Gaming thread

Playing through Red Dead 2 for the umpteenth time; this time around I am doing significantly less fast travel and just enjoying the ride, as it is.

I’m towards the end of Chapter 5 and Dutch is waiting for me back at camp to send me and Charles to clear out the next camp and bring the story into Chapter 6.

Six is when Arthur’s health is noticeably affected throughout the gameplay and just becomes kind of a bummer.

Anyway, I’ve been away from camp for quite a while, hunting Legendary Animals and finishing up any side missions that I can find.

Two cool encounters happened in this play though that I have not seen in others; I’m guessing because I’m on my horse more than I am taking a coach or ‘fast traveling’ place-to-place.

1: I ran into this seemingly nice dude who then started talking shit about this widow up by Anisburg he had his eye on…he then turned creepy as fuck and when he started saying that he recognized me, I shot his ass dead. I’m assuming he was referencing Charlotte, the widow who Arthur teaches to hunt and then how to shoot.

2: I was down by Valentine and saw the “charlotte” icon make itself available again; so I set a course for there and started the long ride. Just after I did that, Bill shows up on a horse out of nowhere and starts talking about how Dutch sent him out looking for me because I’ve been gone so long. I then had the option to go back to camp with him or tell Bill that I’d get back on my own time. Of course I told him to pound-sand and that I’d see him when I saw him.

Crazy the shit that this game has thought of.
I don't t-bag. It is juvenile, stupid, and...just whatever.

Today I'm playing Trials and have a 1v1. Dude mercs me in 3 shots, optimal TTK for a handcannon. I suck, fine.

Then he bags me.

The next round, I killed him straight up when he pushed my position. As the round was wrapped up, I ran over and bagged that dude until my pinky was sore and the round ended. I chose violence.
I was about to say. Who TF is this? I know damn good and well AWP would have had no issue dragging his kid sack over some hapless noob. Someone is getting old lol.

I look it like a “good game” thing from basketball or baseball when we were kids. Beat me square in a gunfight or whatever, good on you.

But to do that and bag? You just became my mission in life.

In the last 2-3 hours I pulled off some game-saving "hero" moments. I made plays.

I'm not posting this for your...anything. I'm a below average player, but that's kind of the point. When you make something happen, it frankly feels good. You saved the mission or whatever. You rezzed someone at the right time, you killed the other guy when needed, doesn't matter, you made a play.

So, think about this when dealing with your kids or whoever. They did something, if not important in the big picture, that mattered to them. Skill, luck, and brain power all came together. What's the difference between that and something in the real world? Physical vs. virtual?

That other person may not be a type A but they are a competitor. They are hungry and they want to win. Harness that shit. We need people clicking a mouse as much as people pulling a trigger. Hate to break it to the traditionalists, but the path to victory isn't always a 20 YO with an automatic weapon. Make no mistake, we need that 20 YO with a belt-fed, but we also need others.

Go make plays.
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Calling all of you DCS guys: Steam has a sale of up to 50% off of most DCS content.

The summer sale happens around July 4th, so no telling what will happen then, but 50% isn't bad.
Anyone try the new mobile version of Diablo? Just downloaded it on my phone.
Anyone try the new mobile version of Diablo? Just downloaded it on my phone.
I thought about it, but early reviews say end game activities practically require you to purchase upgrades. Everything sounds favorable except micro transactions.

I’m still bitter over the game’s announcement a few years ago. “Don’t you people have phones?” Ugh.
I downloaded Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory onto the old Xbox for $15. I’m reliving my childhood glory and murdering commies from the shadows nightly now. 12/10 would recommend.

There's something to be said for dragging some 10-12-15 year old shit "off the shelf" to play. Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour. Skyrim with some mods...the list goes on. I still rock Civ 5 and Diablo 3 like that shit's Day One, you know?

Go make plays.