With the up-most respect for you and your position Sir; No I don't think I would be surprised. I respectfully disagree with your veiled assertions that no political correctness was involved in the support by certain officers for the repeal of DADT. The current Commandant of the Marine Corps expressed strong disagreement with openly serving gays in the military. I for one am completely against openly serving gays. I further believe they should have separate barracks and quarters away from non-homosexuals. In the same manner females are housed separately from males. This issue is deeply disturbing to me as well as many of my friends who are still serving on active duty. I think it is also fair to say that no adverse issues relative to this policy will be voiced by anyone for fear of career suicide. But I have strayed, this is a side bar issue and not relative and will cause a very wrong turn if dialog expands.
**The DADT policy not unlike the issue of females in Ranger school; if the powers that be force the situation and exert political leverage on the command structure they will fold regardless of personal and professional beliefs.
Once again correct you are about Mr. Panetta's military service.
Military service:US Army (1963-65, 1st Lt.) I must admit I despise this guy and have no use for him personally or professionally so I have a deep rooted biases against him. Which in fact led to my incorrect assumption & assertion that he possessed no military service. I based this on what I perceive as his lack of support for service members and track record as I interpret it. I don't know what his combat record is but my searches indicate no service in combat operations in any capacity during this time frame. Which further increases my suspicions about him, his intentions and his service record. My apologize, I stand corrected, please accept this as a retraction of my earlier statement that the SECDEF never served in the US Military.
I further agree with and support your opinion and statements relative to the draw downs and the ill-responsible time tables, methods and insulting manner in which the current administration is handling this issue.