2016 Presidential Race

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I think we should be as objective as possible.

I like Trump for what he stands for (free market, economic growth, and individual freedoms) vice who he IS. Personally, I think if elected, he would be devastated at the reality of his decision of sending men into combat only to return in a flag draped coffin. I think he would be haunted by the responsibility like Bush is now. Conversely, I think Clinton would not fully appreciate the gravity and doubt she would ever show emotion. I guess we will see.

You literally guessed at how Trump and Clinton would feel making foreign policy decisions in the future and favored Trump because you think he might feel bad? That's not objective, and it's not based on policy. It's based on who you think Trump IS, and who you think Hillary IS. You're taking the public persona the "biased news media" you so dislike displays and you're making an assumption on two people you've never met, reacting to a hypothetical situation you have no experience with (other than being the guy who gets sent by the President).

You can like whoever you want for whatever reason, I honestly don't care about your personal choices as far as the election is concerned, it doesn't actually impact my life in any way until you voice those opinions in public.

The issue with Trump (and Clinton) supporters at this point is that they're all doing the adult equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming "BUTBUTBUT THEY DID THIS" no matter what their candidate does. It's not a clear examination and comparison of policy and work record. More and more emails come out detailing the breadth of Hillary's email issue? All good. Just scream that Trump is a misogynist. Trump says whatever thinly-veiled (there are too many examples here) thing he's going to say this week or another video comes out? No problem. Just shout how Hillary is a criminal at the top of your lungs. Let's race to the bottom.

We all bemoan "the system" for our political trouble, I am beginning to think that it might be the people, not the system. We complain about bi-partisan mudslinging one day and revel in the filth the next.

In the end, it's all good if you truly believe your candidate is gonna make America great again. Just don't piss on me and tell me it's raining, and be careful to whom you're hitching your wagon. It says something about you.
You literally guessed at how Trump and Clinton would feel making foreign policy decisions in the future and favored Trump because you think he might feel bad? That's not objective, and it's not based on policy. It's based on who you think Trump IS, and who you think Hillary IS. You're taking the public persona the "biased news media" you so dislike displays and you're making an assumption on two people you've never met, reacting to a hypothetical situation you have no experience with (other than being the guy who gets sent by the President).

You can like whoever you want for whatever reason, I honestly don't care about your personal choices as far as the election is concerned, it doesn't actually impact my life in any way until you voice those opinions in public.

The issue with Trump (and Clinton) supporters at this point is that they're all doing the adult equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming "BUTBUTBUT THEY DID THIS" no matter what their candidate does. It's not a clear examination and comparison of policy and work record. More and more emails come out detailing the breadth of Hillary's email issue? All good. Just scream that Trump is a misogynist. Trump says whatever thinly-veiled (there are too many examples here) thing he's going to say this week or another video comes out? No problem. Just shout how Hillary is a criminal at the top of your lungs. Let's race to the bottom.

We all bemoan "the system" for our political trouble, I am beginning to think that it might be the people, not the system. We complain about bi-partisan mudslinging one day and revel in the filth the next.

In the end, it's all good if you truly believe your candidate is gonna make America great again. Just don't piss on me and tell me it's raining, and be careful to whom you're hitching your wagon. It says something about you.

Yes, you accurately read and fully understood my post perfectly and articulated your points in favor of your candidate so succinctly that I can now clearly see the error of my judgment.
From JR Webb (James Webb's Son:

" How many reading this have been around a fraternity, have brothers, or have been in the military? How many women own 50 Shades of Grey? It wasn’t as if he was joking around with Churchill at the Yalta Conference and this slipped into the media via a hot-mic and embarrassed the nation. Nor, was he impeached for lying about extra-marital affairs inside the oval office, which actually is a national embarrassment."

Don’t Vote On Private Comments. Vote On The Issues.

Pretty good read, I just wish most folks would pull their heads from the sand.
From JR Webb (James Webb's Son:

" How many reading this have been around a fraternity, have brothers, or have been in the military? How many women own 50 Shades of Grey? It wasn’t as if he was joking around with Churchill at the Yalta Conference and this slipped into the media via a hot-mic and embarrassed the nation. Nor, was he impeached for lying about extra-marital affairs inside the oval office, which actually is a national embarrassment."

Don’t Vote On Private Comments. Vote On The Issues.

Pretty good read, I just wish most folks would pull their heads from the sand.

Despite being in the military, I never walked up and grabbed a chick by her pussy, you know because that is sexual assault? I also wouldn't brag about it, if I did it or didn't do it, because, you know, I'm not a fucking shitbag.

His comments speak to his demeanor. He is a fucking shitbag.
Despite being in the military, I never walked up and grabbed a chick by her pussy, you know because that is sexual assault? I also wouldn't brag about it, if I did it or didn't do it, because, you know, I'm not a fucking shitbag.

His comments speak to his demeanor. He is a fucking shitbag.
Yet we've all met plenty of shitbags in our career. But that's not the point JR Webb is making.
Despite being in the military, I never walked up and grabbed a chick by her pussy, you know because that is sexual assault? I also wouldn't brag about it, if I did it or didn't do it, because, you know, I'm not a fucking shitbag.

His comments speak to his demeanor. He is a fucking shitbag.

You keep it up and the Donald is going to grab you by the pussy...:-o:wall::D

I totally agree though, not very presidential, regardless of how long ago it was or the context of the discussion. This is by far the worst election I have witnessed yet, and I really thought it was bad when Kerry told everyone if you can't read you will end up in Iraq...:wall:
This latest "junk" (pun intended) about Trump, if true, is terrible. If it's not true, it's terrible.

Our presidential campaign process has become a Jerry Springer show.
The Democrats and a large majority of the media would've tried to nail any GOP candidate...but, my God, Trump has made it so easy for them. I'll still vote for him if only to delude myself that I've sent a message to President-elect Clinton that her landslide wasn't entirely uncontested.
Trump is a big-mouthed, uncouth, sexist billionaire. Hillary (and Bill, who lied to a Federal Grand Jury), are liars, manipulators, quite possibly crooks, and Bill is also a confirmed sexist. Dirtbag Trump may be, but the pot calling the kettle black is as black as the kettle. Either way you look at it, it's a national disgrace.
Trump is a big-mouthed, uncouth, sexist billionaire. Hillary (and Bill, who lied to a Federal Grand Jury), are liars, manipulators, quite possibly crooks, and Bill is also a confirmed sexist. Dirtbag Trump may be, but the pot calling the kettle black is as black as the kettle.

Seriously here, is Bill running for president? Trump would be president if he won, Bill wouldn't be.
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