2016 Presidential Race

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Fewer than 4 in 10 sexual assault victims report it.

There is a stigma around sexual violence and assault in this country. Our society very often reacts with skepticism and suspicion; Donnie's hideous reaction to the allegations is really nothing unusual.

Women who were assaulted by him continued to come forward because there is strength in numbers, especially where a perpetrator with power and influence is concerned.
Who's blaming, it's a valid statement. It's the same as wondering why someone brought a malpractice suit against you, 20 years from now, with nothing to show other than "he touched me inappropriately" on their word. Use some realistic perspective instead of your rose colored sunglasses bud.

One of the problems with that, is who do you choose to believe?
@Deathy McDeath , if Clinton gets 331 electoral votes, I think we will see our own Maidan Square.
I suspect that should Clinton get the requisite number of electoral votes, we will have a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. Just as we have had for over 240 years now.

What reason do we have to suspect anything else?
@Deathy McDeath , if Clinton gets 331 electoral votes, I think we will see our own Maidan Square.

Collectively, the American people are weak and won't pursue any physical confrontation. Anyone who does will be branded a terrorist and handled accordingly. Taking up arms against a gov't makes you a traitor; winning the war makes you a patriot. Winners write the history books and have since the dawn of time.

I'm sure you'll disagree with me, and that's fine, but I'm looking at history as whole for a roadmap. We would need nearly unimaginable conditions before the American people will do anything. Hell, we won't even vote and dismantle the status quo through legal means. We accept the garbage shoved down our throats and then complain when our elected officials rape us. We did that to ourselves, these are self-inflicted wounds.
Trump was a Studio 54 playboy BITD--and of course a billionaire with an eye for the ladies all his life so no one is doubting that he's had encounters with scores of women, not to mention a few wives, over the years. In fact his history with beautiful and exotic women is probably one that stirs the secret envy of Bill Clinton who's had to satisfy his lusts with those of lesser quality.

I at least have no doubt, based on the Clinton's MO, that this October Surprise was carefully prepared and orchestrated by the Clinton Machine as the final nail in Trump's presidential bid. It's their style. And Trump, who probably thinks he's a pretty tough wheeler-dealer, is waking up to the sad reality that he's a novice in the hands of ruthless political intimidators like the Clintons.

These alleged "victims" may have been women who at one time or another made a play for Mr Trump and were rebuffed. Or one night stands he never called back. It's not unheard of for some women to be attracted to billionaires, nor is it unheard of for some women to hold a grudge. Given the timing and the circumstances, I'm extremely leery of, but not surprised by, any of this dirty business.
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I suspect that should Clinton get the requisite number of electoral votes, we will have a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. Just as we have had for over 240 years now.

What reason do we have to suspect anything else?

I agree 100% but will caveat that she really should "win" by a small margin in order to give the appearance of a free and fair election. If she takes +300, Trump supporters are likely to assert some kind of corruption element and claim it was rigged.

Are We really expected to believe that backers would "invest" a billion dollars into a candidate only to "allow" Joe Sixpack to determine the return on investment? Folks at the top rarely speculate (e.g. gamble) with their own money: speculation and futures are for investors (e.g. suckers') money.

With this crazy campaign, I wouldn't put it past anyone involved to do some (more) shady shit.
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Trump was a Studio 54 playboy BITD--and of course a billionaire with an eye for the ladies all his life so no one is doubting that he's had encounters with scores of women, not to mention a few wives, over the years. In fact his history with beautiful and exotic women is probably one that stirs the secret envy of Bill Clinton who's had to satisfy his lusts with those of lesser quality.

I at least have no doubt, based on the Clinton's MO, that this October Surprise was carefully prepared and orchestrated by the Clinton Machine as the final nail in Trump's presidential bid. It's their style. And Trump, who probably thinks he's a pretty tough wheeler-dealer, is waking up to the sad reality that he's a novice in the hands of ruthless political intimidators like the Clintons.

