Bin Laden Raid Book: First-Hand Account Of Navy SEAL Mission Will Be Released On Sept. 11

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If it wasn't fox news, it would have been someone else. Let's get real, this guys name wasn't going to remain hidden forever. Remember dalton fury? yeah, that lasted real long. When you piss off everyone in your former unit, they aren't going to let you hide behind a pseudonym.
I can see that. I still think it was irresponsible but I can see your point that it was inevitable.
If he didn't want to be outed then he shouldn't have written the book. This is on him.
Someone tell me again why FOX News outed this guy?

Why not?

AQ makes LOTS of threats against LOTS of people. That doesn't mean they're credible. At the same time, I'll say it if no one else will: the author brought this on himself. There is no way his name was not going to be found out-quickly- and this was a predictable and UTTERLY PREVENTABLE result of his own greed.

This just means he's going to be able to secure another book deal, "My Life After Bin Laden," with completely invented stories of how he's fighting off AQ here in the US.

ETA: Besides, everyone knows that President Obama is the "one who got Osama," the guy who wrote the book has nothing to worry about ;)
Just as a matter of record here, he didn't kill OBL.

The guy that actually did it was with me last night, belly up to a bar with all these chicks hanging on him buying him drinks. :-"
Bait. *If* AQ is in America, and *if* AQ would devote time, energy and resources to killing a SEAL or his family, is that not better than having AQ devote that time, energy and resources to killing those the SEAL is charged with defending? “Special” is Ops, not person.
Bait. *If* AQ is in America, and *if* AQ would devote time, energy and resources to killing a SEAL or his family, is that not better than having AQ devote that time, energy and resources to killing those the SEAL is charged with defending? “Special” is Ops, not person.

Ok. Now *I'm* confused. *I* read it several times and still don't understand it. Maybe *I* need another drink.
Ok. Now I'm confused. I read it several times and still don't understand it. Maybe I need another drink.
I wrote a somewhat long post and then tried to synthesize it down to a nut. I'm trying hard to be laconic. Apparently I failed and need much more work. My apologies. I still have the long post but I don't want to put anyone to sleep. :(
Oh, what the hell, here is the long version. In the spirit of Forum Rule #6 I offer the following angle; one which I have not seen articulated anywhere yet, though it may have been. Speaking generically, all those *within* any community always have a light upon themselves; that is what makes them a community. They see each other. However, those outside of that community have a life, and communities of their own; these outsiders only see the first community when light shines upon it from without, or glows from within. And even this vision most often occurs with only a short attention span and fleeting interest. Some folks within a community even lament the fact others don’t pay enough attention to them, pay enough homage, or provide enough support. Then when interest is expressed, it’s too much and they complain. Everyone wants it “just right.” PerSec: The Special Operations Community might think that it is mighty special, and this is understandable. All communities are like that. But, quite frankly, absent the light from within, most other communities don’t think much about Special Operations. It seems to me if the AQ community has their attention drawn to, and is willing to spend their limited time, energy and resources in pursuit of the DEVGRU community (including families), that might be a good thing. If AQ is roaming our streets looking for targets, better they go after hard targets which operate under Big Boy Rules, and those communities whose calling is the defense of those outside of their community. Special Operations personnel are not more special than the people they are charged with defending. And to say they can’t or won’t do their job, or won’t do it as well if hounded by an enemy, or when worried about the safety of loved ones, well, that just won’t fly. BBRs. But I’m not so sure it’s really much of an issue. If what I am told by my government is true, AQ is composed of cowards who will seek to spend their limited time, energy and resources hitting soft targets in the U.S. On the other hand, my government could be wrong. I’m not aware of AQ (or those they inspire) going after shopping malls, trains, Super Bowl Games, Sikh, Christian or Jewish places of worship, movie theaters, swimming pools, college campuses, school yards, concerts and the like. I’ve only heard about the military targets (Pentagon, U.S.S. Cole, Ft. Hood soldiers (on and off base)) and strategic targets (embassies, the World Trade Centers, airlines, etc.), albeit with some “innocent” civilian collateral damage. (My quotes around “innocent” are intentional; see “America” below). So maybe the AQ community will start a personal vendetta-thing with the Special Operations community. Again, wouldn’t that be a good thing? So, back to the current media ruckus, either Special Operations people killed UBL, or the POTUS killed UBL, or “America” killed UBL; depending on who you talk to. Maybe all three killed UBL? But, as a Marine, I figure I’d rather they come after me than the POTUS or America. I’m not saying I’m special, but there is that whole “locate, close with and destroy” and “repel” thing. You’d think the Special Operations community would be saying: “Come and get me motherfuckers. That’s what I’m here for!” Camouflage, cover and concealment are good things, but the Special Operations PerSec thing might be just a little too “special” by their own analysis. When some group says “America” killed UBL and not the military Commander In Chief, they might be right, but I think they are shining the light in the wrong direction. Better they do what the author of the new book has done and say “Me, me, me!” Better they point their finger at the POTUS and say “Yeah, he killed your boy. Come and get him!” Better the AQ target is shifted away from “innocent” Americans and toward the military and its leadership. I don’t often hear civilians say how lucky they are to have our military fighting the enemy “over there” instead of here at home; it’s usually vets who say that. Nor do I often hear civilians invoking the quote about sleeping peacefully at night while rough men do their business; again, it’s usually vets who call upon that saying. To extend that same veteran reasoning, if AQ is over here, in America, walking our streets, looking for a target, I think it is better they seek out the rough men, don’t you? No doubt some hack from either side will spin these recent disclosures as intentional bait for AQ, laid by government in an effort to distract AQ from greater evil. OpSec I haven’t read the book so I don’t know if there are any OpSec violations within it. I’m not sure I would know even if I had read the book. Thank you for the opportunity to put this argument out there. I’m not married to it and I’m interested to hear another angle.
Interesting perspective. Although I'm not really sure that next drink helped. Guess I'm having one of those moments in my life. Nothing that can't be solved with a little Ragu......

