For those of you who are interested, Part II of Rome 2's "Sane Review" is out, you'll need an hour+ of your time though. The guy is rather thorough and it makes for some good background noise.
Playing through Company of Heroes 2, another I wouldn't pay full price for. Great game like the first COH...but it is the first COH only with a few tweaks. Fun, entertaining, a challenge, but not worth the orginal $60 USD.
Steam had a sale over the holidays and I picked up Trials Evolution Gold. If you like trials motorcycles, this is a pretty decent game. They had it on sale for 7 or 8 dollars, but now it is $20. The bike and rider customizations suck, you spend money for different parts or clothes which do nothing for the gameplay, but the bikes' physics are pretty solid and the tracks are fun. The only downside is you need an Ubisoft Uplay account. I have something like 150 hours in the game so far and haven't beaten it. The single payer content is huge.
Playing through Company of Heroes 2, another I wouldn't pay full price for. Great game like the first COH...but it is the first COH only with a few tweaks. Fun, entertaining, a challenge, but not worth the orginal $60 USD.
Steam had a sale over the holidays and I picked up Trials Evolution Gold. If you like trials motorcycles, this is a pretty decent game. They had it on sale for 7 or 8 dollars, but now it is $20. The bike and rider customizations suck, you spend money for different parts or clothes which do nothing for the gameplay, but the bikes' physics are pretty solid and the tracks are fun. The only downside is you need an Ubisoft Uplay account. I have something like 150 hours in the game so far and haven't beaten it. The single payer content is huge.