2016 Presidential Race

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Are you referring to the whole throwing her jail comment? Correct me if I am wrong but the president can't use the justice department to eliminate political adversaries. Then again, in Trump's head, our laws ought to be closer to those of the CCCP then our beloved constitution.

First the CCCP: I'm not sure where you are coming from with that observation.

POTUS-V-Personal vendetta. Neither Clinton or Trump can initiate actions on a personal basis. Both will develop a criminal investigation regarding alleged criminal actions. I thought just about everyone would have that level of basic understanding, and insight.
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First the CCCP: I'm not sure where you are coming from with that observation.

POTUS-V-Personal vendata. Neither Clinton or Trump can initiate actions on a personal basis. Both wiill develope a criminal investigation regarding alleged criminal actions. I thought just about everone would have that level of basic understanding, and insight.
So the president will address an agency, say the FBI, and based on the said agency's recommendation, the alleged criminal would be charged in court, or not. Is that the kind of basic understanding you are talking about? My insight says that this was done already and Clinton isn't in jail.
@Single Malt you might want to take those articles and their sourcing with a grain of salt.

I was careful to go with either reputable media or middle of the road media that used links/citations to reputable media in their reporting. There was a huge infowars article on it, but Alex Jones is not very credible in my eyes even though his article fully supported my position.

I'm pretty sure Forbes and the Wall Street Journal are still credible sources.
I was careful to go with either reputable media or middle of the road media that used links/citations to reputable media in their reporting. There was a huge infowars article on it, but Alex Jones is not very credible in my eyes even though his article fully supported my position.

I'm pretty sure Forbes and the Wall Street Journal are still credible sources.
I appreciate you not citing Alex Jones, but I personally wouldn't cite a FoxNews Opinion piece either. Regardless, providing those articles let me know my need to read up on the topic a bit more.
So the president will address an agency, say the FBI, and based on the said agency's recommendation, the alleged criminal would be charged in court, or not. Is that the kind of basic understanding you are talking about? My insight says that this was done already and Clinton isn't in jail.

The FBI is not the only agency that can initiate, and conduct an investigation. In the case of President Richard Nixion, it was a Special Prosecuter, with big bushy eyebrows, that looked into the Watergate breakin and cover up. That said, the FBI does what it does, but is not the only tool that an administration has to work with. The tools that Mr. Trump mentioned in the last debate are correct and proper choices to conduct a criminal investigation.
The FBI is not the only agency that can initiate, and conduct an investigation. In the case of President Richard Nixion, it was a Special Prosecuter, with big bushy eyebrows, that looked into the Watergate breakin and cover up. That said, the FBI does what it does, but is not the only tool that an administration has to work with. The tools that Mr. Trump mentioned in the last debate are correct and proper choices to conduct a criminal investigation.
Well, good job to him for getting one thing right, regardless, I am glad he won't be president, but not happy that HRC will be.

The CCCP reference was about Stalin and how he used erase his opponents or friends who got too popular for his taste.

"When the President does it, it's not illegal."

Frost got under his skin pretty well, not sure if Nixon ever regretted saying that line.
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Yeah, the bottom line for me on this one is that (I think) we would all agree the president using DOJ or any other LE entity illegally to settle a personal score is wrong and unethical, regardless of what mental gymnastics/rationalization you go through to justify it. Sitting presidents shouldn't have done it, and if that can be proven they should pay whatever penalty is appropriate.

But Donald Trump is not a sitting president. It's not a joke, it wasn't sarcastic, so stop playing the "Trump was joking! He didn't mean it for real." bullshit. That card was already played with the Russian hacker invite, and the crying baby at his rally nonsense, and with the Clinton/2nd Amendment people" doing something" about her, or when he made fun of a disabled reporter (and later said he wasn't, even though he has one of the "all time great memories).

A candidate for presidency openly threatened the person he was running against with jail time if he was elected because he personally (again, the FBI brought no charges) believes she is guilty of a crime. I have to believe that Trump has no "insider information" that the FBI does/did, and probably has little more than the average American, honestly.