The author in question put himself out there, and I'm not defending him.

As far as persec of SOF personnel in general, you do realize that their families aren't the highly trained killers that their husbands are, right?
You do realize that not every SOF soldier carries a weapon on him at all times, nor can he defend against suicide bombers, etc. right?
You do realize we have not only uncovered plans, but actually stopped terrorist attacks against soft targets in the U.S. right?
You do realize that AQ and even foreign intelligence agents have and do target SOF organizations and personnel right? In fact, DEVGRU had a pretty serious incident a couple years ago.

I could go on, but your post is lacking in logic in my opinion.
The author in question put himself out there, and I'm not defending him.

As far as persec of SOF personnel in general, you do realize that their families aren't the highly trained killers that their husbands are, right?
You do realize that not every SOF soldier carries a weapon on him at all times, nor can he defend against suicide bombers, etc. right?
You do realize we have not only uncovered plans, but actually stopped terrorist attacks against soft targets in the U.S. right?
You do realize that AQ and even foreign intelligence agents have and do target SOF organizations and personnel right? In fact, DEVGRU had a pretty serious incident a couple years ago.

I could go on, but your post is lacking in logic in my opinion.

Hi goon175. I do realize, or will stipulate to the facts set forth in all four of your first paragraphs, but fail to see how those facts undermine my argument in any way.
So maybe the AQ community will start a personal vendetta-thing with the Special Operations community. Again, wouldn’t that be a good thing?
-As far as persec of SOF personnel in general, you do realize that their families aren't the highly trained killers that their husbands are, right?
You’d think the Special Operations community would be saying: “Come and get me motherfuckers. That’s what I’m here for!”
-You do realize that not every SOF soldier carries a weapon on him at all times, nor can he defend against suicide bombers, etc. right?
I’m not aware of AQ (or those they inspire) going after shopping malls, trains, Super Bowl Games, Sikh, Christian or Jewish places of worship, movie theaters, swimming pools, college campuses, school yards, concerts and the like. I’ve only heard about the military targets (Pentagon, U.S.S. Cole, Ft. Hood soldiers (on and off base)) and strategic targets (embassies, the World Trade Centers, airlines, etc.), albeit with some “innocent” civilian collateral damage.
-You do realize we have not only uncovered plans, but actually stopped terrorist attacks against soft targets in the U.S. right?
The Special Operations Community might think that it is mighty special, and this is understandable. All communities are like that. But, quite frankly, absent the light from within, most other communities don’t think much about Special Operations.
-You do realize that AQ and even foreign intelligence agents have and do target SOF organizations and personnel right? In fact, DEVGRU had a pretty serious incident a couple years ago.
I would suspect that any individual or group who is planning an attack to the extent of suicide bombing would have bigger and better targets than one ex SEAL. It's about risk vs reward. Why kill one guy when you could kill thousands?
If you know where one is, you can find out where the rest are. If you have a name, you can follow them, figure out where they eat, drink, shop, etc. It wouldn't take long to figure out where all the guys get together for drinks. A bar with an entire troop or squadron of operators would be a pretty lucrative target, no?
Naturally, but why would you go for a hard(er) target when you can go easily for a soft and easy one? Occom's Razor and all that.
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