Gaming thread

pretty good critique. I've run into the single combat issue a few times. I had a battle where I had pretty much my whole army left and the AI had his General. Heavy pikes in a square formation against a screaming horde of swords and skirmishers broken into three groups to attack from three sides at the same time (he was backed up against the sea). The pikes won because the horde would only attack 1 on 1. I'd have one of his guys surrounded by 10 of mine and my guys would sit there and take him on one at a time. He won that battle... 68 v 620 and he killed them all, only losing one of his guys before mine all ran away.

As for diplomats, I use them as assassins and not much else. They run around the map killing off Generals with more than one star (Rank 2+). They do a pretty good job of killing off generals without instantly setting you to war with the faction, even on a critical failure. Spies and Champions need to be nerfed. I was in a war with two factions and they both sent their entire set of spies and champs to one town and repeatedly burnt it. Even after I finally got rid of the unending siege of arsonists, it still took another 20 turns for the town to get back to normal.
I've been playing a lot of Napoleon lately (with Darth Mod). Rome II doesn't appeal since it seems that every release TCA seem to fuck things up even more than the last game...
The video I mentioned. 37 minutes long, but the guy does a really good job with it. Not just his examples and critiques, but he's entertaining as well. Heads up, it is NSFW.

I was against the army limit at first, but I've grown to like it. The meat of the game though are the battles and they are so bad I auto-resolve and even that lacks a method to the madness. It seems arbitrary at times as to who will win and why. Naval combat is covered very well in the video. I tried his "fleet of plebes" idea and sadly it works well until the late game....if you can make it that far. I'm at a point where it crashes every other turn.

Spies and champions are quite effective, but I haven't found much of a use for diplomats. Art imitating life of late it seems....

The whole "public beta" concept is why I rarely buy new games anymore. I usually wait for a sale on Steam. Civ 5 took far too many patches to work well, Rome II is up to 7 with many glaring failures left, Hearts of Iron 3 is a great game now...after a year of public beta. I'm glad Steam finally opened up an Amazon-style user review section because that's saved me from making a purchase or two. I look forward to some games, but if I pay full price I'll still wait a week or two.

STO's got bugs.... but at least it's free... lol
Joining the early access on this one, looks great, but problems with the kiddies wanting to kill everyone they see even though coop is the way to go.

For those of you who are interested, Part II of Rome 2's "Sane Review" is out, you'll need an hour+ of your time though. The guy is rather thorough and it makes for some good background noise.

Playing through Company of Heroes 2, another I wouldn't pay full price for. Great game like the first COH...but it is the first COH only with a few tweaks. Fun, entertaining, a challenge, but not worth the orginal $60 USD.

Steam had a sale over the holidays and I picked up Trials Evolution Gold. If you like trials motorcycles, this is a pretty decent game. They had it on sale for 7 or 8 dollars, but now it is $20. The bike and rider customizations suck, you spend money for different parts or clothes which do nothing for the gameplay, but the bikes' physics are pretty solid and the tracks are fun. The only downside is you need an Ubisoft Uplay account. I have something like 150 hours in the game so far and haven't beaten it. The single payer content is huge.
Joining the early access on this one, looks great, but problems with the kiddies wanting to kill everyone they see even though coop is the way to go.

It doesn't matter, humanity apparently no longer understands the concept of teamwork. I played the day-z standalone mod for a while.

Best shot is a pre-made team, same as with Rust same as with everything else. Trying to get no-names you randomly meet on a server to cooperate? Bwhahahahahahaha
It doesn't matter, humanity apparently no longer understands the concept of teamwork. I played the day-z standalone mod for a while.

Best shot is a pre-made team, same as with Rust same as with everything else. Trying to get no-names you randomly meet on a server to cooperate? Bwhahahahahahaha
This is why I have a love/hate relationship with FPS, do they not realize a team gets it done and not some lone guy that sits in one spot watching his team die?

Yeah, that's throwing a long stretch at it with saying that. However, it is actually a pretty stressful FPS compared to others, especially when you've been "surviving" multiple days.

This is in the context OF a video game against video games, though. Most FPS VG's just piss me off more than anything due to the inaccuracies and general bullshit that irritates the snot out of me.
DayZ is one of those games that just isn't really fun to play unless your doing it with friends, and you won't last very long without friends. Personally I'm just gonna replay some of my fav's from the Steam Library till Titanfall and Watch Dogs comes out :p
Yeah, it's even better when you're playing with bros who are all "If the apocalypse comes, I'm going to your house" yet want to fuck with my cache's in-game... Dude, it don't work both ways, in a game of free choice you're choosing to be an antagonist rather than a comrade. You're gonna get the rifle that might not work and/or doesn't have a firing pin, just so I can have my theatrical moment with short monologue prior to execution when you decide my shit is worth flat out taking rather than having it shared.

of course, I probably wouldn't be so aggrivated about it if I had the $$ for a decent gaming laptop so I could have some semblance of framerate where FPS'es were remotely fun. Although not as pro-tier as STO, Robocraft is also a fun little venture, build a contraption and put guns on it, go fight it every 3 minutes. Free with various subscription stuff and runs quick even on my trashbad laptop.
I had to dig up this thread.

Dying Light is sick. I'm sure it will get repetitive at some point, but I'm 45 minutes in and am hooked. Graphics are awesome and the parkour element is dumbed down. I'm playing it on PC with a mouse and keyboard so if you prefer that over a controller you'll be fine.
I've been harassing Shermans in mein Panther in Warthunder lately. Also back into Eve for the meantime.