought the course was too long, so I'm glad it's shorter (although I was hoping they would shorten language instead). For anyone that doesn't know, students will now spend 11 weeks straight out at camp Mackall as opposed to the old 6 week SUT I went through. And everyone likes to forget about the 6 month Q course Vietnam era SF guys went through. Is anyone saying they had an "easier" course?
In my experience it's not the course itself that makes it hard. It is the instructors and the grading criteria they hold you to. I think there was some legitimate concerns about the standards the students were going to be held to when Sonntag was at the helm, but with him gone I am not as worried. We will see the quality of the new course layout when the graduates start getting to Group in the coming months.
I think when you hear guys talk shit on the new Course, they are probably talking out their ass, and suffering from a last hard class mentality. Honestly, this new layout could be harder than the old one. Again it all depends on what cadre are able to do and the standards they are able to impose.
As far as females in SF go, I won't comment publicly. I'm sure most of you can surmise my thoughts.. this particular female though, I heard from her NG unit who put her into the pipeline that she is an absolute beast, and a prior professional athlete.