Verified Military
Even if they pass all the PT standards and all, won't it be a problem when they will simply not get Selected by the cadre that runs SFAS/RASP/RS/GP/whatever?
Will it only be a matter of time when they will demand female instructors to do the selecting, to make sure it's all 'equal' ?
Well being a female DS, I was worse on the female wannabees because I wanted to minimize the sorry ones getting through and expected and demanded more out of females than the males. When I was training for my school, that cycles females were inspired because on the final graduation PT test we had the best PT scores for females that BDE made us give another one with BDE CSM and Commander observing to make sure we weren't inflating the scores. Over 60% ( about 30 pvts) of our females passed the male standards for BCT which is 50 points in each event.
My case in point is no matter what happens we still need to separate the wheat from the chaff. I say if they want a gound pounder job make it part of the pipeline to be able to pass Ranger school. I would not take part in any school that was dumbed down just because they allowed females to go, it then minimizes everything that those before us accomplished and begins to undermine any female that makes it.
Wasn't there a thread about how Ranger school wasn't what it once was, that it is more of a leadership school than anything else.
oh BTW thanks for taking care of "future leader", I was getting quite aggitated reading his horse shit.