Mod Election Campaigning Thread

We've been reliably informed that @x SF med is a weiner licker. Each to his own, but would you like to adress these allegations before running for office?

x SF med is wiener licker, not a wiener licker... just wiener licker.

Ok... the old as dirt, luddite and musket manual of arms crap is back.... I will ruminate and see if I can find good words to put together for this thread... but ther is absolutely no inspiration here... none...
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I fucking swear- remember when the election thread was fun? When @AWP was Free and @Marauder06 wasn't so high ranking that he needed to be contrarian and middle of the road by default? When @pardus fucked sheep (wait.... he still fucks sheep... nevermind). When @RustyShackleford and @Polar Bear only showed up in fleeting moments to disrupt normal operations with their once in 4 months "gracing the site with my presence" act?! I remember. And @TLDR20 , you, sir, are no lady Mormont. She's a badass 10 year old girl and you're a white belt nurse. Move it along.

The candidates this year are a "who's who" of abortions.

@Florida173 is like the weather of his moniker's home state- infrequent, disruptive, and never helpful.

@CDG is the red headed step child's unwanted stupid ass friend of an orphan in the AF's hierarchy of SOF (and let me tell you, saying "AF SOF hierarchy is like saying "Coast Guard is still military")

@Red Flag 1 and @x SF med were just talking about how they really, REALLY miss the stories on AM radio, which is weird, cause they're both college educated and not welcome in actual discussions, like most of the under 25 year olds on this board (talking to you, @Salt USMC )

@Ooh-Rah and @NavyBuyer are in this together- cause like in the real world, @NavyBuyer just wants to give the Marines a ride to the fucking show and stay 13 miles off shore- like a mother in a station wagon taking the underage quarterback to prom, the Navy takes the Marines to combat. The Navy never fucks the prom queen, but the Navy always wins cause the Marines are useless without them.

@RackMaster is actually a good choice- except every hard conversation with those assholes starts, ends, and is impeded by copious amounts of apologizing and handjobs. Anyone ever been to Canada? No? Cause it's like America's attic- you forget it's there, and then you go there and say, "Shit, look at all this cool stuff I don't care about!" and then go back downstairs.

There was a time I cared about this thread, but that time isn't now, cause I need to die or quit to give up my tag no matter how bad it hurts the site. But honestly, having someone under the age of fucking 65 not in a staff job helps more than it hurts so you nerds can eat a bag of dicks.

@Diamondback 2/2 , your ham handed attempt to move this forward is noted and we love you, and we also hate you. I want you to simultaneously eat a bag of dicks AND like it.

@racing_kitty I see you haven't been involved but I still wanted to throw shade your way because you could destroy this junior varsity shit show with one paragraph but haven't.

@ShadowSpear , fuck the Patriots, you aren't that good.

That covers everyone that matters!
I fucking swear- remember when the election thread was fun? When @AWP was Free and @Marauder06 wasn't so high ranking that he needed to be contrarian and middle of the road by default? When @pardus fucked sheep (wait.... he still fucks sheep... nevermind). When @RustyShackleford and @Polar Bear only showed up in fleeting moments to disrupt normal operations with their once in 4 months "gracing the site with my presence" act?! I remember. And @TLDR20 , you, sir, are no lady Mormont. She's a badass 10 year old girl and you're a white belt nurse. Move it along.

The candidates this year are a "who's who" of abortions.

@Florida173 is like the weather of his moniker's home state- infrequent, disruptive, and never helpful.

@CDG is the red headed step child's unwanted stupid ass friend of an orphan in the AF's hierarchy of SOF (and let me tell you, saying "AF SOF hierarchy is like saying "Coast Guard is still military")

@Red Flag 1 and @x SF med were just talking about how they really, REALLY miss the stories on AM radio, which is weird, cause they're both college educated and not welcome in actual discussions, like most of the under 25 year olds on this board (talking to you, @Salt USMC )

@Ooh-Rah and @NavyBuyer are in this together- cause like in the real world, @NavyBuyer just wants to give the Marines a ride to the fucking show and stay 13 miles off shore- like a mother in a station wagon taking the underage quarterback to prom, the Navy takes the Marines to combat. The Navy never fucks the prom queen, but the Navy always wins cause the Marines are useless without them.

@RackMaster is actually a good choice- except every hard conversation with those assholes starts, ends, and is impeded by copious amounts of apologizing and handjobs. Anyone ever been to Canada? No? Cause it's like America's attic- you forget it's there, and then you go there and say, "Shit, look at all this cool stuff I don't care about!" and then go back downstairs.

There was a time I cared about this thread, but that time isn't now, cause I need to die or quit to give up my tag no matter how bad it hurts the site. But honestly, having someone under the age of fucking 65 not in a staff job helps more than it hurts so you nerds can eat a bag of dicks.

