2016 Presidential Race

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RE: Election rigging

If I were given three wishes by a genie/monkey paw/whatever, I would wish for:

-A pony
-One night with Lisa Ann
-For everyone in America to read this piece: The Election Is Not Rigged.

BLUF: Rigging an election is nearly impossible

Three things jump out that prove Democrats only play the short game, and don't see the long term possibilities:

1-If you ask for 2 horses, male and female, you have horses/ponies for a life time. You can ride a pony, sell a pony and use that money to help people to people get voter ID cards....:thumbsup:
2-If you ask for a large penis, You have girls like Lisa Ann stopping by every night. You only like Lisa cause of her Sara Palin skit.....:-"
3-You said "nearly" impossible. AT one point in time, putting a man on the moon was "nearly" impossible....O_o

All joking aside, with enough money you can do anything!
Enjoy that pony ride....
With all of the fuckery going on during an election, especially this one, and I'm supposed to believe in the "system" or mankind or whatever?

Look dude, deep down inside, every heterosexual man wants to be a pretty princess. Some are just more willing to admit it.

RE: Election rigging

If I were given three wishes by a genie/monkey paw/whatever, I would wish for:

-A pony
-One night with Lisa Ann
-For everyone in America to read this piece: The Election Is Not Rigged.

BLUF: Rigging an election is nearly impossible

@Devildoc This is not directed at you, but when talking about conspiracy theories or other bombastic points, it's important to point out when you're making a normative claim and a positive claim. It can be very easy to misconstrue one for the other (something which I've been guilty of numerous times).

Next you'll tell us the DOJ is blind and just goes where the investigation leads.

You are aware that general suspicion of government/ mainstream institutions is one of the hallmarks of conspiracy theories, right?

People who have never worked for the government say that. USG employees readily admit some of us do really shady shit...otherwise the IG would be like the Maytag repairman instead of increasing size.

Well, this is interesting.

342 visits to 1600 Penn Ave since 2009. I wonder with whom he met? Huh...47 times with POTUS.

What was said about whining?

Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times
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It's James O'Keefe. I would withhold judgement until he releases the unedited videos.

Very much agree with you on that. I would hope that the AG would look into this in order to strengthen the idea our free elections and shore up confidence. The LAST thing we need this year is an election like 1960 when Kennedy appeared to steal the election (re:Illinois and Texas voter fraud).

It's James O'Keefe. I would withhold judgement until he releases the unedited videos.

I thought those numbers were from White House info. Josh (like I know the guy) was apparently cagey about the visits during today's presser.
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I thought those numbers were from White House info. Josh (like I know the guy) was apparently cagey about the visits during today's presser.
Sorry, should've clarified. I don't doubt that the guy visited the White House that many times. It's just that the video is an O'Keefe video, which instantly raises suspicion about the guy's purported activities.
People have have never worked for the government say that. USG employees readily admit some of us do really shady shit...otherwise the IG would be like the Maytag repairman instead of increasing size.


Missed the "who".

My point is Feds know that we're not perfect and some employees do some really dumb shit, especially the higher you get and the longer you stay. Not everyone of course but the higher up, the more devastating the effects of employees who are morally corrupt.

I've seen supervisors engage in VERY questionable ethical behavior, fraud, nepotism, abuse of power/authority, etc and, even though it's not widespread, the bad apples destroy the confidence of subordinates.

The IGs are busy. I think the USG is suffering the effects of post 9/11 hiring blitz (just the the military did) and some folks sold through the cracks.

I don't think the VA crap, GSA parties at tax payer expense, the Lois Lerners, the State Dept BS, etc are isolated incidents...not widespread but not isolated either.

Stuff like this.

EXCLUSIVE: Special Treatment Gave John Kerry’s Daughter $9 Million In Gov’t Contracts |

Sure Kerry is a political appointee but the career State and Peace Corps employees who carried this out or enacted it KNEW this made some spidy senses tingle. Employees silenced? Complaints ignored? Called "non-team player? Fear of reprisal?
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I'm just trying to be a beast.
Well, here is the issue with that.

I want to be a princess. My ceiling is nearly unlimited. On my day to day, if I do anything north of being a pretty princess, I win.

You can aspire to be a beast, but that puts the bar WAY too high for you. Lift an average amount of weight, but not a beastly amount? You fail. Do an 'ok' job today, but not a job a beast would be proud of? Another "F". ME though? Today I didn't cry about mean people at work or drink a pumpkin spice latte. My men, who know I want to be a princess, are impressed by this.

I want to be a princess- and I smash that, daily.

If you want to be a beast, fine, but you have poor expectation management, sir.
Rubio is excatly what's wrong with government. Instead of not writing dumb shit or God forbid taking cyber security SERIOUSLY, his recommendation is just ignore it. Where are the investigative journalists?

Vote out the damn incumbents!

"Disagree" because this is illegally obtained information (Wiki) and quite honestly I have avoided it as much as possible. Advocating for the discussion of, or even punishment of some type from information released in these leaks is essentially advocating the concept of illegal search and seizure. Of course Rubio is staying away, although his reasons are not quote so altruistic - he knows what is likely out there on "his side".

Imagine if you <meaning anyone here> were looking to get married or attempting to adopt a child. Maybe even trying to secure a certain type of job. Another party who does not see your happiness in their best interest, hacks your assorted online accounts and picks-and-chooses the most obscene and over the top comments you have made and Memes you have posted. Then they strategically feed it to parties who have decision making ability about your goals and aspirations. Maybe they also hack your text messages between buddies where you have jokingly said things that you of course meant to be sarcastic, in the context of the moment, and between only you and the person you were communicating with.

That is the direction we are heading now, and if we give WikiLeaks our approval (because hell, it's the "other side" that is getting fucked over!), then we are walking closer down the fine line of anything goes. That's a pretty scary place to go in today's age where many of us communicate just as much (or more) electronically, than we do verbally. It's all fun and games until they come for you.
So like locker room Talk then....:thumbsup:

To preface - I lean far more "right" than I do "left". That said, while Trump had no idea he'd be running for president someday, most (the recent Billy Bush related tapes excluded) of what he's said has been available for anyone to find online if they looked hard enough, or was originally intended for airing of some type. But you bringing up the "locker room" stuff only supports my point. This stuff was recorded in secret, Trump and Bush had no expectation their conversation would even become public, and Bush has lost his gig with NBC because of it. THE MAN GOT FIRED for saying to another dude what many dudes say to each other all the time.
Personally, I will be glad when the election is behind us so that I can deal with the hand that has been dealt us and drive on...like Warriors normally do!
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