2016 Presidential Race

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Is there a mechanism for the Congress to tell the political parties to re-convene their convention to select a new nominee? And has that ever been done?
Ah geez, you're right. She never had any input on or benefited by CGI decisions. (I'm being sarcastic.)

I'm just saying. She isn't technically in charge. I don't see you whining about the Trump foundation and all the shady shit it is doing. Except there he and his family are the only ones in charge.
4 experts make the case that the Clinton Foundation’s fundraising was troubling

But the circumstantial evidence is pretty strong. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Douglas Band, the Clinton Foundation’s top executive, asked the state department if Clinton could meet with "our good friend" Bahraini Crown Prince Sheikh Salman. Salman, who had given the foundation $32 million, met with Clinton. Clinton later approved a $630 million arms sale to Bahrain, according to the International Business Times.
  • A Ukrainian magnate named Victor Pinchuk gave the Clinton Foundation between $10 million and $25 million. While Clinton was secretary of state, her aides set up"about a dozen meetings with State Department officials on behalf of or with Mr. Pinchuk to discuss the continuing political crisis in continuing political crisis in Ukraine," according to the New York Times.
  • In 2009, Band told Clinton aide Huma Abedin to secure a meeting for a Lebanese billionaire who had also given millions to the foundation. That donor, Ronald Chagoury, controlled a development in Lagos where the State Department was considering constructing a consulate, according to CNN. (The consulate wasn’t built.)
  • S. Daniel Abraham, a billionaire who gave up to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, was also granted access to meet with Clinton, according to the released emails. (Abraham is also the head of the Center for Middle East Peace.)
  • A top Clinton Foundation executive left about 150 voicemails for state department aide Cheryl Mills over the course of two years, according to call logs obtained by Fox News.
  • While secretary of state, Clinton met with at least 85 donors who had given the foundation as much as $156 million, according to the Associated Press. And that’s just the ones we know about. (As the AP has pointed out, the State Department is stonewalling the release of Clinton’s schedule — meaning we probably only know a fraction of the actual meetings she held with donors.)
Again, you don’t have to think Clinton is corrupt to think she was probably more likely to meet with people in her family’s orbit. And you don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to think it’d be easier to be in her orbit by giving buckets of cash to her family’s charity.
I'm just saying. She isn't technically in charge. I don't see you whining about the Trump foundation and all the shady shit it is doing. Except there he and his family are the only ones in charge.

He wasn't in an official capacity of the USG while his wife received MILLIONS in donations only to have USG decisions made that directly benefited some donors.

Was Nixion technically in charge of the plumbers?
He wasn't in an official capacity of the USG while his wife received MILLIONS in donations only to have USG decisions made that directly benefited some donors.

Okay. I am done with this thread. I already voted. Have fun with your rigged election. :rolleyes:
Okay. I am done with this thread. I already voted. Have fun with your rigged election. :rolleyes:

What's really funny is that you and a few others here have fallen into the exact thing you hated the most (during this election cycle): a circle jerk of like minded ideology. Sorry, you can't keep justifying corruption when there is damning evidence of said corruption from the guilty party (read Democratic party and Hillary). But! But! Trump was a Meanie Schmeanie!!!!! Sounds like my 7 year old.

I will grant you that the Repubs are guilty of their own brand of corruption. As is evidenced by many long time staunch R's endorsing Hillary. It is also likely that they are scared shitless of their own data security and are scrubbing everything they can. Sometimes, conspiracy theories turn out to be real :-o:-"
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