2016 Presidential Race

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The Eastern Shore is nothing but Hillary signs.

Same thing over on MD's Eastern Shore. Tons of Trump signs but I've seen two Clinton ones.

I have seen more trump signs than hillary in the last 3 weeks. Area sampled, NV, AZ, NM, TX, AR NC, GA, FL, IL, WI, MN, KS, IN.

Is AK mostly Trump or Clinton?
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My wife was profoundly affected by Mr.Trumps words, and his reactions to his own words. Her response above all else has shaped my view of this election. My wife is the most important person in my life. How can I look myself in the eye if I vote for someone who is proud of the assault of such women. I cannot do it.
My wife was profoundly affected by Mr.Trumps words, and his reactions to his own words. Her response above all else has shaped my view of this election. My wife is the most important person in my life. How can I look myself in the eye if I vote for someone who is proud of the assault of such women. I cannot do it.

It's personal stories like that that many people simply don't understand. He has said a lot of things that if people said to each other during the course of an average day, would earn him a throat punch. His words alienate him from a lot of voters. I don't like him as a person and I don't like him as a candidate for POTUS. I wouldn't even like him as a neighbor because I think he is a spoiled bully who thinks he can do and say whatever he wants with impunity because he has for the entirety of his life.

People are truly having to think about who they want for this election. Personally, I think we have two of the worst candidates we have had in a long time. I hate the fact that we as a nation have concluded that these are the two best candidates we have out of over 300 million people.
AK is Alaska. I am not up there, but its a heavily republican state, even the democrats there that I know, hard liners, cannot stand hillary.


I just assumed you were traveling for work while you were away from AK. Shit, you're trying to ARDF my comms aren't you???
Early in this thread, I (and many others here) stated that if after getting the nomination, Trump could win this if he'd shut the fuck up and at least somewhat act presidential. He was not capable of that - and he is going to lose this election....even though some of what he had been alleging is coming to light.

I submit that ANY other candidate would be destroying Hilary and it would be the Dems eating their own young right now, not the Republicans.

Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post after video surfaced | Daily Mail Online

In the tape, Creamer's organization takes credit for a March 11 melee in Chicago during a Trump rally.

We have mentally-ill people that we pay to do s***, make no mistake. Over the last twenty years. I've paid off a few homeless guys to do crazy stuff Scott Foval, Democratic operative

Over the last twenty years. I've paid off a few homeless guys to do crazy stuff.'

'A lot of our union guys ... they'll do whatever you want,' he added.

'When I need to get something done in Arkansas, the first guy I call is the head of the AFL-CIO down there, because he will say, "What do you need?" And I will say I need a guy who will do this, this and this. And they find that guy. And that guy will be like, "Hell yeah, let's do it."'

I just assumed you were traveling for work while you were away from AK. Shit, you're trying to ARDF my comms aren't you???

I tried to read between the lines, and guess that you were asking about the Clinton's roots state. It seems I got that wrong.

My apologies for the miss read:bow:.
But the system's rigged - conspiracy rigged.

I generally don't believe in conspiracies. The administration--any administration--is essentially the Keystone Cops with regard to keeping a straight face or keeping secrets, and adding an organization to the layer like the DNC, GOP, whomever, just makes it harder.

But with things like this, do you not believe there is just enough out there that might give the appearance of impropriety?

Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times

WATCH: New BOMBSHELL video just released by James O'Keefe on MASS VOTER FRAUD - The Right Scoop

Soros-Connected Company Provides Voting Machines In 16 States

It doesn't matter if all of it is true, some of it is true, or none of it is true, it just matters that there is just enough to make a persuasive argument.
Sources such as therightscoop and The Daily Caller are not ones I would put faith into on this subject, IMO.

Targeting weaknesses in an accepted model isn't a good technique for proposing that illegal manipulation of that model is happening.

I would await an announcement from the Department of Justice and FBI on this sort of circumstance.
Sources such as therightscoop and The Daily Caller are not ones I would put faith into on this subject, IMO.