I feel like there are no more excuses that can be made for this guy. I also feel that people trying to rationalize his behavior at this point are on the wrong side of history.
SWHC has been going down for the last three months, around $5 per less now than it was in July. So good time to by but going further back shows the possibility that it may keep slipping.

SWHC Last 3 Months.jpeg

The Republican politicians (and Trump) are making it hard to be a Republican.
@amlove21 , do you think the Russians hacked these emails AFTER Trump asked someone to find the Clinton email?

After all the subpoenas, people in the Clinton camp STILL have email archived?

Finally, I understood Trump to say he would appoint a prosecutor to look into her handling of her private server, emails, obstruction, etc. Did he say he would put her in jail or that she would be in jail?

SWHC has been going down for the last three months, around $5 per less now than it was in July. So good time to by but going further back shows the possibility that it may keep slipping.

View attachment 16846

The Republican politicians (and Trump) are making it hard to be a Republican.

I was in at $9 and will be getting more in anticipation of the surge coming 9 Nov.:D
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Bottom line is, don't lose sleep over any of this horseshit. All you can do is vote. Once you do that it's outta your hands. Then you go back to paying your bills and dealing with everyday personal shit in your life and hope the motherfucker in the White House doesn't cost you too much money or hit the nuke button. Cheers.
I was in at $9 and will be getting more in anticipation of the surge coming 9 Nov.:D

You've got it backwards... The surge in retail won't affect the stock price nearly as much as the already declared regulations. I expect a selloff of SWHC if Hillary is elected. Maybe on a day trade basis for a day or two, but as a buy and hold I think it's a wrong move. And yes, I put my money where my mouth is... I bought a put for kicks yesterday that I will hold until after the election:

You've got it backwards... The surge in retail won't affect the stock price nearly as much as the already declared regulations. I expect a selloff of SWHC if Hillary is elected. Maybe on a day trade basis for a day or two, but as a buy and hold I think it's a wrong move. And yes, I put my money where my mouth is... I bought a put for kicks yesterday that I will hold until after the election:

View attachment 16851

SWHC was around $3 when Obama was elected :thumbsup: and when there was talk recently of a potential EO on gun restrictions, it popped again because retailers couldn't keep guns on the shelves. I expect it to climb when Hillary occupies the WH and right before any legislation to restrict firearms. Once the regulation hits gun manufactures, it'll crash.

Totally agree on the buy & hold though and for that, I'm slowly maneuvering for the Dec rate increase and the impeding fire sale. My plan is to stock up (pun intended) on BP, any telecom, and more Cisco.
I'd rather have a POTUS talk about women than intelligence sources and methods.

I like the video^^^^^^, and I understand it is Fox spin; I get that. It is worth a few minutes to take in some of the other videos speaking to Trump's response to the second question of the debate. Take note too, that the "moderators " kept the pressure on Trump. The first question was a softball lob to Clinton. I think Trump did rather well in the second debate.
@amlove21 , do you think the Russians hacked these emails AFTER Trump asked someone to find the Clinton email?

After all the subpoenas, people in the Clinton camp STILL have email archived?

Finally, I understood Trump to say he would appoint a prosecutor to look into her handling of her private server, emails, obstruction, etc. Did he say he would put her in jail or that she would be in jail?
Alright, be honest with us. Are you that die hard of a republican, is Trump a mentor of yours, what? Is there some running bet on whom can be more of a poe regarding Trump that you're winning, hands down?

RE: Russia- there is no way of knowing anything other than any American trying to be the POTUS should not invite Russia to hack the former SECSTATE's email because he's getting beat in an election. Is there any reality where that's ok? Is your contention that "there isn't anything left to hack" and "they were probably doing it already" are good enough excuses? That's just fucking ridiculous.

RE: Jailing Clinton- dude. Come on. Please tell me that because Trump didn't say the words "I will put you in jail, Hillary Rodham Clinton, illegally, when I am elected president" that you're going to rationalize that exchange in that manner.

