2016 Presidential Race

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Laws that curb voter fraud also curb voter access. You did community nursing, you know how many people would be disenfranchised by voter ID laws.

I respectfully disagree, an ID is not disenfranchising anyone. You need an ID to access Medicaid/medicare services (as well as a plethora of other services). I don't know anyone is in any lower-income or ethnically-concentrated neighborhood who is getting government services and does not have some sort of ID. But the easy fix is, when you register to vote, you get a state ID issued.
Yeah we do. Do you think that it is so large scale that it affects national elections? If it is so wide scale (and seemingly from posts here only perpetuated by liberal union loving democrats) how do we ha e such balance? Is it easier to believe that the vote is rigged rather than the demographics of our nation are leading to a more liberal society?

Man, I really hope not. We HAVE to believe our system is free and fair otherwise we're F'd in the A.

Seems Americans overwhelmingly believe in the integrity of their local polling station but less so nationally.

A Rigged Election? What Voters Are Saying

Oh, and screw those Socialist union bastards! Who are they to limit the working rights of 7 year olds?!?

Laws that curb voter fraud also curb voter access. You did community nursing, you know how many people would be disenfranchised by voter ID laws.

You know most states require ID for alcohol and tobacco products? How is voter registration a bridge too far?
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Respectfully disagree all you want - the public policy research is clear on disenfranchisement. In fact, it was one of the driving factors in why Republicans have pursued voter restriction laws - it's well documented in the recent court decisions rejecting those measures.
Respectfully disagree all you want - the public policy research is clear on disenfranchisement. In fact, it was one of the driving factors in why Republicans have pursued voter restriction laws - it's well documented in the recent court decisions rejecting those measures.

I just feel badly for those diligent voters who cannot buy Sudafed or anything with ephedrine.


Isn't VA a blue state now? Maine was the Governor of...

Photo ID Required | Virginia Department of Elections

Apparently there are SEVERAL states that require photo ID when voting. Indiana's law was upheld as being Constitutional too. It must be silly shit like they tried in NC that crosses the line.

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You know most states require ID for alcohol and tobacco products? How is voter registration a bridge too far?
Come on man. Alcohol and tobacco both fall under the category of "nice to have, but unnecessary." Voting is in the category of "guaranteed right." Just as well, it's vital to the continued function of our republic, and we should be encouraging as many people as possibly to vote. Switch around a few words and you have the exact same argument that liberals use vis a vis guns and driving.

31 is the magic number. 31 confirmed cases of voter fraud out of one billion votes cast.
Look, nobody is contesting the fact that voter fraud happens. It does, and it's a small problem. But when you begin to enact laws that would remove the ability to vote from the poor, the elderly, or the infirm, the numbers start to far eclipse the paltry 31 cases of fraud.

There are a lot of reasons to account for "voter fraud," which is an unfortunately too-expansive title that encompasses everything from actual intentional fraud, to simple registration and clerical errors. This report from the Brennan Center outlines the myriad reasons why erroneous registration might happen. I mean, in Florida there were over 12 million registrants and re-registrants just in this last year. There's bound to be a few fat fingered excel errors with that many registrants. Now, there's too much variance in state election laws to address all the cases that have been brought up in this thread, but if you look in the report I'm sure that you can find more than a few reasonable explanations.

Take the popular "dead people voting" canard:
Voting from the grave offers salacious headlines, and investigators often attempt to match death records to voter rolls in an attempt to produce purported evidence of fraud. Yet in addition to the problems with inaccurate matching identified above, a simple match of death records to voter rolls may conceal citizens who voted before dying, in quite ordinary fashion. In Maryland in 1995, for example, an exhaustive investigation revealed that of 89 alleged deceased voters, none were actually dead at the time the ballot was cast. The federal agent in charge of the investigation said that the nearest they came was when they “found one person who had voted then died a week after the election.”36 Similarly, in New Hampshire, postcards were sent to the addresses of citizens who voted in the 2004 general election; one card was returned as undeliverable because the voter died after Election Day, but before the postcard arrived at her home.
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Two are not constitutional rights. They are not the same at all.

