Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

I don't know you well, which is to say, aside from our interaction on this forum, I don't know you at all. But you seem like me...thoughtful, rational, dispassionate, logical. At least that's how I see you. One thing I have learned over the past several years in politics is were in Wonderland, Bizarro world, an alternate universe where people 'like us' are usually wrong because everything political is the antithesis of who we are.
Thanks brother. Sorry, I can offer in an emoji response is the purple eggplant.
Tim Walz, @Ooh-Rah ? How do you find America? Take a hard left.... Insight the MSM isn't going to share?
Walz is the fuckin clown of clowns. He and Kamala will be a trainwreck. They're both huge leftists.

The list of items to attack Walz on is a mile long but the media will paint him as some folksy Minnesotan (he's not, he's from Nebraska and moved here to escape scrutiny after getting a DUI as a teacher in Nebraska).

They will also tell you he's a CSM in the NG. Also not true, he conditionally filled a SGM slot but never completed the requirements and retired a MSG.
The Truth About Tim Walz

Walz went AWOL for 3 days during the 2020 riots. His inaction was a catalyst for public disorder nationwide that we still see today. See:

His Covid response was a disaster, although he'll claim it as a victory. He arbitrarily shut down all kinds of businesses, but let his friend's candy shop remain open. People couldn't attend funerals for loved ones, yet he allowed hundreds to attend George Floyd's funeral. He wasted several million over paying for a property to serve as a make shift morgue (it was never used for that). He even set up a snitch line for people to report their neighbors during Covid.

Then there's the massive fraud that has run rampant under his administration in Minnesota. Among the largest single ones was the Feed Our Future scandal which lost a half billion. No one has been fired or held accountable for the lack of oversight. There's been others in other departments as well.

Not to mention, he and the Minnesota democrats (DFL) squandered an $18 BILLION state surplus last year and have nothing to show for it...and still raised taxes!

He supports sex change surgery for minors. I could go on and on, but do I really need to? He's a fraud. The sound bites from him will be glorious if they're shared more broadly.

Harris and Walz are two failures that deserve each other.
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That's one of the main reasons I thought it would be Shapiro--the Jewish lobby is huge in US governance, and it traditionally supports the political left. That has taken a bit of a beating after October 7th and the far left anti-Israel and anti-Jewish rioting. With VP Harris coming out hard for Palestine, having a Jewish VP would make it OK for disillusioned Jews (and others) to come back to (D).

More significantly, Shapiro is in PA, which is a must-win for the Harris campaign.

Maybe the Jewish lobby is either still firmly in the (D) camp, and/or the Palestinian/anti-Israel lobby is more important. Or maybe Shapiro had too much other baggage we don't know about. Or the candidate that she chose is just that much better. I don't know.
My Jewish friends are still planning to D this election.
My Jewish friends are still planning to D this election.

That's as fucking retarded as all of these "Republicans (sic) for Harris." If you are voting for Harris, you ain't Republican. And you are still a retard.

I had a convo the other day, the guy said (paraphrasing), 'I am a Republican and I cannot vote for Trump, so I will vote for Harris.'

I said, 'You know if any of the SCOTUS justices retire she's going to stack the court with super-liberal judges.'

'Oh, I really didn't think about that....'

The liberal Jewish lobby, these "Republicans for Harris," people have lost their goddamned mind...
It's still a choice between two shitbags I don't really want for president. Who was it here made the comparison of "Al Capone on one side and Chairman Mao on the other?" That's where I'm at right now. Of the two, I'd rather Capone over a damned commie, but I'm not thrilled with either one.
Ben Shapiro is anti woke. The Jews who vote for the Jew ticket for the D's, aren't Jews other than in name only.

