General Mattis is our new SECDEF

Alright it's 0325 here and I didn't expect four quotes! I'll reply to you guys all at once tomorrow evening my time (the future).
We still don't know who in the intel community is claiming Russian involvement, let the Congressional Critters have their hearing and see what is said under oath.
Or if it even is happening. Put the reporters on the stand and see what they say. Whether or not they say anything, it will show any potential future leakers that their identity may not be safe, should they chose to not keep secrets.
Or if it even is happening. Put the reporters on the stand and see what they say. Whether or not they say anything, it will show any potential future leakers that their identity may not be safe, should they chose to not keep secrets.

Agreed, but I bet you a donut they would either invoke the 5th or claim they could not say anything in order to protect their sources.
Or if it even is happening. Put the reporters on the stand and see what they say. Whether or not they say anything, it will show any potential future leakers that their identity may not be safe, should they chose to not keep secrets.

I don't think that is a good policy. The press should be able to protect their sources.
I don't think that is a good policy. The press should be able to protect their sources.
I understand and agree, somewhat- but in this case, the sources have committed a pretty serious crime.

Additionally, the members of the press haven't necessarily done anything wrong, and shouldn't face retribution.
I saw another one that said "General Mattis once shot an azimuth, and killed a man"

I think the Onion is still the gold standard on general news satire but the Duffleblog is really coming into their own on stuff like this. Really doing a great job of getting to the heart of stuff that requires at least some military association to get.
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Dear General,

Yep. Politicians are mostly scum and are actually "shocked and awed" that you would want to appoint people you consider qualified (regardless of party affiliation) vs. Republican to whom favors are owed and promises were likely made.

Please don't let me wake up one morning and read a headline that states, "Mattis says, fuck this. Find yourself another Sec Def."

Hill Republicans say they're growing frustrated with Mattis
From the link above:

“We know Trump isn’t part of the establishment and that it’s going to be a bit different, but it should go without saying that a Republican administration is expected to staff federal agencies with Republicans.”

And that is such a great example of why this country has problems. The best? Nah, stack the deck with our boys.
... "Mattis says, fuck this. Find yourself another Sec Def."...

He's never been a quitter but I think it's entirely conceivable that at some point he will say "fuck this." Mattis has credibility, integrity, honor, courage and holds himself to a very high standard...qualities entirely alien to most politicians. He is Sparta.
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Personally, I care less about what the "Hill Republicans" care about! They are simply crying because they aren't getting their way. Cry on.....
Personally, I care less about what the "Hill Republicans" care about! They are simply crying because they aren't getting their way. Cry on.....

They're a large part of the reason the electorate was pissed off enough to nominate, and then elect Donald Trump. Making them cry puts a smile on my face.
They're a large part of the reason the electorate was pissed off enough to nominate, and then elect Donald Trump. Making them cry puts a smile on my face.

Yep...they are simply part of the status quo. If they don't want to be, then put something first -- besides themselves -- and stand out in the crowd. Do something for the electorate rather than for their personal benefit. Career politicians...I simply can't stand them.
These next 4 years are a critical juncture in the grand experiment that is America. The government is already arguably way too cumbersome and entrenched to change. At best, we are at a crossroads where this is the absolute last change to effect some substantial and meaningful change. Qualifications for foreign policy, defense policy, diplomacy aside, President Trump's biggest chance for a positive legacy, IMHO, is getting Washington turned around. I don't think he will be a great President against the metrics traditionally used. What I do think, is that this is just about our last shot at trimming the needless bureaucracy, and getting this ship at least slightly turned in the right direction. I have no doubts about SECDEF Mattis sticking to his guns. Hopefully the President backs him like he should. I can see a showdown between a (for once) united Congress against President Trump because their comfortable status quo is threatened. They are so cemented into their bubbles of self-importance and entitlement that they will lash out against anything that threatens that. Ideally, they band together in their pettiness, and turn the American people further against the status quo. We, the people, start holding them accountable, and the next round of elections brings even more change.
He's never been a quitter but I think it's entirely conceivable that at some point he will say "fuck this." Mattis has credibility, integrity, honor, courage and holds himself to a very high standard...qualities entirely alien to most politicians. He is Sparta.

The canary in the coal mine spot is no longer up for grabs.
The US bond market would be another.