Mod Election Campaigning Thread

Jesus I come on here expecting Somalia level chaos and Red Wedding style verbal slaughter. What do I get? Kid gloves and hugs. This thread is to last years thread like Mayweather/Pacquiao is to mcgregor/mayweather.

I already cast my votes but so far every single candidate is a let down in this thread.

Put your shoulders back, light your last, and BLEED FOR US.

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Frank's version of a Rick Roll.

< Click Me > and go "full screen"

(No stupid rick-roll shit, video generator won't permit uploads to YouTube or Facebook)

To add -
<I don't even care if you hate it, but it took me nearly 2 hours to put this together, at least watch it! >

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Do you want lame moderators? Because this is how you get lame moderators...

With the complete lackluster performance in the shit talking arena, I think we should just hit the restart button.

I mean how bad do you have to suck, when Trump has better shit talking game than you?

At this point CNN wouldn't even waste the time making a fake story about any of you.

A softer, gentler shadowspear we shall all endear this year...2017/2018 the year of the apologetic moderator.:wall:

Unless you vote for Canadian BACON! That dude, will tap dance upon your emotional inadequacy like how I did when dropped your sister off last night at my side chicks house...:D:-o:-"
I don't recall apologizing for anything, nor did I make claims of being kinder and gentler. However, it's no surprise that with an IQ that matches your MOS, you would come to that conclusion. 8-)8-):D

Now this is good shit talking! :ROFLMAO:

But still, that's no way to treat your supporters.:-/

Only problem with you blue suit'ers...ahhh shit I've got nothing....

Fuck you guys...

Stupid chairforce!

Freaking SOF forum and the only two SOF guys running for moderator, is a transient Intel chick named Mara, and an old as dirt long tabber who's last ODA included his teammates Mark, Luke and John. Pretty sure @Marauder06 has a statistical slide show full of clip art and a bullet point on his resume of how he has all by himself made shadowspear great again.:rolleyes::p:D

And I am even more sure that @x SF med can still perform a manual of arms with a musket by memory. How do they even let that old as dirt dude on the internet?O_o:D:-"

@pardus your girlfriend left a message, said you need to get home...:sneaky:

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I'd like to recast my votes, @Diamondback 2/2 has been doing solid campaigning and has convinced me in the process that the site deserves a steely eyed and iron willed mod staff with knife hands sharper than a surgical blade. Definitely not the diplomatic limpwristed hippy candidates we have now :-".

*goes back to hiding in a corn field*
I'd like to recast my votes, @Diamondback 2/2 has been doing solid campaigning and has convinced me in the process that the site deserves a steely eyed and iron willed mod staff with knife hands sharper than a surgical blade. Definitely not the diplomatic limpwristed hippy candidates we have now :-".

*goes back to hiding in a corn field*

I wouldn't vote for anyone who has left the site for any reason. Some admin or mod was rude and you threw a bitch fit and left/threatened to leave the site, tldr20 remembers. You didn't like the way the site was restarted and disappeared/threw a bitch fit? Tldr20 remembers.

Shit talking aside, the site needs good moderators. Some of the people running are not those guys. Some absolutely are. I only voted for two because those are two guys I know are on the site religiously, who I know will put in work in vetting, in approving new members, and in doing the things site administration needs. Some of our other candidates are not around all the time, they don't post regularly, or they sit back on their "background" as if that is what matters. I have been around for moderators that don't participate. It is shitty. It means there is more work for everyone else. I've been in the vetting discussions where maybe two guys look and comment. It is annoying. Being a moderator is more than being impartial in the face of the sites more extreme members or conversations, a lot more, it is also approving a never ending amount of vetting documents, approving new site members and dealing with stupid ass squabbles.

You know who you are and who you aren't.

Remember all that when voting. Remember who is there. TLDR20 remembers.
I wouldn't vote for anyone who has left the site for any reason. Some admin or mod was rude and you threw a bitch fit and left/threatened to leave the site, tldr20 remembers. You didn't like the way the site was restarted and disappeared/threw a bitch fit? Tldr20 remembers.

Shit talking aside, the site needs good moderators. Some of the people running are not those guys. Some absolutely are. I only voted for two because those are two guys I know are on the site religiously, who I know will put in work in vetting, in approving new members, and in doing the things site administration needs. Some of our other candidates are not around all the time, they don't post regularly, or they sit back on their "background" as if that is what matters. I have been around for moderators that don't participate. It is shitty. It means there is more work for everyone else. I've been in the vetting discussions where maybe two guys look and comment. It is annoying. Being a moderator is more than being impartial in the face of the sites more extreme members or conversations, a lot more, it is also approving a never ending amount of vetting documents, approving new site members and dealing with stupid ass squabbles.

You know who you are and who you aren't.

Remember all that when voting. Remember who is there. TLDR20 remembers.

So. You'd vote for yourself, then.
So. You'd vote for yourself, then.

Looks like just a bitch fit to me about people who have more interesting lives than his own.

Outside of diamondback's showing on here, I'd vote for pretty much any of the candidates equally.. But I'm not pretentious and don't need to remember some bullshit past event to judge.