2016 Presidential Race

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An open question to ponder: what implications, if any, would there be IF the USG was behind the purported cyber attack on Wikileaks's servers?

Biden has alluded that the IC would soon retaliate against Russia for their cyber affects against our election.


NBC claims CIA ready to embarrass Putin via offensive cyber ops.

The CIA is prepping a possible cyber strike against Russia

Personally, I expect the party's leader to support their nominee but using other government entities (DOJ, IC, etc) to support a candidate seems very strange. By support, I mean IF the USG, or a surrogate, is trying to stop release of Wikileaks's data that is damaging to Clinton's campaign.

It's definitely a sticky wicket in that foreign intervention in elections is definitely interference but at the same time, the information, which has NOT be refuted at all (Trump flatly denies allegations of sexual assault), is concerning especially the emails related to corruption.

Federal employees and uniformed members cannot advocate for/against a candidate while in their work capacity.

https://osc.gov/Resources/HA Pamphlet Sept 2014.pdf

Two FBI agents claim that a DOS official asked for a SECRET email on Clinton's server to be marked UNCLASSIFIED in exchange for more FBI positions at a OCONUS post.

DOS spokesman said that's not the case and the FBI agents mischaracterized the interview.

So DOS said the FBI is incompetent?..or lying?

Hillary Clinton’s email problems just came roaring back
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Here's a nice little view of what Clinton supporters have been up to here in The Valley: Trump supporters targeted in alleged vandalism. Imagine seeing this first thing in the morning.

I will say, that Trump signs are all over the county. Clinton signs are pretty rare.

You know, people slam Drudge as being anti-dem, but really he's a clearinghouse, posting links. Very little of what's there is "his." Anywho, over the last few days he has really glommed onto the pro-Hillary/anti-Trump vandalism and violence, a lot of it coming from Wikileaks or other sites. I don't go onto pro-HRC sites, but I have not seen a whole lot of this activity from the other side.

And I agree re: signage.
I will say, that Trump signs are all over the county. Clinton signs are pretty rare.

There is hope, we just drove thru alot of back country Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, and only saw 1 Hillary sign. I didn't count Trump signs, because I was driving and I couldn't take off my shoes but there was at least 11 teen.....:thumbsup:
The Eastern Shore is nothing but Hillary signs.
There is hope, we just drove thru alot of back country Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, and only saw 1 Hillary sign. I didn't count Trump signs, because I was driving and I couldn't take off my shoes but there was at least 11 teen.....:thumbsup:

It really is a tale of two countries right now. I spend a. It is time in rural areas, and there are Trump signs everywhere. In the urban areas it is mostly Hillary or no signs at all, with just a few Trump signs.
It really is a tale of two countries right now. I spend a. It is time in rural areas, and there are Trump signs everywhere. In the urban areas it is mostly Hillary or no signs at all, with just a few Trump signs.

I have not done a lot of travelling out of NC his fall, but it reflects what I have seen, too. A lot of HRC signs in the Triangle, but the further out you go, the fewer they become and the more Trump signs I see.
If there is one good thing that is coming out of this election, it's this, according to my local news this morning, voter registration is the highest it has ever been in its recorded history for our area.

People are doing something rather than nothing for this election. That's impressive.
But the system's rigged - conspiracy rigged. Everybody knows that.

Donnie voters should eschew going to the polls altogether, therefore, and not soil themselves in our con-game democratic electoral system.

Hillary. New World Order... Chemtrails...... Elvis... :hmm::-/
I watched it a few minutes ago. It's interesting to say the least. For what it's worth -- their planning and scheming -- if it was done as explained, would not be terribly hard to do.

Much like anything else on the Internet, those watching it will have to form their own opinions, but I feel the DNC people will push that it was all "set up by the tin foil wearers" while the RNC people will push it as being the gospel.

In the end, it concerns things that I have always known to occur, just not sure as to the extent of its occurrence.
If there is one good thing that is coming out of this election, it's this, according to my local news this morning, voter registration is the highest it has ever been in its recorded history for our area.

People are doing something rather than nothing for this election. That's impressive.

The media has so much power, and right now is when they crank the volume to max. That voter registration is a good thing. If the voting numbers follow the registration numbers, that too is a good thing. The trouble is what ideas are being taken to the polls.

This is the dirtiest, most garbage filled election I have ever seen. There is so little being covered about real issues for the direction of our nation. This election cycle is a pure hatred filled, personal behavior cut down to bare bone. This is all personal attack, after personal attack, and it will be spun by the media well beyond the election returns. This is pure gold for the media, and it will carry on into electon aftermath.

I am sick to death of the behavior of the media, and the candidates. The public is hanging on every word, and there will be continue to be hostility on both sides. Nothing seems to matter as much as the headline of the day. When will people wake up, and see all the media hype for what it is. We are in the process of loosing our country to the empty headed, reaction driven media.

My $.02, and I'm too far from my cave in The Valley.
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