These alleged "victims" may have been women who at one time or another made a play for Mr Trump and were rebuffed. Or one night stands he never called back. It's not unheard of for some women to be attracted to billionaires, nor is it unheard of for some women to hold a grudge. Given the timing and the circumstances, I'm extremely leery of, but not surprised by, any of this dirty business.

Both sides in this election cycle aren't angels, so it was easy for both to slide into campaigns of smear toward the other. And they did.

The Clinton campaign may have had something to do with these women coming forward, but it would be hardly surprising in this election environment.

The American people have the power to tell them to cut that shit out and stick to talking about things that matter, but that didn't happen.
Collectively, the American people are weak and won't pursue any physical confrontation. Anyone who does will be branded a terrorist and handled accordingly. Taking up arms against a gov't makes you a traitor; winning the war makes you a patriot. Winners write the history books and have since the dawn of time.

I'm sure you'll disagree with me, and that's fine, but I'm looking at history as whole for a roadmap. We would need nearly unimaginable conditions before the American people will do anything. Hell, we won't even vote and dismantle the status quo through legal means. We accept the garbage shoved down our throats and then complain when our elected officials rape us. We did that to ourselves, these are self-inflicted wounds.

Uh...I was talking about mass protests but you made my point (ergo, I'm agreeing with you). Protesters were calling bullshit on the Yukie gov raping and Yukanovich labeled them terrorists, only to crush the protests.

Allegations versus facts. We have facts that are popping up every day. The other side has allegations with no charges. Coming forward is fine and dandy, but we have courts of law for a reason.

Amen! I think a judge would believe sworn testimony from a FBI agent regarding a State Dept official offering more FBI positions at USEMBs if they would change classification of some Clinton emails.

More allegations:

Clinton’s team unleashes Watergate attack against Trump

“Donald Trump needs to condemn these illegal hacks and denounce Russian efforts to intervene in our election,” Caplin writes. “Why is Trump protecting Putin by lying about Russia’s role in these hacks? What did his campaign know and when did they know it? Why won’t he condemn this? With less than a month until Election Day, these are the questions we need answered — and soon.”

Wednesday is just around the corner but I wonder if the debate will go NC-17 or focus on


America's Top Fears 2016 - Chapman University Survey of American Fears
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I still don't know who to vote for and that bothers me. Both sides are really going at it now.
I still don't know who to vote for and that bothers me. Both sides are really going at it now.

I'm reading through "The Killing Of Jesus" It is s study of the Roman Empire, as much as anything else. In fact the first half of the book was about Roman rulers. Rulers included the "Head of State" in Rome, and the rulers if far out corners of the Empire as well. The rulers lives were decadent and sexual excess was the common behavior. More talk was regarding the moral decline of it's rulers, than anything else. We seem to have arrived at that same point in the 2016 election cycle. It has always been there, little hidden whispers about FDR, Ike, Kennedy, and Johnson. Today the whispers are gone. The doors have been flung open, and the election just swirls around sexual issues dating back decades; with media support.

This is not a very good thing at all. Our 2016 election has lowered the bar too far. It is seems the only thing that matters to both candidates is who can sling the most sexual mud into their run for the White House. Much of the push is from the media. Perhaps the media is behind most of what is dug up. Trump's dirty talk was a media taped private conversation. The media will be the only winner here. Making the proper decisions about a candidate's plan for our nation has long ago been tossed aside. Media driven sexual words and behavior now rules the election. We are in a great deal of trouble, and it is getting worse by the day.

My $.02 as I head back to my wee cave here in The Valley; Prolly escape The Farm, soon.
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Republicans are spewing hate speech and inciting violence!

Oh wait...a county GOP HQs firebombed? Who would do that???

Republican headquarters in Orange County firebombed

That's in the town in which I grew up, about 10 miles west of where I live now. Once upon a time it was a conservative town; now, not so much. Still it surprises and saddens me.

Women who were assaulted by him continued to come forward because there is strength in numbers, especially where a perpetrator with power and influence is concerned.

And because there's a payday and book deals to be had. And of course victims tied to the Clinton Foundation are just a tad curious to behold as well.
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