2016 Presidential Race

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Seriously here, is Bill running for president?

Sure he won't be on the ballot but he will apparently influence domestic policy (at least).

Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy

EDIT: a little fun fact I just read - during President Clinton's reign, he has repeatedly been credited with balancing the budget and creating a "surplus". When one actually gets into the details, the "surplus" was public debt and not borrowing against social security by Federal Agencies within the government.

In other words, as a Nation, we had $100 bucks in our savings account but we were still using our credit cards to "pay" our car payment and then record the loan from the CC's as "income".

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So we have one guy, who bragged about assaulting women, versus a woman who stayed with her philandering husband.

Or we have one person accused of rape and another accused of sexual assault. One is actually running for president.

I think each candidate's choice of inner circle confidants shows a little about themselves. I think the "talking heads" have indicated Christie could be tapped for AG and Gen Flynn for something in Intel (DNI, DCI, DIRNSA, etc).

Regarding the allegations against Trump, I, and many other voters, do wonder why at least 5 women have come forward within 24 hrs but either remained silent for years or their lawsuits never gained traction. During the GOP's vetting process, this was either buried, ignored, etc or the investigators just missed it? The other GOP candidates' own investigators missed it too?

In Bill Clinton's case, it was widely known in Arkansas that he had a wondering eye and many editors hit him hard on it (especially small town papers in conservative areas...Arkansas isn't a liberal state by any means). I raise this point merely to opine that, if Trump is in fact a sexual predator as claimed by FLOTUS, there will certainly be more. Even if the allegations are true, some voters will probably move to Clinton or a third party candidate but I think many will see it as just a smear. After all, the NYT has a history of making stuff up (RE: Mcain 2008).

Both candidates are going after the independents since their base appears to be diehard fans.

True or not, the damage is done. If the allegations turn out to be false but it sinks his candidacy anyway, Clinton would be elected in part due to a falsehood? What would that say about our campaign process?

C'mon 9 Nov 2016!!!!!!!
At this point, I don't give a shit what he said. He is a dirtbag. I am going to vote for him. I don't give a shit what HRC said or did. She is a dirtbag. In any case, we have Iran wanting to play footsies with the US Navy, Russia thinking we're on the verge of a nuclear exchange, and one of these two clowns is going to have to deal with it.
At this point, I don't give a shit what he said. He is a dirtbag. I am going to vote for him. I don't give a shit what HRC said or did. She is a dirtbag. In any case, we have Iran wanting to play footsies with the US Navy, Russia thinking we're on the verge of a nuclear exchange, and one of these two clowns is going to have to deal with it.

Do you know anyone who's undecided or on the fence? (I haven't yet.) It seems this campaign has really polarized and divided the Nation.
I think each candidate's choice of inner circle confidants shows a little about themselves. I think the "talking heads" have indicated Christie could be tapped for AG and Gen Flynn for something in Intel (DNI, DCI, DIRNSA, etc).

Regarding the allegations against Trump, I, and many other voters, do wonder why at least 5 women have come forward within 24 hrs but either remained silent for years or their lawsuits never gained traction. During the GOP's vetting process, this was either buried, ignored, etc or the investigators just missed it? The other GOP candidates' own investigators missed it too?

In Bill Clinton's case, it was widely known in Arkansas that he had a wondering eye and many editors hit him hard on it (especially small town papers in conservative areas...Arkansas isn't a liberal state by any means). I raise this point merely to opine that, if Trump is in fact a sexual predator as claimed by FLOTUS, there will certainly be more. Even if the allegations are true, some voters will probably move to Clinton or a third party candidate but I think many will see it as just a smear. After all, the NYT has a history of making stuff up (RE: Mcain 2008).

Both candidates are going after the independents since their base appears to be diehard fans.

True or not, the damage is done. If the allegations turn out to be false but it sinks his candidacy anyway, Clinton would be elected in part due to a falsehood? What would that say about our campaign process?

C'mon 9 Nov 2016!!!!!!!

Breakdown of events:

Trump flip-flops on whether women’s sexual allegations should be believed
Do you know anyone who's undecided or on the fence? (I haven't yet.) It seems this campaign has really polarized and divided the Nation.

No. I have talked to a lot of people from neo-con to whacky leftists. I asked if any of this (or Wikileaks) will affect their vote, to a person, the answer was "no."
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For me there seems to be a lot of supporters of Hillary that find Trump's language worse than Hillary's action. That Hillary has been tied to scandals and crimes for almost the entire time she has been in Public life.
Seriously here, is Bill running for president? Trump would be president if he won, Bill wouldn't be.


But Bill is a former two-term President back in the White House again and I'd be naive to think he wouldn't be involved in day-to-day decisions. And since she's already said he'll be handling the economy (an unheard of assignment for a First Spouse), one can assume they will continue the partnership they've adhered to since his days as governor. They are together a package. A vote for her is also a vote for Bill's involvement in major issues, even if he hangs in the background...which I think is impossible for him to do given his personality.

The airport in Little Rock isn't named for Bill or Hillary Clinton. It's named for Bill and Hillary Clinton. ;-)
For me there seems to be a lot of supporters of Hillary that find Trump's language worse than Hillary's action. That Hillary has been tied to scandals and crimes for almost the entire time she has been in Public life.

Why does it have to be Zero Sum?
After crawling out of my self-imposed election news quarantine, I've finally gotten around to everything that's happened in the last week. And after reading the new state polling data, I'm gonna revise my prediction from earlier.

Previously (10/4): Clinton 322 EV ±5, popular +3.8% ±0.5%
Now (10/15): Clinton 331 EV ± 6, popular +5.5% ±0.7%
I'll even put it in my sig for accountability.

Any gains that Trump may have made from the debate seem to be have been completely overshadowed by his hot mic comments, as well as the accusations that have been leveled against him by women who worked with him. Suffice it to say, he's having a very bad week.

Everyday America isn't running for POTUS.

It's a bizarre election and I have also ignored recent coverage, though, so it's possible that I may be wrong about that.

Is Donnie still trying to make arguments from authority? Alienating heads of his own party and major player donors? Spending far less on his campaign than his opponent?
You have to give credit to the muckrakers who've dug up all these women and convinced them (or paid them) to come clean just weeks before the election. One wonders why they didn't file sexual harassment lawsuits against Trump years ago if they were so upset at his behavior.
You have to give credit to the muckrakers who've dug up all these women and convinced them (or paid them) to come clean just weeks before the election. One wonders why they didn't file sexual harassment lawsuits against Trump years ago if they were so upset at his behavior.

Yeah let's blame victims.
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