thinking out loud.... non knife geeks, this might hurt your heads....
The re-designed bayonnet would need a differential heat treat so that there was edge retention, and the flexibility/toughness/durability/bend in the body of the blade
... a smooth austensite/martensite transition is going to be essential or a layered laminate transition for edge to body:-/.... it's the heat treat that's going to be the bear on it.... the basic design still needs to be a modified spear point with a short sharpened edge on top and a full sharpened edge on the bottom - so the there would have to be a "C" shaped heat treat at the "stabby end" of the design - hmmm...... a bayonnet that actually stays sharp enough to use, and isn't brittle ..... differentially heat treated Powdered metal or a well done multilayer laminate of powdered and nominals to get the edge and the light tool/spring for the body.....
Gary... this could be doable.... not cheap but doable.... for an outstanding addition for Infantrymen... I've seen your stuff... but 'tiny', 'doc', 'gun bunny' and the 'mad african' might have to be asked some questions..... at least by me.