A couple countries, ones that are not as freedom bleeding as ours I should say, do use finger prints to verify the accuracy of their votes, it is an old way of doing it when the inky finger was a sign that you had already voted, but now with electronic scanners, you can check to make sure the person isn't dead, nor has that person voting anywhere else in the same election. But I think if USG tries that technique, the same politicians who are for voter ID will shoot it down in the fear that their finger print my get identified and they have to stand trial for that time when a snowy night ended with a dead hooker and a bloody nose.
If some states want to have voter IDs then the burden of issuing those IDs should fall on the state and their voting authority. They should have to go around door to door and issue the IDs, and no, they can't just say fuck the homeless, they don't own land.....
It is not smart to spend $25mm on an audit that finds $1mm of waste. US voting fraud is just as big of a problem as having slow wifi on a flight from NYC to DC, not a problem. We just have to remember that an important part of living in a democracy (or democratic republic, or any regime that allows actual voting, i.e. not the Iran kind), is to not be a bitch when you are on the losing side of the election.