No shit?

I never argued right or not but merely it's required for many things so why would requiring an ID, like many states already do, be too much of a burden for a voter? I, and apparently many others, don't think it is.

Seems like it's an easy button.
I just feel badly for those diligent voters who cannot buy Sudafed or anything with ephedrine.


Yeah, poor people are the worst! Especially minority poor people. And what's up with people wanting to vote and shit? Everybody knows when Jesus was writing the constitution he clearly stated 'guns are what make America great, everybody needs them, anybody who wants checks on that shit is a Nazi who hates America - voting, education, healthcare, science, or any of that bullshit is nowhere in this holy constitution I am crafting. P.S. the earth is 5,000 years old, if you read something you don't like it's because the MSM is terrible, and when I say rights in here I'm not talking about immigrants or Muslims so don't get that shit twisted.'

Even after all these years the words still inspire.
In order to have rights garanteed to citizens of the United States, you have to prove you are a citizen. That doesn't have to be a driver's license or state issued identification card, but a birth certificate or some form of proof, should obviously be required.

I mean really, you want millions of non citizens voting and swaying elections, laws and policies at all levels of government? Prove your age to vote and prove your citizenship and there shouldn't be a problem...even with the left.
Requiring a voter ID in order to vote is tantamount to a poll tax, which has been abolished at the state and federal level by the Supreme Court under the Equal Protection Clause.
Requiring a voter ID in order to vote is tantamount to a poll tax, which has been abolished at the state and federal level by the Supreme Court under the Equal Protection Clause.

Uh, SCOTUS upheld that it is very much Constitutional for a state to require an ID to vote. Crawford vs Marion County! I even posted the link!

Seriously, getting a picture ID is harder than registering to vote? Many states require it, so clearly it's not impossible.
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Uh, SCOTUS upheld that it is very much Constitutional for a state to require an ID to vote. Crawford vs Marion County! I even posted the link!

Seriously, getting a picture ID is harder than registering to vote? Many states require it, so clearly it's not impossible.
The most recent case was in Nc where it was not ok.
Uh, SCOTUS upheld that it is very much Constitutional for a state to require an ID to vote. Crawford vs Marion County! I even posted the link!

Seriously, getting a picture ID is harder than registering to vote? Many states require it, so clearly it's not impossible.

24th Amendment, Harper vs. Virginia State Board of Elections.
It's very likely voter ID and voter restriction constitutionality is something the supreme court will be dealing with the next term - another reason the makeup of the court will be critical. It's crazy to me that 5-4 decisions you like are settled constitutional questions and decisions you don't are activist judges run wild. The constitution was written with intense conflict over it's aims and meanings - and that conflict has continued over the life of the republic with a myriad of changes to the bill of rights and governance. The idea there's some sort of perfect constitutional understanding enshrined in a historical epoch (usually elucidated on some dipshit's blog) is nonsense.

I think it's more than fair to say if HRC is the president Republican efforts to suppress minority voters through these laws will be ruled unconstitutional - if Trump is president the court will rule the opposite way. As much as I abhor the later decision, and believe the arc of history will ultimately prevail the other way, that's the way our government works. It's nuts to me when people raise hell about how much they love America, the constitution, and the flag - yet seem to have disdain for the confrontational and incremental processes therein.
The most recent case was in Nc where it was not ok.

It wasn't because of voter ID; it was because of the restrictions placed around it. The 4th Appellate Court said it had "racially discriminatory intent."

24th Amendment, Harper vs. Virginia State Board of Elections.

That's actually an easy fix: assign an ID at time of registration. Not my idea...some constitutional lawyer came up with that.
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Requiring a voter ID in order to vote is tantamount to a poll tax, which has been abolished at the state and federal level by the Supreme Court under the Equal Protection Clause.
How is requiring someone to have an ID the equivalent of a poll tax. IDs are a required part of life if you haven't noticed. Verifying you are who you say you are is freakin' important when it comes to pretty much everything.
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