@Diamondback 2/2 , your ham handed attempt to move this forward is noted and we love you, and we also hate you. I want you to simultaneously eat a bag of dicks AND like it.

@racing_kitty I see you haven't been involved but I still wanted to throw shade your way because you could destroy this junior varsity shit show with one paragraph but haven't.

@ShadowSpear , fuck the Patriots, you aren't that good.

That covers everyone that matters!
@CDG is the red headed step child's unwanted stupid ass friend of an orphan in the AF's hierarchy of SOF (and let me tell you, saying "AF SOF hierarchy is like saying "Coast Guard is still military")

I can't even rebut this, because it's so true. Still, credit to the man in the arena and all that. Carry on, Sarn't.
I fucking swear- remember when the election thread was fun? When @AWP was Free and @Marauder06 wasn't so high ranking that he needed to be contrarian and middle of the road by default? When @pardus fucked sheep (wait.... he still fucks sheep... nevermind). When @RustyShackleford and @Polar Bear only showed up in fleeting moments to disrupt normal operations with their once in 4 months "gracing the site with my presence" act?! I remember.

I think that was way back when my 3rd post back was calling you a Coast Guard swimmer before I realize not everyone knew Troll, LL, and RP just looked at me like I was nuts.:hmm:
I get the feeling that a vote for @Ooh-Rah, is a vote for mandatory transgender and sensitivity training site-wide. I mean @Ooh-Rah likes to post about smoking cigars and Steve Jobs, which sounds like code for something strange... Then there's the moments of so called 'reflection' in the (.) thread, which are Microsoft screen backgrounds that lack inspiration. By the way, does Steven Job's know you're cheating on him?:-"

Which is why I'm placing a vote for RackMaster. We all know what the canukistan stands for... swine and maple syrup! The building blocks of empires! I mean, who doesn't like fried bacon and slow roasted pork flesh caramelized with a maple syrup ginger glaze? Vegetarians and communists, that's who!
Don't throw your votes away on @Ooh-Rah or @NavyBuyer, they enjoy crayons and other unmentionables.:ack:

Let's make Shadowspear great again by bringing back and keeping some of the old guard: Mara, the Troll, Yoda(RF1), Pardus, & RackMaster.

As for the other candidates...:whatever:
Ok... the old as dirt, luddite and musket manual of arms crap is back.... I will ruminate and see if I can find good words to put together for this thread... but ther is absolutely no inspiration here... none...

Empty mind, empty page I think is the saying.
OK. Let me first say. I hate each and everyone of you. Not just a passing hate, a deep seated hate that would allow me to set up a deck chair, table and umbrella, in order to watch you all drown in a pool of Kradle's music while I sip a nice cold beer.

I promise you strong leadership, incorporating threats, intimidation, blackmail and bribes. All for the greater good (of me).

I have an all encompassing plan for world domination. My first step is the hostile take over of Shadow Spear and the final destruction of the most evil and foul smelling @Marauder06! A despicable being that I'm sure you all recognize as one worthy of your just and righteous derision!


Your Fuhrer friend

- Rah -

It was silly when the sheep shagger posted it and it's silly now. It's a mod job, not an admin job...
This whole glorious post

What can I say? I'm pretty busy selling sex tours hosted by inflatable sheep manufacturers in my spare time.

I'm pretty sure this thread couldn't get any more fucked up if I rolled out of a gator-skull-adorned airboat wearing an angora wool sheep furry costume and rubber boots, with sandpaper mittens and early-onset Parkinson's, ready to make all y'all's moms scream "REFRIGERATOR RED LIGHT PERSIMMON!!!" because I made her forget her motherfucking safe word while bent over a walker I stole from some Montana nursing home.

I mean jumping drag queen Jesus on a pogo stick, y'all. I was ready to go all Warren Zevon and send lawyers, guns, and money to the first candidate that sent a keg of Octoberfest to my home address. Instead, it's like a quilting bee at the ammo point. "Five-five-six and perl and twist." I've seen bigger balls on Theon fucking Greyjoy than I have in this thread.

All the hair product and testosterone in this thread, and I still couldn't lubricate a hand job from a jellyfish with it. The water in the port-a-John is still blue because God's still pissed that the infantry hasn't wrecked this thread yet. Not even ganging up on the communist agitator and playing cookie on his driver's side floor mat could save this thread. It's like some intel weenie went to shit talk Andrew Dice Clay and rolled a fucking one using the S-3's d20. It's like finding out the Kraken is allergic to squid.

I think I've offended all but two in this post. I've run out of beer, though. Donations of single malt are accepted.
Everyone, on the internet, when you see the classic "u mad bro" meme, THIS ^^^^ comment is to what they are are referring.