And LMAO at the premise that they think the Jews would come back to the D's by putting a Jew in name only as the whore's VP. That walk away started with Bill Clinton with this matzah ball. Haven't gone back since.
Source is retired LTC Freddie Blish, USMC

Well this is interesting information about Kacklin Harris’ VP choice…

In late summer of 2003, First Sergeant Walz deployed with the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to Italy. … After the units return to Minnesota in the spring of 2004, he was selected by high level Command Sergeants Major to serve in the position of the Command Sergeant Major of the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion. …

On August 5th, 2004 he was photographed holding a sign at a protest outside a President Bush campaign rally in southern Minnesota. … On September 17th, 2004 he was conditionally promoted to Command Sergeant Major. The conditions had been outlined to him. … If the conditions [were] not met, the promotion [was] null and void. …

In early 2005, a warning order was issued to the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion, which included the position he was serving in, to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq. … On May 16th, 2005 he quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war. … On September 10th, 2005 conditionally promoted Command Sergeant Major Walz was reduced to Master Sergeant. …

A statement, signed by two retired Sergeant Majors, says that he retired before the end of his last enlistment contract and states: “For Tim Walz to abandon his fellow soldiers and quit when they needed experienced leadership most is disheartening.”


Show this for the Jews in name only who served. Now we'll find out if they really are a Jew in name only. I won't vote for a POS coward partisan. I mean he abandons his troops when the going went rough, just imagine how badly he'll about face the country to save his skin and promote his interests above all others. No wonder the whore picked him.
I'll vote for who is best for me financially.
My wallet was fatter when Trump was in office.

That's not a bad way to vote. Now if only I could stay in the same industry for more than 4 years to see how federal policies impact my checks lol

Reagan's famous signature line from the 1980 debate with Jimmy Carter, "are you better off now than you were four years ago?"

Actually, that whole text is apropos:

"Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? And if you answer all of those questions 'yes', why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have."
Source is retired LTC Freddie Blish, USMC

Well this is interesting information about Kacklin Harris’ VP choice…

In late summer of 2003, First Sergeant Walz deployed with the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to Italy. … After the units return to Minnesota in the spring of 2004, he was selected by high level Command Sergeants Major to serve in the position of the Command Sergeant Major of the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion. …

On August 5th, 2004 he was photographed holding a sign at a protest outside a President Bush campaign rally in southern Minnesota. … On September 17th, 2004 he was conditionally promoted to Command Sergeant Major. The conditions had been outlined to him. … If the conditions [were] not met, the promotion [was] null and void. …

In early 2005, a warning order was issued to the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion, which included the position he was serving in, to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq. … On May 16th, 2005 he quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war. … On September 10th, 2005 conditionally promoted Command Sergeant Major Walz was reduced to Master Sergeant. …

A statement, signed by two retired Sergeant Majors, says that he retired before the end of his last enlistment contract and states: “For Tim Walz to abandon his fellow soldiers and quit when they needed experienced leadership most is disheartening.”


Show this for the Jews in name only who served. Now we'll find out if they really are a Jew in name only. I won't vote for a POS coward partisan. I mean he abandons his troops when the going went rough, just imagine how badly he'll about face the country to save his skin and promote his interests above all others. No wonder the whore picked him.
My earlier post above contained a link to this:
The Truth About Tim Walz
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Retire rather than deploy to Iraq?

If it walks like a coward, and talks like a coward...
I was wondering how he "served overseas but never in combat" after making it to CSM. I' mean, he was in it the same time you and I were. Even in the Guard, you were in for that long, during that period of time, holding those senior leader positions, and you NEVER made it downrange, even once?

And then (apparently) you bailed on your unit when they got activated?

Retire rather than deploy to Iraq?

If it walks like a coward, and talks like a coward...
We had a CSM who had not one overseas ribbon. No Korea Defense Medal, no GWOT expeditionary, nothing. Hid his time after orders for being a DI as an E-5 in TRADOC and only went to FORSCOM so he could get rated before hiding some more. And he got the slot in 11th ACR's RSS which could not deploy due to their need to support rotations at NTC for those deploying to GWOT and CENTCOM.