Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Biden could invoke it himself...

I'm not sure he can. He could just resign.

Edited: He could to temporarily pass powers to the vice president if he has temporary incapacity. But his issues aren't temporary, so I don't think Congress would buy it. He either needs to resign, or Congress would implement 25A to remove him from power for the next hundred days or whatever.
Why would Jill give up her power?
I'll be honest, I don't think Jill is smart enough to be running things. She might be telling Joe to stay in to protect the family, but I think his cabinet and people behind them have been running things for a while. Something akin to a schism within the DNC?
I'll be honest, I don't think Jill is smart enough to be running things. She might be telling Joe to stay in to protect the family, but I think his cabinet and people behind them have been running things for a while. Something akin to a schism within the DNC?
Obama is running the show, and will be in charge when Kamala is POTUS too!
Obama is running the show, and will be in charge when Kamala is POTUS too!
Not gonna argue there. That dude is definitely behind the scenes pulling strings. Given all the weird shit and people he's connected to I kinda wonder who initially pulled his strings. DC is a crazy incestuous place.

Fuck... I really wish I could find that leaked pic I posted of him, wearing a silver sequined robe and half horn mask at one of those weird occult parties.
Jill's managing Joe while the Establishment runs the country.

Obama, Jill, and Joe:

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN enters, followed closely by a SECRET SERVICE AGENT.

BIDEN: (frustrated) Your attacks on Trump didn’t work, Jill. Now you’ve got me running around the country campaigning with no ice cream, 24 hours a day. Tell me, how exactly does that help me win the election?

JILL BIDEN stands near the desk, looking at the SECRET SERVICE AGENT.

JILL: (calmly) Leave us.

BIDEN: (firmly) No, stay. I’m in charge.

JILL places a hand casually on BIDEN's shoulder.

JILL: Do you feel in charge?

The SECRET SERVICE AGENT glances at BIDEN, then quickly exits the room.

BIDEN: (trying to assert himself) I’m the President of the United States.

JILL: (calmly, as BIDEN looks scared) And this gives you power over me?

JILL: Your position and connections have been important to us until now.

BIDEN: (terrified, whispering) What are you?

JILL: I’m America’s true president.

BIDEN: (horrified) You’re a monster.

JILL: A necessary monster.

JILL begins to choke BIDEN, her face calm and determined.