Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

I saw an article Wednesday that she's having her worst week since she entered the race. The polls are reflecting this.
This dipshit isn't doing her any favors.

Whoever thought it would be a good idea to put him on tour needs to be fired.

Your VP should be a person that can't really do any damage to your ticket. That's not Tim Walz. The more he talks, the worse it gets...and that's pretty bad, considering his running partner.

He came back to Minnesota to attend a high school football game for the school at which he was a volunteer assistant coach 10 years ago - you know, the one he always talks about as though he was the actual head coach. It'll be interesting to see what kind of receives. I highly doubt it'll be the resounding warm reception he thinks it'll be.
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I live in New York state. My county is (relatively, for here) conservative but it's still New York. What has been interesting to me is not that there are far more Trump campaign signs in public spaces this time around, but that they're not being stolen, defaced, or destroyed like last cycle.

I don't know if that means anything, but it's interesting.
Thing that has always fascinated me about partisan polyticks is just HOW FAR one side will go to show how completely fucked up their opponent is while almost daring you to question the colossal fuckedupedness that they are displaying right in front of your face.

Partisan Candidate for Elected Office: my fellow Americans (picks nose up to second knuckle) my opponent wants to raise your taxes (looks at the booger) my opponent is a repugnant, ill mannered turd burglar (eats the booger) and my opponent is an existential threat to our democracy...

Equally confusing is how many aMEricans are EXACTLY like me:
...aaaah fuck it. My candidate is a mother fucking nitwit, but ANYTHING is better to me than voting for the nose picking booger eating moron from the opposition party.

Hardly anyone ever sits down and talks about what they intend to do, how they intend to do it, and why they think it is the best way forward. Instead, they just throw their own shit at everyone from the opposition - its like watching a band of howler monkeys or chimpanzees throwing shit at people in the zoo.
Oddly enough, is not actually all that common for them to throw shit at each other in the wild - it's typically only observed in captive populations...
...sort of like a politician in front of a camera

On second thought - maybe it DOES make sense - and politicians are all really just a bunch of fucking chimps.

Maybe I'm just not watching enough left wing news to get to the real truth.
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I live in New York state. My county is (relatively, for here) conservative but it's still New York. What has been interesting to me is not that there are far more Trump campaign signs in public spaces this time around, but that they're not being stolen, defaced, or destroyed like last cycle.

I don't know if that means anything, but it's interesting.
My area of Minnesota, the Minneapolis/St Paul metro, is VERY liberal - think California wannabe.

As a result, it's pretty rare to see a Trump sign or a sign supporting any conservative candidate. Conversely, people seem to love to throw up yard signs for their liberal candidates/issues. So, seeing a disproportionate number of these signs is not particularly unusual.

Anecdotally, however, there are noticeably fewer signs up than past election cycles. This indicates to me that more people are increasingly reluctant to share their views; perhaps they may even be disillusioned or rethinking their typical blind support for their party/candidate.
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Oh holy shit.

Uhhhhh- I’m gonna let you guys find this one for yourself but if the reports I am seeing are even sort of true…

The October surprise du jour involves a teacher, a gay bar, a male student, a sleepover… and the nickname “Touchdown Timmy”.

As always, go look for yourself, I’m just pointing you in the direction.

Also, the NY fraud case getting blown up and getting ZERO attention has been wild.
The October surprise du jour involves a teacher, a gay bar, a male student, a sleepover… and the nickname “Touchdown Timmy”.
Not saying it’s not possible or plausible, but that man has been through some pretty hard-core elections here in Minnesota, if that accusation were even remotely true, it is unimaginable to me that it would not have been discovered by now.
Not saying it’s not possible or plausible, but that man has been through some pretty hard-core elections here in Minnesota, if that accusation were even remotely true, it is unimaginable to me that it would not have been discovered by now.
Not that this is anything, but the claim on Twitter could be linked to his time as a Gay Straight Alliance Leader. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but the conditions to create a predatory environment are there. Remember, this predates the social media age we're in now. Not like you can just drum up an old tweet on Twitter.

Unpacking the Claim That Walz 'Recruited Young Boys' into 'Gay Club' at School
Not saying it’s not possible or plausible, but that man has been through some pretty hard-core elections here in Minnesota, if that accusation were even remotely true, it is unimaginable to me that it would not have been discovered by now.
I completely agree. But it could also be argued that his proven lies about his military service, among other things, should have also been exposed before his VP candicy was announced.
Not saying it’s not possible or plausible, but that man has been through some pretty hard-core elections here in Minnesota, if that accusation were even remotely true, it is unimaginable to me that it would not have been discovered by now.
Concur, for the most part...

I despise Walz, but this sounds completely made-up. There's plenty of legit stuff on Walz, no need to fabricate other nonsense.

That said, to your comment about an accusation not being discovered until now, that part isn't unimaginable to me.