How about this-

"Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Unidentified voice: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

I wasn't thinking of you specifically when I made my "wrong side of history" comment earlier, but you've demonstrated that allusion perfectly.
SWHC was around $3 when Obama was elected :thumbsup: and when there was talk recently of a potential EO on gun restrictions, it popped again because retailers couldn't keep guns on the shelves. I expect it to climb when Hillary occupies the WH and right before any legislation to restrict firearms. Once the regulation hits gun manufactures, it'll crash.

Totally agree on the buy & hold though and for that, I'm slowly maneuvering for the Dec rate increase and the impeding fire sale. My plan is to stock up (pun intended) on BP, any telecom, and more Cisco.

To take advantage of the rate increase, which will definitely happen in Dec, I'm moving into all short positions except for some very short term winners. BTW, if you REALLY want to make some cash, take a look at the Jan 17 put options on SPY. They're still a reasonable price, you can buy a contract controlling 100 shares for about $480 at 2050 (S&P 500). That should be easy money for the first of next year. If you have the cash, you could also buy the SPX 2100 put option for JUL 17 for about $10,400 a contract and if the market does what we expect you should be able to cash out at a nice profit if it gets in the money. The blue line is the value at expiration, the purple is the estimated value if you sell before expiration (based on today). The red hash on the purple line is roughly today's price. (it's actually the breakeven price, today's price is the little orange hash next to the breakeven). If you haven't traded options before, talk to me before you place that trade.
Alright, be honest with us. Are you that die hard of a republican, is Trump a mentor of yours, what? Is there some running bet on whom can be more of a poe regarding Trump that you're winning, hands down?

RE: Russia- there is no way of knowing anything other than any American trying to be the POTUS should not invite Russia to hack the former SECSTATE's email because he's getting beat in an election. Is there any reality where that's ok? Is your contention that "there isn't anything left to hack" and "they were probably doing it already" are good enough excuses? That's just fucking ridiculous.

RE: Jailing Clinton- dude. Come on. Please tell me that because Trump didn't say the words "I will put you in jail, Hillary Rodham Clinton, illegally, when I am elected president" that you're going to rationalize that exchange in that manner.

How about this-

"Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Unidentified voice: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

I wasn't thinking of you specifically when I made my "wrong side of history" comment earlier, but you've demonstrated that allusion perfectly.

I think we should be as objective as possible.

Re hack: my point that it (Podesta, et al) was most likely done BEFORE Trump was even a candidate. There was even testimony from Clinton's inner circle to avoid gmail because words were compromised before 2010. I'm willing to bet it was simply a brut force password attack specific email accounts. Additionally, according to press, the only thing that has been attributed to Russia is attempted hacks of voter registrations in some states. If the Russians REALLY hacked her shit, do you think they would just post the silly crap that's out there or go for the death blow?

Re jail: I'm simply asserting that he plans on asking his AG for a special prosecutor. He doesn't have the authority or power to jail anyone yet the media spins BS and apparently many people are buying it. Very much akin to his wall building tales and Mexico paying for it (very doubtful either will really happen). Sure Obama has used the DOJ for allies and against political opponents but we should assume (and assume) it was an isolated incident(s).

I'm not understanding your last part. I assume you're not a Trump backer because he's a potty mouth or that he's an idiot?

Why are you not advocating for/against a candidate's stance on X?

I simply cannot vote for Clinton because of her handling of classified material, her "pay-for-play", and more importantly, her liberal politics, which I believe she would sell out in a heartbeat (Tpp, Keystone, etc).

I like Trump for what he stands for (free market, economic growth, and individual freedoms) vice who he IS. Personally, I think if elected, he would be devastated at the reality of his decision of sending men into combat only to return in a flag draped coffin. I think he would be haunted by the responsibility like Bush is now. Conversely, I think Clinton would not fully appreciate the gravity and doubt she would ever show emotion. I guess we will see.
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