Florida173, you are, in fact, mad bro. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Nice attempt at trolling

I fucking swear- remember when the election thread was fun? When @AWP was Free and @Marauder06 wasn't so high ranking that he needed to be contrarian and middle of the road by default? When @pardus fucked sheep (wait.... he still fucks sheep... nevermind). When @RustyShackleford and @Polar Bear only showed up in fleeting moments to disrupt normal operations with their once in 4 months "gracing the site with my presence" act?! I remember. And @TLDR20 , you, sir, are no lady Mormont. She's a badass 10 year old girl and you're a white belt nurse. Move it along.

The candidates this year are a "who's who" of abortions.

@Florida173 is like the weather of his moniker's home state- infrequent, disruptive, and never helpful.

@CDG is the red headed step child's unwanted stupid ass friend of an orphan in the AF's hierarchy of SOF (and let me tell you, saying "AF SOF hierarchy is like saying "Coast Guard is still military")

@Red Flag 1 and @x SF med were just talking about how they really, REALLY miss the stories on AM radio, which is weird, cause they're both college educated and not welcome in actual discussions, like most of the under 25 year olds on this board (talking to you, @Salt USMC )

@Ooh-Rah and @NavyBuyer are in this together- cause like in the real world, @NavyBuyer just wants to give the Marines a ride to the fucking show and stay 13 miles off shore- like a mother in a station wagon taking the underage quarterback to prom, the Navy takes the Marines to combat. The Navy never fucks the prom queen, but the Navy always wins cause the Marines are useless without them.

@RackMaster is actually a good choice- except every hard conversation with those assholes starts, ends, and is impeded by copious amounts of apologizing and handjobs. Anyone ever been to Canada? No? Cause it's like America's attic- you forget it's there, and then you go there and say, "Shit, look at all this cool stuff I don't care about!" and then go back downstairs.

There was a time I cared about this thread, but that time isn't now, cause I need to die or quit to give up my tag no matter how bad it hurts the site. But honestly, having someone under the age of fucking 65 not in a staff job helps more than it hurts so you nerds can eat a bag of dicks.

@Diamondback 2/2 , your ham handed attempt to move this forward is noted and we love you, and we also hate you. I want you to simultaneously eat a bag of dicks AND like it.

@racing_kitty I see you haven't been involved but I still wanted to throw shade your way because you could destroy this junior varsity shit show with one paragraph but haven't.

@ShadowSpear , fuck the Patriots, you aren't that good.

That covers everyone that matters!

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What can I say? I'm pretty busy selling sex tours hosted by inflatable sheep manufacturers in my spare time.

I'm pretty sure this thread couldn't get any more fucked up if I rolled out of a gator-skull-adorned airboat wearing an angora wool sheep furry costume and rubber boots, with sandpaper mittens and early-onset Parkinson's, ready to make all y'all's moms scream "REFRIGERATOR RED LIGHT PERSIMMON!!!" because I made her forget her motherfucking safe word while bent over a walker I stole from some Montana nursing home.

I mean jumping drag queen Jesus on a pogo stick, y'all. I was ready to go all Warren Zevon and send lawyers, guns, and money to the first candidate that sent a keg of Octoberfest to my home address. Instead, it's like a quilting bee at the ammo point. "Five-five-six and perl and twist." I've seen bigger balls on Theon fucking Greyjoy than I have in this thread.

All the hair product and testosterone in this thread, and I still couldn't lubricate a hand job from a jellyfish with it. The water in the port-a-John is still blue because God's still pissed that the infantry hasn't wrecked this thread yet. Not even ganging up on the communist agitator and playing cookie on his driver's side floor mat could save this thread. It's like some intel weenie went to shit talk Andrew Dice Clay and rolled a fucking one using the S-3's d20. It's like finding out the Kraken is allergic to squid.

I think I've offended all but two in this post. I've run out of beer, though. Donations of single malt are accepted.
@amlove21 the hand jobs aren't free, the going rate is 2 wooden nickels or $10 Canuckistani Rupees for every 5 minutes. Now reach arounds, they are free. :-/:ack:

@R.Caerbannog your check is in the mail, just don't cash it until after the 1st. I also included the VHS tape you requested of @NavyBuyer in drag and @Ooh-Rah banging a donkey in Tijuana.
I'm pretty sure this thread couldn't get any more fucked up if I rolled out of a gator-skull-adorned airboat wearing an angora wool sheep furry costume and rubber boots, with sandpaper mittens and early-onset Parkinson's, ready to make all y'all's moms scream "REFRIGERATOR RED LIGHT PERSIMMON!!!" because I made her forget her motherfucking safe word while bent over a walker I stole from some Montana nursing home.

All the hair product and testosterone in this thread, and I still couldn't lubricate a hand job from a jellyfish with it. The water in the port-a-John is still blue because God's still pissed that the infantry hasn't wrecked this thread yet.