Walz has the local Minnesota media in his back pocket running cover for him...and has for quite some time. The CEO of the Strib, Steve Grove, was a former Walz cabinet member. The Stribs bias is so transparent that I'm not sure they're even trying to hide it anymore; it's like the DFL's own Pravda. It's because local media has been so complicit to Walz and the DFL that we've only recently hearing about the real extent of Walz's lies and general b.s.
To me, this is an issue, particularly the Feed Our Future fraud, that the media needs to press Walz on.

He's not wrong on some of the National Security implications, but there's also just plain money laundering to line their own pockets and establish their own power structure in the community.

Case in point:
Feeding our Future fraud prosecutors push for stiff sentence: 'He will leave prison a wealthy man'

"In a court filing ahead of Ismail's sentencing, prosecutors are urging the judge to hand down a stiff sentence for Ismail.

They claim Ismail pocketed $2 million himself in the scheme and wired nearly $200,000 to China – money prosecutors have been unable to seize. Ismail also owns property in Kenya and Somalia worth $200,000 that the government cannot seize.

"In other words, Ismail will leave prison a wealthy man," prosecutors warn."
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Oh holy shit.

Uhhhhh- I’m gonna let you guys find this one for yourself but if the reports I am seeing are even sort of true…

The October surprise du jour involves a teacher, a gay bar, a male student, a sleepover… and the nickname “Touchdown Timmy”.

As always, go look for yourself, I’m just pointing you in the direction.

Also, the NY fraud case getting blown up and getting ZERO attention has been wild.
What's going on with the NY fraud case?
Thing that has always fascinated me about partisan polyticks is just HOW FAR one side will go to show how completely fucked up their opponent is while almost daring you to question the colossal fuckedupedness that they are displaying right in front of your face.

Partisan Candidate for Elected Office: my fellow Americans (picks nose up to second knuckle) my opponent wants to raise your taxes (looks at the booger) my opponent is a repugnant, ill mannered turd burglar (eats the booger) and my opponent is an existential threat to our democracy...

Equally confusing is how many aMEricans are EXACTLY like me:
...aaaah fuck it. My candidate is a mother fucking nitwit, but ANYTHING is better to me than voting for the nose picking booger eating moron from the opposition party.

Hardly anyone ever sits down and talks about what they intend to do, how they intend to do it, and why they think it is the best way forward. Instead, they just throw their own shit at everyone from the opposition - its like watching a band of howler monkeys or chimpanzees throwing shit at people in the zoo.
Oddly enough, is not actually all that common for them to throw shit at each other in the wild - it's typically only observed in captive populations...
...sort of like a politician in front of a camera

On second thought - maybe it DOES make sense - and politicians are all really just a bunch of fucking chimps.

Maybe I'm just not watching enough left wing news to get to the real truth.
So I'm voting for a Democrat for one of the local offices around here, after going 10 rounds with my wife...because she would tell me things I'd just stick to my guns because many of the Democrats around here are the polar extreme of the Republicans. Like Katie Hobbs is a full on racist, she lost two different civil trials over the wrongful firing of a black attorney when she was in the statehouse. Like the court found her a racist essentially. Yet Katie Hobbs is all about drag queen library readings and furries. I shit you not. But my wife has to deal with the psycho republicans who just scream stupid shit at important meetings. The Democrats never show up to voice their concerns because they don't have to, the Republican party in this state is a freaking mess because of the McCain family. Like we are so effed right now.

Not saying it’s not possible or plausible, but that man has been through some pretty hard-core elections here in Minnesota, if that accusation were even remotely true, it is unimaginable to me that it would not have been discovered by now.

Fam, when you are protected you are protected. But at a certain piss off the wrong one or too many, they speak out about you. But first there might be a closure of ranks to discredit the accuser. See Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, people know about them, but it took a lot to get them. Now see Diddy...

The Democratic machine is great at protecting their anointed ones, the Republicans are not. I wouldn't even say Kavanaugh was anointed, but they brought some random chick out to go after him during his confirmation hearing, someone he never met, but now she gets fame for being his accuser, writes a book, etc.

ETA: Timmy cheers on the fact that non of his students ever got an Ivy League education, since when did that become a thing? Back when were kids our teachers would put those pupils that achieved acceptance at an Ivy on a pedestal.
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He carried weapons of war, in war...

And he's the only goober I've ever seen wear chaps in the field in Minnesota.

This video is sure to impress young male voters....

He only gets an eggplant emoji - mostly because it looks like he is trying to fuck that shotgun.
...he's probably just confused because he can't figure out were the refill slot is when it needs more tampons
This dipshit isn't doing her any favors.

Whoever thought it would be a good idea to put him on tour needs to be fired.

Your VP should be a person that can't really do any damage to your ticket. That's not Tim Walz. The more he talks, the worse it gets...and that's pretty bad, considering his running partner.

He came back to Minnesota to attend a high school football game for the school at which he was a volunteer assistant coach 10 years ago - you know, the one he always talks about as though he was the actual head coach. It'll be interesting to see what kind of receives. I highly doubt it'll be the resounding warm reception he thinks it'll be.

When did Strahan become a real journalist? I mean, he did a good job....but just really surprised!