General Mattis is our new SECDEF

I saw something somewhere equating Trump to Jackson in that he is a "populist demagogue sort of like Jackson was." (Not an exact quote but not my words.) At this point, could anything less than a demagogue affect the sort of change that America seems to desperately need for its long-term? In this culture and political climate, I don't think so. Will he be great or will he suck a bag of dicks? History will tell, but I agree with CDG in that this is most definitely a critical juncture for the US, and no one else would have had the potential to shake up the system like Trump has now. At the very least, there are now conversations being had that previously weren't acknowledged so there's a start.
Interviewer: "General Mattis, what is best in life?"

Mattis: "Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women."

To add - The "silkies" make the pic so much more awesome!

Last week Secretary Mattis dropped this out there and with very little fanfare.

Document: SECDEF Mattis Pentagon Memo on Ethics - USNI News

Mysterious Gen. James Mattis Memo Sparks Debate on Twitter - Routine Housekeeping or Warning?

Secretary Mattis’ Insights on Ethics - Radical Compliance


It is being touted as his take on the transgender ban in the DoD. Umm, okay. The Twitter responses on the DailyKos link are as awesome as you'd expect. :rolleyes: One of the main reasons I posted though is the opening sentence. "Those entrusted by our nation with carrying out violence..."

Whatever prompted this, even if routine, when was the last time you saw a memo on anything start like that?
I'm all about resolving unavoidable conflicts with the highest levels of violence...but no one really wants to go to war with North Korea. Don't get me wrong, I'll raise my hand again if it comes to that and do everything I can to ensure there is a never a Kim Jung Dos. That being said, the Korean War part Deux would result in catastrophic WWII levels of casualties on all sides. The physical cost to our ally South Korea would be devastating and would savage the world economy.
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I'm all about resolving unavoidable conflicts with the highest levels of violence...but no one really wants to go to war with North Korea. Don't get me wrong, I'll raise my hand again if it comes to that and do everything I can to ensure there is a never a Kim Jung Dos. That being said, the Korean War part Deux would result in catastrophic WWII levels of casualties on all sides. The physical cost to our ally South Korea would be devastating and would savage the world economy.

Everyone wants to get some until it's time to "get some".