Mod Election Campaigning Thread

I fucking swear- remember when the election thread was fun? When @AWP was Free and @Marauder06 wasn't so high ranking that he needed to be contrarian and middle of the road by default? When @pardus fucked sheep (wait.... he still fucks sheep... nevermind). When @RustyShackleford and @Polar Bear only showed up in fleeting moments to disrupt normal operations with their once in 4 months "gracing the site with my presence" act?! I remember. And @TLDR20 , you, sir, are no lady Mormont. She's a badass 10 year old girl and you're a white belt nurse. Move it along.

The candidates this year are a "who's who" of abortions.

@Florida173 is like the weather of his moniker's home state- infrequent, disruptive, and never helpful.

@CDG is the red headed step child's unwanted stupid ass friend of an orphan in the AF's hierarchy of SOF (and let me tell you, saying "AF SOF hierarchy is like saying "Coast Guard is still military")

@Red Flag 1 and @x SF med were just talking about how they really, REALLY miss the stories on AM radio, which is weird, cause they're both college educated and not welcome in actual discussions, like most of the under 25 year olds on this board (talking to you, @Salt USMC )

@Ooh-Rah and @NavyBuyer are in this together- cause like in the real world, @NavyBuyer just wants to give the Marines a ride to the fucking show and stay 13 miles off shore- like a mother in a station wagon taking the underage quarterback to prom, the Navy takes the Marines to combat. The Navy never fucks the prom queen, but the Navy always wins cause the Marines are useless without them.

@RackMaster is actually a good choice- except every hard conversation with those assholes starts, ends, and is impeded by copious amounts of apologizing and handjobs. Anyone ever been to Canada? No? Cause it's like America's attic- you forget it's there, and then you go there and say, "Shit, look at all this cool stuff I don't care about!" and then go back downstairs.

There was a time I cared about this thread, but that time isn't now, cause I need to die or quit to give up my tag no matter how bad it hurts the site. But honestly, having someone under the age of fucking 65 not in a staff job helps more than it hurts so you nerds can eat a bag of dicks.

@Diamondback 2/2 , your ham handed attempt to move this forward is noted and we love you, and we also hate you. I want you to simultaneously eat a bag of dicks AND like it.

@racing_kitty I see you haven't been involved but I still wanted to throw shade your way because you could destroy this junior varsity shit show with one paragraph but haven't.

@ShadowSpear , fuck the Patriots, you aren't that good.

That covers everyone that matters!

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I wouldn't vote for anyone who has left the site for any reason. Some admin or mod was rude and you threw a bitch fit and left/threatened to leave the site, tldr20 remembers. You didn't like the way the site was restarted and disappeared/threw a bitch fit? Tldr20 remembers.

Shit talking aside, the site needs good moderators. Some of the people running are not those guys. Some absolutely are. I only voted for two because those are two guys I know are on the site religiously, who I know will put in work in vetting, in approving new members, and in doing the things site administration needs. Some of our other candidates are not around all the time, they don't post regularly, or they sit back on their "background" as if that is what matters. I have been around for moderators that don't participate. It is shitty. It means there is more work for everyone else. I've been in the vetting discussions where maybe two guys look and comment. It is annoying. Being a moderator is more than being impartial in the face of the sites more extreme members or conversations, a lot more, it is also approving a never ending amount of vetting documents, approving new site members and dealing with stupid ass squabbles.

You know who you are and who you aren't.

Remember all that when voting. Remember who is there. TLDR20 remembers.

I wasn't going to jump into the shenanigans this year, but for a couple of reasons I now think I should.

To begin with, there's the tone of this thread. In years past, threads like this were a time to exchange some good-natured humor among friends. That appears to have changed this year for some reason, and now it seems like we've got some score-settling and cheap shots going on. It would be great if we could get back to the old way and have a little less of the new way. We need to remember that we're still going to be a community after this election. There's no need to let pettiness and bitterness start creeping in. I think we have literally never had to edit or delete posts or warn members in threads like these. But we can start this year if we need to.

Along those lines, and to address some of the things that have already been said: not everyone on the staff gets to be the "fun mod." Some of us, or at least someone, has to be the bad guy and hold people, including long-term site members and even fellow members of the staff, accountable. When you do things like that, whether online or in real life, it makes you enemies. That's why you should always be suspicious of people who say "I get along with everyone," because it means they never took a stand on anything important. Some of us aren't afraid to do that. Many times over the years some of us have had to be "the bad mod" or the "mean mod" or the "fun police." It's not a role any of us cherish, but it's necessary in order to keep our little corner of the Internet from becoming like so many other larger, but far more dysfunctional, sites out there. Personally, I make no apologies for that.

