2016 Presidential Race

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Trump was quoted as saying, "Every male in America has picked up Hillary behind a podium, I never did, but people did, sure, I mean, they HAD to right? They had to. And I think it's deplorable! But yeah, I guess it had to have happened at some point!"

With more to come.

Just for grins. How many really think Kaine will be the real VP? You have to know that Bill will be her advisor, and go to for answers. I can't imagine life as an elected VP to Hilary, with Bill living in the house with his "boss". They're going to have to work really hard to find something for elected the VP to do; even harder than ole Joe.
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So I didn't get a chance to see the whole debate (I got home with about 20 minutes left) and I have been trying to play catch up this morning.

What I am seeing was basically more of the same- lots of attacks, not a lot of substance. It was pretty interesting to hear Trump threaten Hillary with jail if he wins- which as far as I can tell isn't how the Justice department works, or what political analysts are calling "a good move".

Coming out of this debate, is there ANY way Trump can pull this off realistically?
So I didn't get a chance to see the whole debate (I got home with about 20 minutes left) and I have been trying to play catch up this morning.

What I am seeing was basically more of the same- lots of attacks, not a lot of substance. It was pretty interesting to hear Trump threaten Hillary with jail if he wins- which as far as I can tell isn't how the Justice department works, or what political analysts are calling "a good move".

Coming out of this debate, is there ANY way Trump can pull this off realistically?

Yeah, The Donald should have stopped before his personal threat. His prep team needs to hide all the shovels before Trump walks onto the platform. Maybe some remotely triggered electrodes on his scrotum that can be triggered when begins any, "I'll get you" rant.
That wasn't what I heard... In context

Last time at the first debate, we had millions of people fact checking, so I expect we’ll have millions more fact checking, because, you know, it is — it’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.

You'd be in jail

That doesn't look like a threat that "If I win she'll be in jail" That is "If I was in office when it happened you would be in jail". There's a difference there. My interpretation is that he is saying that the FBI/DoJ wouldn't have dodged the prosecution for political reasons.
That wasn't what I heard... In context
That doesn't look like a threat that "If I win she'll be in jail" That is "If I was in office when it happened you would be in jail". There's a difference there. My interpretation is that he is saying that the FBI/DoJ wouldn't have dodged the prosecution for political reasons.
Completely agree. It wasn't a threat. I heard, "A justice dept in a Trump administration would not be giving a Clinton a pass on anything."
That wasn't what I heard... In context

That doesn't look like a threat that "If I win she'll be in jail" That is "If I was in office when it happened you would be in jail". There's a difference there. My interpretation is that he is saying that the FBI/DoJ wouldn't have dodged the prosecution for political reasons.

That quite conveniently leaves out a huge part of that exchange:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.
CLINTON: Let me just talk about emails, because everything he just said is absolutely false. But I'm not surprised … It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law of our country.
DT: Because you'd be in jail.
That quite conveniently leaves out a huge part of that exchange:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.
CLINTON: Let me just talk about emails, because everything he just said is absolutely false. But I'm not surprised … It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law of our country.
DT: Because you'd be in jail.

Are there any former Federal prosecutors saying that Lynch (and Comey) were right? There are a host of them saying there was enough evidence to at least convene a grand jury.
Completely agree. It wasn't a threat. I heard, "A justice dept in a Trump administration would not be giving a Clinton a pass on anything."

I stand corrected. This is a long link: but down the page, Trump did say it would be through his "Attorney General, and Special Prosecutor, to look into Clinton's "situation".

Donald Trump's Disastrous Debate

ETA: It still sounds like a threat to me. That said, I'll still back Trump.
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If we learned nothing else about Mrs. Clinton, Benghazi does paint a picture for embassies around the world.

With a Clinton administration, there will be uniformed men at the front door of every embassy.

Under a Trump administration, you will see armed Marines at the front door of every embassy.
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I stand corrected. This is a long link: but down the page, Trump did say it would be through his "Attorney General, and Special Procecuter, to look into " Clinton's "situation".

Donald Trump's Disastrous Debate

ETA: It still sounds like a threat to me. That said, I'll still back Trump.

I don't care WTF he says or does I'll vote for him. Because I'd vote for my freakin dog before I'd ever vote for that hideous hag (and her husband). And she's gonna win, but I don't care. Maybe Paul Ryan will decide to run in four years.
Are there any former Federal prosecutors saying that Lynch (and Comey) were right? There are a host of them saying there was enough evidence to at least convene a grand jury.

I didn't speculate. I only pointed out that what was posted was selective.
Interesting that this story was dated 3 Oct but there hasn't been a reaction by the Clinton campaign, DOJ, or Obama administraton.

Bill Clinton’s airport run-in with Loretta Lynch was no accident | New York Post
That's because it's from a book by Ed Klein, who pays the bills by printing bull about the Clintons. This is like his fourth or fifth book about Hillary.

Here's a short list of why Ein's reporting is bad
More Than 30 Reporters From Across The Spectrum Explain Why You Shouldn't Trust Anti-Clinton Author Ed Klein
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