Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Just in here to point out the sitting Vegetable put the alphabet people flag in primacy of this nation's flag on the White House. This is a clear message, but not the message he thinks it is. That is not the flag I broke my body for you sickle celled paramecium.
Based of his daughters diary the vegetable is groomer. Makes sense as to why he would fly the tranny flag.
So, I am utterly perplexed by Kennedy. He does not sound like any Kennedy I have heard. He sounds more Republican than a lot of Republicans.
I have been watching him in interviews. He makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways and seems very down to earth and thoughtful. I haven't looked to deep into his policies yet.
We all know how this one plays out, a couple weeks of coverage and another crazy "Trumper" while who knows what else is going on.

All this article says is that he's an AF vet, judging from the look of his ghillie suit and stalking posts on FB he probably wasn't an SF defensive marksman or anything. Dude was also 75... Also curious if the regional FBI tac team ran this or did they put HRT on him??

Another winner of the Fucc'd around....Foun't out award...

Trump supporter Craig Robertson shot dead in FBI raid linked to threats against Biden, top Dems
We all know how this one plays out, a couple weeks of coverage and another crazy "Trumper" while who knows what else is going on.

All this article says is that he's an AF vet, judging from the look of his ghillie suit and stalking posts on FB he probably wasn't an SF defensive marksman or anything. Dude was also 75... Also curious if the regional FBI tac team ran this or did they put HRT on him??

Another winner of the Fucc'd around....Foun't out award...

Trump supporter Craig Robertson shot dead in FBI raid linked to threats against Biden, top Dems
I read about it on Fox a few minutes ago. It was interesting to me that they chose to take him at home, where they know he has guns and where he threatened federal agents in the past. For my LE friends, is that standard practice? Barring some type of exigency, wouldn’t it be better to grab him when he’s… we’ll he’s 75 so when he’s on his way to the American Legion or a hip replacement surgery or whatever old people do?

Seems like he was dangerously deranged. He definitely needed a visit from federal law enforcement. Too bad it didn’t end differently, with him alive and in psychiatric treatment, the threat to the President (and numerous others, apparently) ended, and an on-the-job shooting not on the conscience of an agent.
We all know how this one plays out, a couple weeks of coverage and another crazy "Trumper" while who knows what else is going on.

All this article says is that he's an AF vet, judging from the look of his ghillie suit and stalking posts on FB he probably wasn't an SF defensive marksman or anything. Dude was also 75... Also curious if the regional FBI tac team ran this or did they put HRT on him??

Another winner of the Fucc'd around....Foun't out award...

Trump supporter Craig Robertson shot dead in FBI raid linked to threats against Biden, top Dems

Stares at this with Randy Weaver thoughts. Like we're supposed to trust a fucking thing the red coats do, ahemm! Weavers, Waco, Finicum Lavoy, I can go on.
I read about it on Fox a few minutes ago. It was interesting to me that they chose to take him at home, where they know he has guns and where he threatened federal agents in the past. For my LE friends, is that standard practice? Barring some type of exigency, wouldn’t it be better to grab him when he’s… we’ll he’s 75 so when he’s on his way to the American Legion or a hip replacement surgery or whatever old people do?

Seems like he was dangerously deranged. He definitely needed a visit from federal law enforcement. Too bad it didn’t end differently, with him alive and in psychiatric treatment, the threat to the President (and numerous others, apparently) ended, and an on-the-job shooting not on the conscience of an agent.

Or, he was murdered by the government?
I'm glad to see her cut. As much as I love Sheriff Grady Judd, he and the other sheriff present are outside of the 9th Judicial Circuit. Yeah, I get that they are hardliners which I like, and yes I know that the sheriffs in the 9th are kinda' shitbirds, but why trot out those guys? They have zero stake in the 9th.

I love the cut, but I'm not a fan of the political grandstanding.

Agreed, I'm not familiar with that area you mentioned but I agree with grandstanding. Typical politics.
I read about it on Fox a few minutes ago. It was interesting to me that they chose to take him at home, where they know he has guns and where he threatened federal agents in the past. For my LE friends, is that standard practice? Barring some type of exigency, wouldn’t it be better to grab him when he’s… we’ll he’s 75 so when he’s on his way to the American Legion or a hip replacement surgery or whatever old people do?
My understanding from the article was they were there to serve both an arrest and a home search warrant, which might help explain the primary reason they went to his home. This is (in spite of his threatening history toward federal agents) aside from the secondary consideration of giving his 75-year-old self the benefit of the doubt and saving face for him by knocking on his door instead of ultimately cuffing him around a lot of other armed vets, physical therapy patients, or insert any unpredictable number of unknown people whose reactions you may be less able to control here.
insert any unpredictable number of unknown people whose reactions you may be less able to control here.