One of the reasons we have so many mods is that we're all so different, and bring different (and complementary) talents to the team. Not everyone can be SuperMod, at least not all the time. People on the staff come and go in accordance with their abilities to contribute, their priorities, their performance, and the yearly mandate from their fellow members. They give what they can, when they can. Some do more than others and that's the way it is in pretty much any volunteer organization. But at least they volunteered.

This year I voted for 6 people and would have voted for more if I could have. While there have always been people I wouldn't vote for because I don't think they're up to the task, I think I've always voted for the max number allowed. I've also voted for people I didn't like, because I recognize their ability contribute to the site in a positive manner.

This is where I'd normally say "vote for me for mod" but I'm not doing that this year, for two reasons. One, pretty much everyone who was going to vote already has. For all intents and purposes, it's all over but the crying. And two, you should vote for the people who you think would do a good job for the site in the coming year. If that's no one, vote for no one. If it's one or six or any number in between, then vote for those people. If that's me, then I'll serve another year as mod. If it's not, then I'll find another way to contribute to the site. I suspect that's the case for everyone who threw their names in the hat this year.

Finally, the part you've all been waiting for. A couple of people have called me out on this thread, in a good-natured and humorous way. You know I was going to have clip art for this. I am Mara. You should have expected me...

In order of posting:

I have at least upped my street cred in the hate department before it goes away.

What have you got, like 51 hate? That's... cute. I remember my first week on ShadowSpear too. Come back up on the net when that, and your GT score, are in the triple digits. But you know, if you reverse those digits you've got a number that approximates both the number of total months that @Diamondback 2/2 has in the Army as well as your current vote tally. So there's that.

51 hate and 15 mod votes? Yeah I've got a meme for that:

[those are rookie numbers.gif

I fucking swear- remember when the election thread was fun? When @AWP was Free and @Marauder06 wasn't so high ranking that he needed to be contrarian and middle of the road by default? ...

Let's get something straight. The only way I'm "high ranking" is in the race for the trophy that says "Your Mom."
give your mom a medal.jpg

Now this:
@Red Flag 1 and @x SF med were just talking about how they really, REALLY miss the stories on AM radio, which is weird, cause they're both college educated and not welcome in actual discussions, like most of the under 25 year olds on this board (talking to you, @Salt USMC )

This, ^ this is brilliant. It's witty, it's scathing, it's well-timed, it's... a four-year-old quote stolen from someone named "girrlgenius" on Twitter?

Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 6.38.13 PM.png

Wow. Make someone an admin and watch their game slip out the window. Just like... never mind I already made a "your mom" joke once in this thread.

Anyway, I think that effectively handles anyone who called me out in this thread. Now for the rest of you,

No more sniping, absence of the benefit of the doubt, pointless score settling, etc.?

The thrill is gone. Time to vote and return to lurking.
To begin with, there's the tone of this thread. In years past, threads like this were a time to exchange some good-natured humor among friends. That appears to have changed this year for some reason, and now it seems like we've got some score-settling and cheap shots going on.

Could not agree more. Truth be told, the forum tone has really changed after that Presidential Debate thread. To add...if you didn't watch my Hitler video, you did get a mention!

I wouldn't vote for anyone who has left the site for any reason. Some admin or mod was rude and you threw a bitch fit and left/threatened to leave the site, tldr20 remembers. You didn't like the way the site was restarted and disappeared/threw a bitch fit? Tldr20 remembers.

Shit talking aside, the site needs good moderators. Some of the people running are not those guys. Some absolutely are. I only voted for two because those are two guys I know are on the site religiously, who I know will put in work in vetting, in approving new members, and in doing the things site administration needs. Some of our other candidates are not around all the time, they don't post regularly, or they sit back on their "background" as if that is what matters. I have been around for moderators that don't participate. It is shitty. It means there is more work for everyone else. I've been in the vetting discussions where maybe two guys look and comment. It is annoying. Being a moderator is more than being impartial in the face of the sites more extreme members or conversations, a lot more, it is also approving a never ending amount of vetting documents, approving new site members and dealing with stupid ass squabbles.

You know who you are and who you aren't.

Remember all that when voting. Remember who is there. TLDR20 remembers.
I came to this site 5 years ago an over-the-top conservative who spouted quotes I heard on talk-radio and posted political memes bordering on the ridiculous. I commented on posts I had no business commenting on, and gave advice where I was completely out of my lane. @TLDR20 , @AWP , and @x SF med are likely responsible for more of my registered "hate" than any other members, and it bugged me. They often publicly admonished me, and it pissed me off. So I showed them....I asked questions, thought before hitting "post", and learned to research my responses before replying.

