2016 Presidential Race

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Personally, I will be glad when the election is behind us so that I can deal with the hand that has been dealt us and drive on...like Warriors normally do!

Great post. I have been saying a similar thing for months. No matter who gets elected we will still be here in 4 years. Some of the negative Nancy's would have you believe we are on a path to destruction. Ugh whatever. Drive the fuck on, be an American.
Great post. I have been saying a similar thing for months. No matter who gets elected we will still be here in 4 years. Some of the negative Nancy's would have you believe we are on a path to destruction. Ugh whatever. Drive the fuck on, be an American.

To piggyback, should Donnie be elected I am confident that he will be spectacularly impeached within a year or less.

If the country goes mad, teapots are found on the rings of Saturn, and that moron is elected, I'm willing start an Under a Year Impeachment pool for anyone interested.
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If the Supreme Court is to continue as being a political stage, then it's time to put term limits and let the American people vote for the members of the Court.
"Disagree" because this is illegally obtained information (Wiki) and quite honestly I have avoided it as much as possible. Advocating for the discussion of, or even punishment of some type from information released in these leaks is essentially advocating the concept of illegal search and seizure. Of course Rubio is staying away, although his reasons are not quote so altruistic - he knows what is likely out there on "his side".

Imagine if you <meaning anyone here> were looking to get married or attempting to adopt a child. Maybe even trying to secure a certain type of job. Another party who does not see your happiness in their best interest, hacks your assorted online accounts and picks-and-chooses the most obscene and over the top comments you have made and Memes you have posted. Then they strategically feed it to parties who have decision making ability about your goals and aspirations. Maybe they also hack your text messages between buddies where you have jokingly said things that you of course meant to be sarcastic, in the context of the moment, and between only you and the person you were communicating with.

That is the direction we are heading now, and if we give WikiLeaks our approval (because hell, it's the "other side" that is getting fucked over!), then we are walking closer down the fine line of anything goes. That's a pretty scary place to go in today's age where many of us communicate just as much (or more) electronically, than we do verbally. It's all fun and games until they come for you.

Illegal, yes but so is parking in the wrong spot. Not condoning but just adding perspective.

Hack into the DNC...or have a staffer download content only to get robbed (but nothing stolen) and murdered...and the USG raises holy hell with threats of cyberwar but hack OPM's database that contained so much PII that could DESTROY the way we adjudicate security clearances and...crickets.

I don't think it's on par with 4th Amendment stuff but more akin to larceny vs robbery.

I say people should lock down their shit or hire a contractor to do it (plug for @Freefalling ).
Illegal, yes but so is parking in the wrong spot. Not condoning but just adding perspective.

I think that may be where we disagree.

Are you saying that you believe that illegal parking is in the same universe as hacking into private and government computers, and then using the information for person gain and ultimately destroy lives? Live of people whose only crime was having a general expectation of privacy.
I think that may be where we disagree.

Are you saying that you believe that illegal parking is in the same universe as hacking into private and government computers, and then using the information for person gain and ultimately destroy lives? Live of people whose only crime was having a general expectation of privacy.

Point of order: none of Wikileaks's info was "hacked" (penetrated by an unauthorized IP, user, system, etc) while residing on a .gov server. While on a personal or corporate server, that's a different case but still the same as larceny vs robbery.

Regarding Podesta's gmail, he's a retard for using his dog's name as a password, which is like leaving your keys in the ignition but flabbergasted that your car was stolen. Locks, like passwords, only keep honest people honest. If government officials or those hoping to become one have compromising stuff on servers that MAY be hacked by a hostile intelligence service, we should either remove the official so to avoid blackmail or secure the cyber world.

I do wish we as a Nation took cyber security seriously.

I guess I'm kind of a dork in that I don't have anything online or on my drives at home that I don't have to share with someone twice a decade but I can see where others do.
Great post. I have been saying a similar thing for months. No matter who gets elected we will still be here in 4 years. Some of the negative Nancy's would have you believe we are on a path to destruction. Ugh whatever. Drive the fuck on, be an American.
Rush Limbaugh actually had some good stuff to say on this point, as well as the future of conservatism after this election.

RUSH: Well, first place, let me repeat something that I have always said. There's always going to be an America. There are people now trying to transform America -- Obama, the Democrats -- into a country that it wasn't founded to be, but there's always gonna be an America, and there are always gonna be conservatives. You know, if this ends up being a Hillary landslide, I am not going to believe that the landslide means that the nation has officially decided it wants no more of capitalism and wants to adopt socialism and communism, 'cause I don't think that's what this election is about.

