Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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I was wondering how he "served overseas but never in combat" after making it to CSM. I' mean, he was in it the same time you and I were. Even in the Guard, you were in for that long, during that period of time, holding those senior leader positions, and you NEVER made it downrange, even once?

And then (apparently) you bailed on your unit when they got activated?


I know @DA SWO mentioned a truth some time ago, that some soldiers tried to deploy, even at the height of two surges, and couldn't...for whatever reason(s). I'm onboard with that, I can see scenarios where you missed a deployment cycle or drew the short end and got Bosnia or whatever...I get it.

This guy actively sought to ditch his unit when mobilized for Iraq.

I know two Guard units in Florida, one BN, one Company, I don't feel like digging or I'm sure I could find others, that made one Iraq or Afghanistan deployment. Soldiers in those units deployed as augmentees, but for some traditional Guardsmen their unit only mobilized once.

Friends of mine from 3/20 SFG(A) took Rear Det. orders after one or two deployments... I'm100% onboard with that, too. They had their reasons, but they went once or twice, they didn't default to Rear D for all of their deployments. I think as of summer 2010, my old unit had 3 trips (1 Iraq, 2 AFG) under their belts with some guys taking more as an augmentee.

So, limited opportunities for the Guard during the GWOT is a thing. Some units deployed more than others and quite a few never made it out of Kuwait or other permissive environments.

Back to this shitbag, he quit. He's a coward. His unit had 3 deployments during the GWOT: 2 guarding bases and stuff, one going to war. For those Guardsmen, that was their one shot as a unit at combat. He quit on them. He needs to be shouted down at every event: Coward. Do you know many NCOs would give just about anything to go to war as a CSM? I'm pretty sure we have a few on this board who would jump at the chance.
I know @DA SWO mentioned a truth some time ago, that some soldiers tried to deploy, even at the height of two surges, and couldn't...for whatever reason(s). I'm onboard with that, I can see scenarios where you missed a deployment cycle or drew the short end and got Bosnia or whatever...I get it.

This guy actively sought to ditch his unit when mobilized for Iraq.

I know two Guard units in Florida, one BN, one Company, I don't feel like digging or I'm sure I could find others, that made one Iraq or Afghanistan deployment. Soldiers in those units deployed as augmentees, but for some traditional Guardsmen their unit only mobilized once.

Friends of mine from 3/20 SFG(A) took Rear Det. orders after one or two deployments... I'm100% onboard with that, too. They had their reasons, but they went once or twice, they didn't default to Rear D for all of their deployments. I think as of summer 2010, my old unit had 3 trips (1 Iraq, 2 AFG) under their belts with some guys taking more as an augmentee.

So, limited opportunities for the Guard during the GWOT is a thing. Some units deployed more than others and quite a few never made it out of Kuwait or other permissive environments.

Back to this shitbag, he quit. He's a coward. His unit had 3 deployments during the GWOT: 2 guarding bases and stuff, one going to war. For those Guardsmen, that was their one shot as a unit at combat. He quit on them. He needs to be shouted down at every event: Coward. Do you know many NCOs would give just about anything to go to war as a CSM? I'm pretty sure we have a few on this board who would jump at the chance.

Limited opportunities for the Guard? Really? Not questioning your veracity; I'm a Navy reserve guy, so know nothing about that world. We could go active in 2 days with a phone call for almost 20 years. So I'm just... surprised that's the case.

Back to topic, there's enough on him now to show he's a Mark 1 Mod 0 Shitbag First Class with oak leaf clusters. But to me, this one thing is extremely telling as to his "character.".
I know @DA SWO mentioned a truth some time ago, that some soldiers tried to deploy, even at the height of two surges, and couldn't...for whatever reason(s). I'm onboard with that, I can see scenarios where you missed a deployment cycle or drew the short end and got Bosnia or whatever...I get it.

This guy actively sought to ditch his unit when mobilized for Iraq.

I know two Guard units in Florida, one BN, one Company, I don't feel like digging or I'm sure I could find others, that made one Iraq or Afghanistan deployment. Soldiers in those units deployed as augmentees, but for some traditional Guardsmen their unit only mobilized once.

Friends of mine from 3/20 SFG(A) took Rear Det. orders after one or two deployments... I'm100% onboard with that, too. They had their reasons, but they went once or twice, they didn't default to Rear D for all of their deployments. I think as of summer 2010, my old unit had 3 trips (1 Iraq, 2 AFG) under their belts with some guys taking more as an augmentee.

So, limited opportunities for the Guard during the GWOT is a thing. Some units deployed more than others and quite a few never made it out of Kuwait or other permissive environments.

