Great question. Walz had orders to deploy and lead his troops into Iraq as the Senior Enlisted Leader (he was an E8/MSG at the time, serving in the CSM position, but had not completed the school and therefore not an E9) and retired so he didn't have to go. That didn't stop him from claiming he retired as a CSM... bad news, your retirement order lists your retirement as an E8. Now, I am not an Army guy, but I am pretty sure that's not a CSM. This lie is still up on his official bio. On a .gov site.
Then he lied about going "to war" for years as a way to say "I carried weapons of war and they don't belong on the streets!" (he never went to war; he actively avoided it to the detriment of his men). (attached)
View attachment 45469
@BloodStripe your comment was a miss for me, dog. Can you do me a super solid? Reset, head back to station 1. Thanks homie.
For the record, he’s a POS in my book. I read your link about saying he’s a retired CSM. What it actually says is “CSM Waltz retired..” That is a factual statement. He was a CSM at the time of his retirement. However, he did not serve two years in the rank of complete the schooling as you said, as required so his retirement rank is that of an E8.
Trump too had an opportunity to serve his country and cried bone spurs. He’s the definition of a fortunate son.
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