So thank you gentlemen. Our interactions on this forum have taught me to be a critical thinker, to be more tolerant of that which I do not always understand, and to avoid online pissing matches where there can be no winner.

My desire to be a mod is primarily motivated by hopefully paying forward what this site has done for me as a member, and a person.
The problem is that @Marauder06 got to spend a day in the Infantry, where his platoon spent said day playing out the sequel to Broke Back Mountian on his...well, the sequel was oddly enough named Corn Hole Creek, I will allow your imaginations to take you where they may.:-o

Moving on, @amlove21 decided to grace us with some witty shit, nice to see the not so much "combat" Rescue side of the Airforce to drop in and grace us with his need to feel important about his life decisions as a gender-nuteral glorified broke dick repair line we get it, you did some swimming in a pool and get to wear an airplane gang hat. The bowl of dicks you shall eat good sir!:thumbsup:

And than the bomb chica @racing_kitty, oh how goddamn dare you... Daimondback no likes the talk about the Infantry colored poopy water...but with the addition of your species to my branch, I find it hard to deny that the man in the sky, now hates the Infantry.:p:-":D

And for the rest of you...

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Moving on, @amlove21 decided to grace us with some witty shit, nice to see the not so much "combat" Rescue side of the Airforce to drop in and grace us with his need to feel important about his life decisions as gender-nuteral glorified broke dick repair line we get it, you did some finning in the top 5% of your courses in a pool and get to wear an airplane gang hat. The bowl dicks you shall eat good sir!:thumbsup:
I fixed it for you. Get it right or pay the price, old man.
I fucking swear- remember when the election thread was fun? When @AWP was Free and @Marauder06 wasn't so high ranking that he needed to be contrarian and middle of the road by default? When @pardus fucked sheep (wait.... he still fucks sheep... nevermind). When @RustyShackleford and @Polar Bear only showed up in fleeting moments to disrupt normal operations with their once in 4 months "gracing the site with my presence" act?! I remember. And @TLDR20 , you, sir, are no lady Mormont. She's a badass 10 year old girl and you're a white belt nurse. Move it along.

The candidates this year are a "who's who" of abortions.

@Florida173 is like the weather of his moniker's home state- infrequent, disruptive, and never helpful.

@CDG is the red headed step child's unwanted stupid ass friend of an orphan in the AF's hierarchy of SOF (and let me tell you, saying "AF SOF hierarchy is like saying "Coast Guard is still military")

@Red Flag 1 and @x SF med were just talking about how they really, REALLY miss the stories on AM radio, which is weird, cause they're both college educated and not welcome in actual discussions, like most of the under 25 year olds on this board (talking to you, @Salt USMC )

@Ooh-Rah and @NavyBuyer are in this together- cause like in the real world, @NavyBuyer just wants to give the Marines a ride to the fucking show and stay 13 miles off shore- like a mother in a station wagon taking the underage quarterback to prom, the Navy takes the Marines to combat. The Navy never fucks the prom queen, but the Navy always wins cause the Marines are useless without them.

@RackMaster is actually a good choice- except every hard conversation with those assholes starts, ends, and is impeded by copious amounts of apologizing and handjobs. Anyone ever been to Canada? No? Cause it's like America's attic- you forget it's there, and then you go there and say, "Shit, look at all this cool stuff I don't care about!" and then go back downstairs.

There was a time I cared about this thread, but that time isn't now, cause I need to die or quit to give up my tag no matter how bad it hurts the site. But honestly, having someone under the age of fucking 65 not in a staff job helps more than it hurts so you nerds can eat a bag of dicks.

@Diamondback 2/2 , your ham handed attempt to move this forward is noted and we love you, and we also hate you. I want you to simultaneously eat a bag of dicks AND like it.

@racing_kitty I see you haven't been involved but I still wanted to throw shade your way because you could destroy this junior varsity shit show with one paragraph but haven't.

@ShadowSpear , fuck the Patriots, you aren't that good.

That covers everyone that matters!
:-o I would like to change my votes.... I didn't read this.

Okay, I'm happy with my votes. My voting was really just picking the names I recognized and flawed justifications to back it up.

RF1 - Because he sounds useful.
Ooh-Rah - A mistaken sense of loyalty, because I assumed it meant he was a Marine. And all the Marines I've encountered online personally have been helpful.
CDG - Well, I figured 'Mittens' meant there was a chance he/she was a female. So that was my female-supporting-female vote. If he is not a she, then I don't want to know.