For whatever reason conservatism isn't on the ballot here. Conservatism is not being rejected. Conservatism, on the other hand, can't find a way to unify, either. Conservatism couldn't find a way to win the primaries. But, on the other hand, conservatism, if there's a Hillary landslide or even a Hillary win -- I know you asked specifically about a landslide. Conservatism is not going to be what's been defeated here, in my mind. I'm not going to stop doing what I do if that happens.

The effort to educate the American people will never end. The effort to persuade the American people will never end. The techniques, the procedures, the strategies will have to change, and I think we'll have to do a better job of informing people -- or not informing them -- a better job of having people understand that the things they think in their lives are going wrong are for specific reasons that they have voted for.

It's weird to think of Rush Limbaugh, patriarch of conservative talk radio, as the bastion of sanity in this election.
Rush Limbaugh actually had some good stuff to say on this point, as well as the future of conservatism after this election.

It's weird to think of Rush Limbaugh, patriarch of conservative talk radio, as the bastion of sanity in this election.

I wouldn't go that far.
I think Limbaugh is saying 'whatever happens in the election I don't need to change what I think or what I'm going to say the country wants.' I think you can put just about every ideological person down as thinking some version of that. It's one of the reasons I think our values system where we say a politician is 'crooked' when their views shift - or they're willing to compromise to get legislation passed - is fucked up. Politics in a democracy is all about compromise, moving your core positions forward within the zeitgeist of the public's opinion, and responding to the electorate. We've instead sainted political figures who essentially say 'if you vote for me you get what you want - if you don't vote for me you're scum who should not be in this country.' Political leaders have to rule over people who don't vote for them along with the ones who do - another reason why DT's comments on not supporting the results of the election are so significant.
@Ooh-Rah , I'm not trying to beat a dead horse but I think this is a great discussion topic but are accounts "hacked" when login credentials are actually GIVEN away to a cyber criminal? Apparently Podesta was a little too happy with his mouse clicks.

Threat Group 4127 Targets Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign

Good thing this GRoUp never spearfished her private SerVeR.:rolleyes:

(This is humour and I have no knowledge of any state actors doing anything to anyone.)
@Ooh-Rah , I'm not trying to beat a dead horse but I think this is a great discussion topic but are accounts "hacked" when login credentials are actually GIVEN away to a cyber criminal? Apparently Podesta was a little too happy with his mouse clicks.

Threat Group 4127 Targets Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign

Good thing this GRoUp never spearfished her private SerVeR.:rolleyes:

(This is humour and I have no knowledge of any state actors doing anything to anyone.)

I think we are in very uncharted territory, and I will be the first to admit ignorance on the true legal aspects of these cases. What I will ask is this...are we as a society prepared to say that a person should be prepared to give up all expectations of online privacy? I guess I fall back on intent - if the intention was for a communication to be between a specific group of people, with no expectation that it would ever go any further, then it should not be open game.

And as I get ready to go feed the kids dinner, I ask myself well what if you find illegal happenings in those communications? I don't know. Same rules as a search warrant apply?
I think we are in very uncharted territory, and I will be the first to admit ignorance on the true legal aspects of these cases. What I will ask is this...are we as a society prepared to say that a person should be prepared to give up all expectations of online privacy? I guess I fall back on intent - if the intention was for a communication to be between a specific group of people, with no expectation that it would ever go any further, then it should not be open game.

I completely agree. I think we've outpaced our laws on communications when information was sent via wire and switches to data being stored on servers awaiting retrieval.

Even the word "wiretapping" is outdated.
It all shows up blank...but I get what you are saying.

However I offer you this:

The manager of Wendy's use to be a surgeon but refused to conduct an Abortion and now runs his restaurant trying to pay for years of medical school. He's being questioned on his taxes and his friendship with the owner of Burger King, but it has nothing to do with the doctor he could be if given a chance.

And the doctor who has the Malpractice suit is known for using dirty tools and more of her patients die that she operates on then lives. No one seems to care though cause she will work on anyone for free. Her husband was once a doctor but he touched too many female patients the wrong way and also has many Malpractice suits against him but everyone is so focused on the above Wendy's manager sanitation rating of 99%.

It all shows up blank...but I get what you are saying.

However I offer you this:

The manager of Wendy's use to be a surgeon but refused to conduct an Abortion and now runs his restaurant trying to pay for years of medical school. He's being questioned on his taxes and his friendship with the owner of Burger King, but it has nothing to do with the doctor he could be if given a chance.

And the doctor who has the Malpractice suit is known for using dirty tools and more of her patients die that she operates on then lives. No one seems to care though cause she will work on anyone for free. Her husband was once a doctor but he touched too many female patients the wrong way and also has many Malpractice suits against him but everyone is so focused on the above Wendy's manager sanitation rating of 99%.


Sigh. Jokes don't work here eh?
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