Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Because it’s a picture of a dude named Michel Madie. He’s a real estate agent
Hmm, odd that a picture of "him" was released alongside other pictures of men preening over infant children.

I was right not trust you.
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There are enough legitimate reasons to dislike Obama. You don’t have to make things up!
My dear sir, I call shenanigans. Especially after the Podesta emails dropped and the DC beltways fondness for "Pizza" and "Hot Dogs" at their sordid little soriee's was exposed.

As for making things up, you of all people should know why no one trusts the beltway. "Mostly peaceful protests" and all ;-).

Add on: Apologies for the add on edit. My brain keeps tarding out on me. :ROFLMAO:
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That looks like a normal Friday night in the barracks to me. ;)
I can confirm this....

Wait, what?
*Opens door*
Uh... guys?
*Slowly closes door*

furry party GIF

Also, meet the new Deep State. With 90% less Israeli influence! :ROFLMAO:
* lint roller not included *
@Salt USMC

Wanted to add. DC is a sick place and the people behind the puppet are beyond salvation. Below are the dudes that said nothing was going in DC and that Pizza Gate was bullshit. Given Obama's ties to the Podesta's and the current admin that man is definitely complicit.

One is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is enemy action.
Ex-Ars Technica tech reporter Peter Bright convicted of soliciting minors for sex
John Podesta's Friend, Who 'Debunked' Pizzagate, Arrested for Child Rape | EUTimes.NET ⚡ Hidden Story ⚡
Ex-network investigative journalist pleads guilty to child sexual abuse material charges


Lest we forget.
@Salt USMC

Wanted to add. DC is a sick place and the people behind the puppet are beyond salvation. Below are the dudes that said nothing was going in DC and that Pizza Gate was bullshit. Given Obama's ties to the Podesta's and the current admin that man is definitely complicit.

One is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is enemy action.
Ex-Ars Technica tech reporter Peter Bright convicted of soliciting minors for sex
John Podesta's Friend, Who 'Debunked' Pizzagate, Arrested for Child Rape | EUTimes.NET ⚡ Hidden Story ⚡
Ex-network investigative journalist pleads guilty to child sexual abuse material charges

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View attachment 45445

Lest we forget.

Those headlines are fake.

Journalist with child pornography did not debunk Pizzagate
Wow--I thought she would go with Shapiro.

My political instincts are almost always 100% wrong.

I don't know you well, which is to say, aside from our interaction on this forum, I don't know you at all. But you seem like me...thoughtful, rational, dispassionate, logical. At least that's how I see you. One thing I have learned over the past several years in politics is we're in Wonderland, Bizarro world, an alternate universe where people 'like us' are usually wrong because everything political is the antithesis of who we are.
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I'd bet it was about Israel.
That's one of the main reasons I thought it would be Shapiro--the Jewish lobby is huge in US governance, and it traditionally supports the political left. That has taken a bit of a beating after October 7th and the far left anti-Israel and anti-Jewish rioting. With VP Harris coming out hard for Palestine, having a Jewish VP would make it OK for disillusioned Jews (and others) to come back to (D).

More significantly, Shapiro is in PA, which is a must-win for the Harris campaign.

Maybe the Jewish lobby is either still firmly in the (D) camp, and/or the Palestinian/anti-Israel lobby is more important. Or maybe Shapiro had too much other baggage we don't know about. Or the candidate that she chose is just that much better. I don't know.