Mod Election Campaigning Thread

@Ooh-Rah, to qoute the notorious Conor McGreager "who the fuck is that guy?":hmm:

You may learn the answer to that question my friend, sooner than you think.

To quote the great poet Phil Collins,

"I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am. Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes. So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies" :-"
Oh you fuckers suck at this...worst shit talking thread ever...hate for all.

Now down to business, I shall campaign for the dirty-nasty-canuck...well because he gets it, and well, I coined that whole dirty-nasty-canuck bit.

@pardus is old, lame, in dying need to be put out to pasture. A nice meadow, where he can be reminded of his birth place and reflect upon his long distinguished life of sheep shagging in a drunken stupor of dreams of transvestite filled orgy.

No vote pardus.:D

@Ooh-Rah, to qoute the notorious Conor McGreager "who the fuck is that guy?":hmm:

X SF Med, is that dude even alive anymore? I mean I get we're getting to the bottom of the barrel here, but jeeezus, has that guy even made more than 5 posts in the last decade?:-"}:-):D

@Red Flag 1, That guy does a good job, we should keep him.

@CDG, I'm feeling ya homie.:thumbsup:

The rest of you closet transgender snow flakes, don't have a chance in hell.:sneaky:

Let's get this party started!!!

Vote Canadian Bacon bitches...}:-)

That, was a stroke.
If you are going to use ice cubes to relieve your anorectal abscess, don't put them in your Bourbon, for Pete's sake. And stop smelling your fingers after scratching your nuts.
You may learn the answer to that question my friend, sooner than you think.

To quote the great poet Phil Collins,

"I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am. Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes. So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies" :-"

I'm not worried, I'll toss your ass a box of crayons and tell you to shut up and color...then sit back and watch you eat the whole box!:-":D

Damn, not even enough guts to tag @x SF med :ROFLMAO::p;-)

I actually got tired of trying to figure out how his screen name went, small x, big x, Med/med, etc. Clownshoes made that shit grunt proof.:wall:

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13 and 14 more votes than you. So....

Really? That's all you got? "Well more votes than you" lol. It's a conspiracy by the evil overlords to keep me out of the running, so little people can get a vote or two and go cry about how "nobody on shadowspear likes me"...:ROFLMAO:


Really? That's all you got? "Well more votes than you" lol. It's a conspiracy by the evil overlords to keep me out of the running, so little people can get a vote or two and go cry about how "nobody on shadowspear likes me"...:ROFLMAO:



Alright ladies, I'm off to bed for the night. I shall return in the morning to continue the campaign of crushing souls...

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Your hidden profile says otherwise.;-):p

To quote Kellyanne Conway, "I just can't find where this is a burning issue to most Americans".

A bunch of weak ass shit talk from a bunch of weak ass candidates.

Says the guy who couldn't even finish his term........

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I was an admin homey. It is like the Supreme Court, you either die or step down. I stepped down.
Really? That's all you got? "Well more votes than you" lol. It's a conspiracy by the evil overlords to keep me out of the running, so little people can get a vote or two and go cry about how "nobody on shadowspear likes me"...:ROFLMAO:

View attachment 19689


A bunch of weak ass shit talk from a bunch of weak ass candidates.
I have at least upped my street cred in the hate department before it goes away.


I have at least upped my street cred in the hate department before it goes away.


A bunch of weak ass shit talk from a bunch of weak ass candidates.

And who is there to shit talk? @x SF med and @pardus are both in bed early for being old farts, @CDG is trying to be like George Washington and can't talk because his wooden teeth are falling out, @Ooh-Rah is too busy eating crayons to post, @RackMaster too busy walking around saying eh while looking for some silly guys in red on horse to participate, @Red Flag 1 is too much of a gentleman.
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I voted for the two best candidates and only them. @Ooh-Rah and @Red Flag 1.

hurtful brother, hurtful... too bad it's true...

I was going to run this year, but that wouldn't have been fair. The right-minded members of this site would have voted me in by a landslide of historic proportions, thereby denying at least one--probably two or three--members their dream of being a mod.

You're welcome :thumbsup:.


Oh you fuckers suck at this...worst shit talking thread ever...hate for all.

Now down to business, I shall campaign for the dirty-nasty-canuck...well because he gets it, and well, I coined that whole dirty-nasty-canuck bit.

@pardus is old, lame, in dying need to be put out to pasture. A nice meadow, where he can be reminded of his birth place and reflect upon his long distinguished life of sheep shagging in a drunken stupor of dreams of transvestite filled orgy.

No vote pardus.:D

@Ooh-Rah, to qoute the notorious Conor McGreager "who the fuck is that guy?":hmm:

X SF Med, is that dude even alive anymore? I mean I get we're getting to the bottom of the barrel here, but jeeezus, has that guy even made more than 5 posts in the last decade?:-"}:-):D

@Red Flag 1, That guy does a good job, we should keep him.

@CDG, I'm feeling ya homie.:thumbsup:

The rest of you closet transgender snow flakes, don't have a chance in hell.:sneaky:

Let's get this party started!!!

Vote Canadian Bacon bitches...}:-)
dude... duuuuuuuuude........duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude... Of course I'm alive... who else would be the bane of your existense here on SS?
RF1 is the best choice, of course.... but I am a close second
Get your shit together and run when you quit stepping on your dick... you could be a role model for other Infantrymen, the blue aguillette and CIB are huge accomplishments.

Damn, not even enough guts to tag @x SF med :ROFLMAO::p;-)

but, I can read, understand and reply.

When it becomes apparent that I must reply, I will, as seen above. Until then... I shall remain silent. Bring on the rebuttals.
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Agreed. Or maybe start taking things wildly out of context.

From @Ooh-Rah's first post alone:

"power trips"
"snarky 'mod edits'"
"occasional knife hand"

My time on SS lately comes in short bursts. Being a Joe Six Pack, I'll need to see total lack of reason, revenge, hypocrisy and the like to make my briefly informed choice at the ballot box.
Jesus I come on here expecting Somalia level chaos and Red Wedding style verbal slaughter. What do I get? Kid gloves and hugs. This thread is to last years thread what Mayweather/Pacquiao is to mcgregor/mayweather.
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