Back to this shitbag, he quit. He's a coward. His unit had 3 deployments during the GWOT: 2 guarding bases and stuff, one going to war. For those Guardsmen, that was their one shot as a unit at combat. He quit on them. He needs to be shouted down at every event: Coward. Do you know many NCOs would give just about anything to go to war as a CSM? I'm pretty sure we have a few on this board who would jump at the chance.
Edited...Ohh Disregard my rant.
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Limited opportunities for the Guard? Really? Not questioning your veracity; I'm a Navy reserve guy, so know nothing about that world. We could go active in 2 days with a phone call for almost 20 years. So I'm just... surprised that's the case.

Back to topic, there's enough on him now to show he's a Mark 1 Mod 0 Shitbag First Class with oak leaf clusters. But to me, this one thing is extremely telling as to his "character.".

USAR was much easier to get deployments (title 10 vs title 32), Guard had some issues....lot's of TXARNG deployed...but the state started to clamp down on the amount of splitting up units, they started telling DOD to send a whole unit, or none at all. Texas had no issue with deploying, and a ton did....the state just wanted the units to stay intact.
I'm just saying here, a guy ditching his unit that was ordered to Iraq at that level, just wait until he can be a coward in the big leagues with our entire country.
The coward hid for 3 days while rioters burned Minneapolis. This set the tone for civil disobedience across the country. So, I'd say he already has that covered.

This is a clip of local new reporter calling him out during the riots.
USAR was much easier to get deployments (title 10 vs title 32), Guard had some issues....lot's of TXARNG deployed...but the state started to clamp down on the amount of splitting up units, they started telling DOD to send a whole unit, or none at all. Texas had no issue with deploying, and a ton did....the state just wanted the units to stay intact.
I liked working with or attached to the NG than the USAR. The USAR tried this game of theirs trying to see who was more regulation than regular Army. We were always like calm down hero and knock that crap off, we do this crap everyday where you are an occasional weekend and a few weeks a year. The NG knew we did it everyday and let us be and wasn't afraid of asking if they could be improved.
Shapiro is way too moderate for DC, let alone, cackling Kamala.

To be honest, I never minded Shapiro, at least on some things and as much as I have utter disdain for politicians, he was not "that bad".

What I'll never understand is that jews will always vote D, the same party that hates them.

Where I'm a paramedic at, the Township used to be mostly jew, over the decades, turned minority, 85 percent now black, hence, because of the area being blue/D, it's still very D/liberal with pockets of hood surrounded by old Jewish and black money, definitely a mixed demographic.

In fact, this Township has 5 synagogues in a 2 mile radius.

Some of you know, I'm of half Jewish bloodline, other half, Irish. I don't vote D, nor R but as others stated, I vote for the lesser of the 2 evils and who supports my wallet more.

Frankly, we, the people are royally fucked but less fucked with orange man.
I liked working with or attached to the NG than the USAR. The USAR tried this game of theirs trying to see who was more regulation than regular Army. We were always like calm down hero and knock that crap off, we do this crap everyday where you are an occasional weekend and a few weeks a year. The NG knew we did it everyday and let us be and wasn't afraid of asking if they could be improved.

One of the reasons I enjoyed small unit MOS's...PSYOPS/CID/CI, we just did our job and wore many hats to get the job done.
You want to see some funny mental gymnastics? Go on X where Stolen Valor is trending and read the nonsense coming out of Walz supporters. Some are praising him for getting out and avoiding PTSD. "He did his time! He served with honor!" Swift boating. "I have his NGB22 and he retired as a CSM" and on and on.

People suck.
... I just can't believe this happened.

Shapiro shores up the Jewish vote (and massive donations from the primarily democrat Jew proletariat), is milktoast but not problematic.

So what does Kamala do? (Don't worry, internet police, I pronounced her name correctly)- she goes full retard and picks Walz.

The guy that turned Minnesota into Little Somalia, pushed for immigrants to get IDs to vote, enshrined the slaughter of innocent children in the womb as a "right"... but that wasn't far enough.

The PRO act also allows for kids that just survived a murder attempt (the abortion) to die on a table without life saving care.

Literally, he passed a law that allows doctors to go, "Oopsie, I didn't kill that kid all the way. Let's just leave them be until they aren't alive. I am gonna grab a quick bite! Be back when that viable baby is dead."

It only happened 6 times, so I am sure there are people that will denigrate the action for the scope.

It's amazing how bad the Dems are at this.
Ben Shapiro is anti woke. The Jews who vote for the Jew ticket for the D's, aren't Jews other than in name only.

And LMAO at the premise that they think the Jews would come back to the D's by putting a Jew in name only as the whore's VP. That walk away started with Bill Clinton with this matzah ball. Haven't gone back since.

