Oh you fuckers suck at this...worst shit talking thread ever...hate for all.
Now down to business, I shall campaign for the dirty-nasty-canuck...well because he gets it, and well, I coined that whole dirty-nasty-canuck bit.
@pardus is old, lame, in dying need to be put out to pasture. A nice meadow, where he can be reminded of his birth place and reflect upon his long distinguished life of sheep shagging in a drunken stupor of dreams of transvestite filled orgy.
No vote pardus.
@Ooh-Rah, to qoute the notorious Conor McGreager "who the fuck is that guy?"
X SF Med, is that dude even alive anymore? I mean I get we're getting to the bottom of the barrel here, but jeeezus, has that guy even made more than 5 posts in the last decade?:-"
@Red Flag 1, That guy does a good job, we should keep him.
@CDG, I'm feeling ya homie.
The rest of you closet transgender snow flakes, don't have a chance in hell.
Let's get this party started!!!
Vote Canadian Bacon bitches...