Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

^ This is one reason I believe elections are probably rigged. Because who the fuck would vote for her? 🙄
Probably the thousands upon thousands of Somalia’s that Minnesota has literally… And I know how to use the word literally… Imported in to Minneapolis.

Is Minnesota home to the largest number of Somali Americans in the country? | MinnPost

86k as of 2023.
Eighty-six-thousand in Minnesota alone.

Wouldn’t bug me even a bit if the majority of them made a half assed effort to assimilate to American culture, but no, they’ve tried to turn Minneapolis into their own little version of Somalia. Sorry, that’s not how it’s supposed to work, at least in the world that I want to live.

These types of things are what really annoy me about Trump. These are the types of things that cause people to say f*&k it, and stay at home on election day.

We know how close 2020 was in terms of votes, so why go out of your way to alienate a segment of voters who may have been on the fence? I want Biden out of the WH, and this doesn't help get us to that end state.

The last time around I think the left had the momentum from the BLM riots and COVID. Trump can be sitting in federal prison somewhere and I think the price of gas and cereal gives him the momentum this time around. As much as I want a normal R to be running, or really some independent that isn't as polarizing, I'll talk all types of shit then go pull the lever for Trump.

I think a lot of the mail in ballots and busses to polling places aren't even going to get the ridership they did last time.

Probably the thousands upon thousands of Somalia’s that Minnesota has literally… And I know how to use the word literally… Imported in to Minneapolis.

Is Minnesota home to the largest number of Somali Americans in the country? | MinnPost

86k as of 2023.
Eighty-six-thousand in Minnesota alone.

Wouldn’t bug me even a bit if the majority of them made a half assed effort to assimilate to American culture, but no, they’ve tried to turn Minneapolis into their own little version of Somalia. Sorry, that’s not how it’s supposed to work, at least in the world that I want to live.

I see FOB Somalis everyday at work, dozens of families a week. Columbus has about the same as Minneapolis, slightly less I hear. From my personal observation, the vast majority are polite and well mannered people. Their kids are some of the most well behaved. HOWEVER, I'm under no impression that as a group they bring a lot to the table in the U.S. Call that what you want. I still remember "Osama Bin Laden is my Hero" painted on a shitty apartment complex wall near my work. That was before 9/11.... A few jihads all fucked up on that khat car jacked a Jaguar SUV from a dealership, robbed a bank on the other side of town, then shot a cop during the getaway last year. They caught one at home, and another at ORD catching a plane to Turkey. I can tell you from first hand experience from standing at or near a clinic registration desk, almost all of them are on damn medicaid or whatever and have like 4 or more kids. No jive, no agenda, just real life observation.
Not Presidential specifically...more "all things politics", check out the latest from my "favorite" Squad member:

Probably the thousands upon thousands of Somalia’s that Minnesota has literally… And I know how to use the word literally… Imported in to Minneapolis.
That's wild that there are enough in one location now to elect a seat in the US congress, but it explains her pandering tweets.
It's deliberate. Blocks of immigrants are regularly centralized in certain municipalities, specifically to give them political power.

I guess then she'll just continue to pander to those people and pretend to be outraged about everything, while she gets reelected over and over, lives a cushy life with her white husband, getting richer by the day with "solid" investments. Lol.
I think she's mad. She's determined to be and thinks she is entitled to be POTUS. She's propped up by the globalists, media, and establishment elite and hanging in there to see if Trump can be stopped somehow and then she'll be low hanging fruit. The media wants war and place their bets on her. Maybe I'm wrong.

My wife—who’s a lot smarter than me—thinks she’s crazy. I don’t have an opinion because I don’t pay attention to news (if I did our TV would be full of bullet holes), but I do occasionally listen to my wife, in spite of her conviction that I don’t.
Let's play a game of "What If?"

Read this article today:
Trump Risks Losing More Than Half of Swing-State Voters If Found Guilty

Let's say Trump is convicted, rightfully or wrong....a conviction will be viewed as a conviction regardless.

Will the GOP still make him their nominee? If not, then what happens?

If the GOP makes him the nominee, could he realistically beat Biden given the perception of a conviction? I don't think he can. There will already be a host of rabid liberals out in force just because of anything but Trump. The conviction may give those on the fence enough pause to either just opt out from voting or move the other way entirely.
Biden's doing what Trump should have: let someone else run social media. There ain't no got damn way Biden typed that.

Side note: I've seen so many "off color" Sesame Street memes lately I at first thought it would be about Elmo doing cocaine or molesting the little doll or something.