Targeting weaknesses in an accepted model isn't a good technique for proposing that illegal manipulation of that model is happening.

I would await an announcement from the Department of Justice and FBI on this sort of circumstance.

I neither said it was or was not a conspiracy; I just pointed out that there is enough in the media that people will conclude that there is something hinky going on, and Trump, or anyone else, will cherry-pick these sites to paint their narrative of "rigging the system."

And I don't know that an announcement from any .gov agency will put any faith in it, either. It's not like the DoJ/FBI haven't had their own shit sandwich lately.
And I don't know that an announcement from any .gov agency will put any faith in it, either. It's not like the DoJ/FBI haven't had their own shit sandwich lately.

You are aware that general suspicion of government/ mainstream institutions is one of the hallmarks of conspiracy theories, right?
You are aware that general suspicion of government/ mainstream institutions is one of the hallmarks of conspiracy theories, right?

I am aware. I am also aware that true or not true there has been a whole lotta crap that went down regarding the integrity of Comey, the FBI, and DOJ on the past two or three months. I am simply saying that if an announcement comes from those institutions that says "we did a multi-million dollar investigation and we conclude there is no 'rigging' of the election," it will be met with suspicion.

Are you inferring that I believe in such a conspiracy/rigged system? Or are you putting trust that the citizenry-at-large is smart enough to conclude for themselves that it's not happening?

I am putting this here because it is regarding Trump. CNN's Brooke Baldwin gets...ah, goofy...talking about Trump's plan to push for Congressional term limits. This isn't meant to be a post pro/anti Trump or HRC, just a funny moment in an imbecile "journalist."

WATCH: Don't ask CNN's Brooke Baldwin about term limits (unless you wanna laugh)
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Are you inferring that I believe in such a conspiracy/rigged system? Or are you putting trust that the citizenry-at-large is smart enough to conclude for themselves that it's not happening?

What other conclusion may be drawn about post #2189 when its read from beginning to end?
Easy gents. There is enough stuff out there to make people on both sides more than a little crazy.
What other conclusion may be drawn about post #2189 when its read from beginning to end?

RE: post 2189, first and last paragraph. I am not given to conspiracies, but understand how Trump, et al., could come to those conclusions. I am not endorsing any of those stories or links.

The National Enquirer (yes, THAT National Enquirer) has put out a story about HRC and all sorts of sex trysts. I don't believe that, either, but I bet some people will, and will use it as 'evidence' to underscore their positions.
RE: Election rigging

If I were given three wishes by a genie/monkey paw/whatever, I would wish for:

-A pony
-One night with Lisa Ann
-For everyone in America to read this piece: The Election Is Not Rigged.

BLUF: Rigging an election is nearly impossible

@Devildoc This is not directed at you, but when talking about conspiracy theories or other bombastic points, it's important to point out when you're making a normative claim and a positive claim. It can be very easy to misconstrue one for the other (something which I've been guilty of numerous times).
One thing is certain -- the MSM -- is a "surrogate gospel" for many that are simply either unwilling or too lazy to do their own independent study concerning their candidates.

There will always be "true" or "base" believers in a candidate that will never be swayed by any type of information provided about their candidate -- even if that information is extremely negative. They will simply see it as being false propaganda perpetuated by their opponent.

Some people simply won't be discouraged from believing in their candidate -- no matter what.
RE: Election rigging

If I were given three wishes by a genie/monkey paw/whatever, I would wish for:

-A pony
-One night with Lisa Ann
-For everyone in America to read this piece: The Election Is Not Rigged.

BLUF: Rigging an election is nearly impossible

@Devildoc This is not directed at you, but when talking about conspiracy theories or other bombastic points, it's important to point out when you're making a normative claim and a positive claim. It can be very easy to misconstrue one for the other (something which I've been guilty of numerous times).

Agree, completely. I haven't been as good about stating my positions with the arguments. I don't think it is rigged; but I do understand why people do.

A pony? Really??
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