The officers are taking on a risk regardless without adding the unknown of other people's actions, the potential for innocent casualties, phone video, a shootout in a public place, third party lawsuits, and the list goes on.
This is why no one trusts or likes the FBI. It seems like they're more focused on terrorizing the populace than going after actual crime. Even though the President's son is a traitorous crack smoking pedo, the feds seem more content on intimidating soccer moms and killing old men.

What a bunch of oxygen thieves.
This is why no one trusts or likes the FBI. It seems like they're more focused on terrorizing the populace than going after actual crime. Even though the President's son is a traitorous crack smoking pedo, the feds seem more content on intimidating soccer moms and killing old men.

What a bunch of oxygen thieves.

I dunno, man. What that old man put out there went beyond the pale and likely exceeded the 1st amendment 'muh rights' threshold. I'd consider his invective 'actual crime,' even if the intent was just to go out and talk to the dude to assess risk (which is what USSS does, too).

I am waiting for more to come out before I knee-jerk on an anti-FBI rant.

1st time I got to actually listen to that, thanks for posting.

This is why no one trusts or likes the FBI. It seems like they're more focused on terrorizing the populace than going after actual crime. Even though the President's son is a traitorous crack smoking pedo, the feds seem more content on intimidating soccer moms and killing old men.

What a bunch of oxygen thieves.

Usually I'm going to wait one of these out and see the evidence, his intent and capability before making a judgement, but you have an excellent point. They had his cell, computers, probably some surveillance and 24 hour location.

Unless it turns out this dude had a rocket launcher or some C4 in that house I'd prefer the FBI be arresting the Utah branch of a human trafficking ring or drug cartel, which would not be making national news, than this ol' bat.
I dunno, man. What that old man put out there went beyond the pale and likely exceeded the 1st amendment 'muh rights' threshold. I'd consider his invective 'actual crime,' even if the intent was just to go out and talk to the dude to assess risk (which is what USSS does, too).

I am waiting for more to come out before I knee-jerk on an anti-FBI rant.

I agree. But I'd also ask if it were a leftist who made threatening comments toward Trump, would it be a different story?
I agree. But I'd also ask if it were a leftist who made threatening comments toward Trump, would it be a different story?

It's an unanswerable question, right?

Here's what I keep coming back to: USSS is the clearing house for all threats to POTUS/VPOTUS, et al., and will farm out investigations to other agencies/departments. All POTUSs get threats, so all get some level of investigation. But almost none result in someone being killed. What made this one different?
It's an unanswerable question, right?

Here's what I keep coming back to: USSS is the clearing house for all threats to POTUS/VPOTUS, et al., and will farm out investigations to other agencies/departments. All POTUSs get threats, so all get some level of investigation. But almost none result in someone being killed. What made this one different?

The criminal events at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, the divisiveness of the country caused by partisan politics that the brainwashing government gave to media, the fact that government, now, more than ever are really trying to eradicate anti gov/anyone that speaks against the gov.

That said, yeah, the dude might have been nuts, shit was wrong buy until we see proof, proper, proof from a government that we don't trust that it was a must this guy needed to be killed, in my book and with history backing this, he was murdered by federal government.
The criminal events at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, the divisiveness of the country caused by partisan politics that the brainwashing government gave to media, the fact that government, now, more than ever are really trying to eradicate anti gov/anyone that speaks against the gov.

That said, yeah, the dude might have been nuts, shit was wrong buy until we see proof, proper, proof from a government that we don't trust that it was a must this guy needed to be killed, in my book and with history backing this, he was murdered by federal government.

Totally agree about distrust with the government and looking at all of these things with skepticism. No argument.

I am wanting more information before I make a judgment call on this. Something's not adding up, and it's not just that the FBI gave this old man a dirt nap.

If there is an ongoing effort to silence people who are critical of the president, I would think this guy would be example number 174. But he's not. Again, something's not adding up with this one and all I want to know are the details they're not releasing.
Totally agree about distrust with the government and looking at all of these things with skepticism. No argument.

I am wanting more information before I make a judgment call on this. Something's not adding up, and it's not just that the FBI gave this old man a dirt nap.

If there is an ongoing effort to silence people who are critical of the president, I would think this guy would be example number 174. But he's not. Again, something's not adding up with this one and all I want to know are the details they're not releasing.

Its notable how the media includes "Trump Supporter" in each article title. Its clearly being used to push a narrative. Is the FBI involved in that? I wouldn't go that far but the MSM is obviously taking advantage of it.
Totally agree about distrust with the government and looking at all of these things with skepticism. No argument.

I am wanting more information before I make a judgment call on this. Something's not adding up, and it's not just that the FBI gave this old man a dirt nap.

If there is an ongoing effort to silence people who are critical of the president, I would think this guy would be example number 174. But he's not. Again, something's not adding up with this one and all I want to know are the details they're not releasing.

I agree but I'm not sure getting truth is possible anymore.