Aside from abortion, the Torah and the Bible, in practice, aligns more with liberal policies and voluntary socialism. It isn’t, or shouldn’t be surprising, that more religious types vote on the left side of the aisle.

Back to this shitbag, . He's a coward.
We talking Trump or Walz? Seems to me we should be calling them both out for cowardice.
Aside from abortion, the Torah and the Bible, in practice, aligns more with liberal policies and voluntary socialism. It isn’t, or shouldn’t be surprising, that more religious types vote on the left side of the aisle.

We talking Trump or Walz? Seems to me we should be calling them both out for cowardice.
Great question. Walz had orders to deploy and lead his troops into Iraq as the Senior Enlisted Leader (he was an E8/MSG at the time, serving in the CSM position, but had not completed the school and therefore not an E9) and retired so he didn't have to go. That didn't stop him from claiming he retired as a CSM... bad news, your retirement order lists your retirement as an E8. Now, I am not an Army guy, but I am pretty sure that's not a CSM. This lie is still up on his official bio. On a .gov site.

Then he lied about going "to war" for years as a way to say "I carried weapons of war and they don't belong on the streets!" (he never went to war; he actively avoided it to the detriment of his men). (attached)

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@BloodStripe your comment was a miss for me, dog. Can you do me a super solid? Reset, head back to station 1. Thanks homie.
Limited opportunities for the Guard? Really? Not questioning your veracity; I'm a Navy reserve guy, so know nothing about that world. We could go active in 2 days with a phone call for almost 20 years. So I'm just... surprised that's the case.

Back to topic, there's enough on him now to show he's a Mark 1 Mod 0 Shitbag First Class with oak leaf clusters. But to me, this one thing is extremely telling as to his "character.".

"Limited" for some units. Individuals are a different story, but to deploy as a whole unit? For some that was very rare. Guard folks could augment other units if they chose and a lot did, especially on the SOF side.

So John Doe belongs to the 123rd Infantry Brigade and wants to deploy. The 123rd deploys to Kuwait. John goes with them, but still wants an OEF/ OIF deployment. After Kuwait, he volunteers to augment the 456th Infantry Brigade when they go to Iraq. The 123rd for whatever reason(s) never deploys for the remainder of the GWOT, but John made two deployments. One with his home unit and one as an augmentee.
Random thought: how long do you have to hold the rank to retain it upon retirement? 3 years?
I have no clue how the NG or Reserves does it, but in the regulars, that's a Department of the Army promotion meaning it's permanent unless one does something stupid that only a Colonel or above can demote them.
Aside from abortion, the Torah and the Bible, in practice, aligns more with liberal policies and voluntary socialism. It isn’t, or shouldn’t be surprising, that more religious types vote on the left side of the aisle.
Some sects of Judaism like Hasidim's mostly and some Orthodox, will vote whom they are told to vote for by their leaders (rabbis) of their shuls and synagogues, whilst non practicing and reformed would follow their hearts and do what they think is a mitzvah with their votes.

I personally don't believe that using your vote or a communities vote is a mitzvah. I believe that it's an act of selfless kindness not because you have to but want to on a personal level. A vote is impersonal and no direct result can be seen. But that's what they want to believe they are doing with their votes.

A Hasidic isn't doing it for others with their votes. They're doing it for what's best for themselves and self interests. Some of which is spiteful.

Orthodox tend to have a mind of their own when they want to, but when they follow the ten commandments with a fervor, getting them to decide on their own to vote on whom and against their rabbi's wishes is a tough nut to crack.

Reformed are the cheeseburger, bacon, and pepperoni eaters that are basically somewhat the anarchists of the religion, if that makes any sense. They practice only when it's convenient for them.

And non practicing, Jews in name only for all intents here but will play the Jew card if they feel attacked to curry favor and or manipulate, and to make others look bad like that fat French lesbian from the Olympics. She tossed that out there to gain sympathy and to make anyone condemning her filth as bad.

I'm a Reformed Jew like my mother, father's brother, and grandparents from both sides. My father was orthodox though and my cousins are both Hasidic. My sister isn't practicing. So I am speaking with experienced insight here when it comes to Jews and how or why they vote a certain way. I also don't eat pork or shellfish but my line in the sand is cheese on the meats that I do eat, and I don't try to make others miserable with my diet so I pick the stuff off and don't say a word of complaint if I get a bacon cheeseburger, not their fault really. I had some leaders that when they found out why I didn't eat certain meals from or from pizza and burgers with bacon if we missed meals and paid for by our supervisors, MRE's because of what was in some of them, they died inside for thinking that they failed me and I had to mention that to feed me special things strains logistics and I know a thing or two about that myself (quartermaster branch along with being a former 11B where things were even more strained).
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