Jill's managing Joe while the Establishment runs the country.
Obama, Jill, and Joe:
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN enters, followed closely by a SECRET SERVICE AGENT.
BIDEN: (frustrated) Your attacks on Trump didn’t work, Jill. Now you’ve got me running around the country campaigning with no ice cream, 24 hours a day. Tell me, how exactly does that help me win the election?
JILL BIDEN stands near the desk, looking at the SECRET SERVICE AGENT.
JILL: (calmly) Leave us.
BIDEN: (firmly) No, stay. I’m in charge.
JILL places a hand casually on BIDEN's shoulder.
JILL: Do you feel in charge?
The SECRET SERVICE AGENT glances at BIDEN, then quickly exits the room.
BIDEN: (trying to assert himself) I’m the President of the United States.
JILL: (calmly, as BIDEN looks scared) And this gives you power over me?
JILL: Your position and connections have been important to us until now.
BIDEN: (terrified, whispering) What are you?
JILL: I’m America’s true president.
BIDEN: (horrified) You’re a monster.
JILL: A necessary monster.
JILL begins to choke BIDEN, her face calm and determined.