Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

We just explained WHY taxing more for those employing us and providing goods to us is a very bad idea.

I cannot see let alone fathom why anyone would ever think going after those people would benefit us when all it does is increase costs and doesn't do a dang thing of good other than vindictive BS. Then when costs go up, they call it gReEd when that's a cop out from the facts going against the tax the rIcH crowd.

We're already all being taxed too much as it is, get the F out with this nonsense.
In my town, they recently landscaped the dividers between the street lanes uptown, but didn't fill the ridiculous amount of large potholes. A friend works for our local governnent, so I asked her why they prioritized the landscaping over the potholes. She said the funds are separate and the city had money leftover in one, but not the other. Small, local example of how silly our tax dollars are spent. Imagine it at the federal level.
National Debt from the last 3 administrations.
Obama gave us a 95.5% increase in the National debt.
Trump gave us a 41.8% increase
Biden's increase is 22.3% for the 1st three years.
Most of the increase under Trump was COVID related (22%). The tax cuts contributed about .1% The trade war with China added 5.6%
Take COVID away and Trump's increase falls to slight less than Biden's (and Biden 's is only calculated to 31 Dec 2023).

The Balance
National Debt from the last 3 administrations.
Obama gave us a 95.5% increase in the National debt.
Trump gave us a 41.8% increase
Biden's increase is 22.3% for the 1st three years.
Most of the increase under Trump was COVID related (22%). The tax cuts contributed about .1% The trade war with China added 5.6%
Take COVID away and Trump's increase falls to slight less than Biden's (and Biden 's is only calculated to 31 Dec 2023).

The Balance

That link doesn’t contain any data.

Fiscal Data Explains the National Deficit


Obviously this isn’t in a vacuum. What happened in 2008-2011 and in 2020 were aberrations. Trump was causing an increase either way.
Obviously this isn’t in a vacuum. What happened in 2008-2011 and in 2020 were aberrations. Trump was causing an increase either way.

However, that seems to be how your posts come across. There hasn't been a single president to bring in a budget surplus since Clinton. Note that the 1997 Balanced Budget Act expired after 2002. However under the Republican Congress and Democratic Executive we had four years of a surplus. Since then every administration has been about spending...or rather is it just Congress fails at using the power of the purse? Either way no one really cares, because who's in office doesn't matter.

2023 and 2024 we're well clear of COVID nonsense, yet the Biden budgets are loading up on fake money.

I guess for me the reality is, that unless we have a Congress and a President that wants to actually reduce social spending. Because that's where all this is comes up, that's what has increased here, defense not really as a share of the budget.

What this becomes reduced to an election of is who is coming after my rights? Who is not interested in protecting the border? Democrats.
Deficits are a political question. It simply takes someone with the willingness to stand up and say, "Here's the role of the Federal government. These x programs don't fit the definition and as a result, will not be funded." Think along the lines of Milei in Argentina.

To do so takes political courage that doesn't exist today and even if it did, they're DOA because none of the ruling class is willing to give up their cash cows. Not to mention, we have many people that view government programs as a protected right and that's not healthy. A change would require alignment of both the President and Congress, with Congress playing a larger role.
Do we really need a President?

I mean, if we learned anything the past few months, the country seems to move on without really being present. It make actually solve a few things too and force Congress to do their jobs. Ex. no more Executive Orders. Want something done, Congress has to pass a bill. If they both agree, auto-sign it to law.

Maybe we should give it a try. 🤔😁
Maybe not but I think we need a CINC. We are a Republic and Governors should be empowered. Some actually do their job and don't let the fed do it for them. See DeSantis.

A guy here a few of us old, old timers know once argued that countries (broadly, not just ours) need a benevolent dictatorship. That's an anathema to Americans, but somewhat true. I agree with the premise, but not the practice because if a pure practice were possible, Communism would rule the planet.

And we all know Communism is bullshit.
At a minimum, in order to remain a power and keep the population safe, in theory you need a civilan CINC to keep the military industrial complex in check. If not for JFK, we may no longer exist. Foreign affairs are presidential and we need that guy.
At a minimum, in order to remain a power and keep the population safe, in theory you need a civilan CINC to keep the military industrial complex in check. If not for JFK, we may no longer exist. Foreign affairs are presidential and we need that guy.
You're right, of course. My post was meant to be facetious, given Biden has all but disappeared from the picture.