Mod Election Campaigning Thread

Says the man whose only contribution after 8 pages of this thread, is to complain about the thread :rolleyes:

This bitch is about as over as @Salt USMC 's short lived reign as a moderator.

@CDG isn't going to talk shit. As of this morning he's on the comeback trail and watching the polls like Hilary on election night.

@Florida173 hadn't posted since January of 2017 and then came back to run for Mod again. Great strategy! :thumbsup: You received 12 votes last year and are at 16 this year. Looks like you picked up the pity votes that Metalmom got last year.

@Marauder06 might as well be a Supreme Court nominee when it comes to this election. Pretty obvious who controls the levers behind the curtain. And I quote:

How many votes did the rest of you get? :-"

@NavyBuyer , fucking Marine is getting stomped like his 0-2 fantasy team, but he keeps coming back for more! Semper Fi, brother!

@pardus obviously has 'goat fuck' porn of those who matter. <cough @ShadowSpear cough> I mean why bother running when you are a lock anyway? #recount2016

@RackMaster and @Red Flag 1 - how do you go after two guys who are obviously just genuinely "good" guys? You go for the pain that's what you do. RackMaster is only running because coming from America's 51st state, (Canada) he wants the opportunity to participate in an election that actually matters. And everyone knows that RedFlag lifts his medical advice from WebMD.

@AWP - What the fuck is it with you and that band you actually took the time to filter so that it reads "The worst band in the history of ever" instead of it's own name? When I am elected I am going to make it my first mission to learn how to fuck with that setting so that whenever a member references that band's name, the auto filter shows" AWP will blow you for a sniff of Jack". Knowing your affection for clowns and "that band", I'll just leave this here....

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That was some pretty good smack talking. I'm going to use my seventh vote to vote for you.
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Besides all the faggotry and assbuggery I just read thru this lil nugget is my favorite...
Anyone ever been to Canada? No? Cause it's like America's attic- you forget it's there, and then you go there and say, "Shit, look at all this cool stuff I don't care about!" and then go back downstairs.

Have the best day ever whoever wins.
Besides all the faggotry and assbuggery I just read thru this lil nugget is my favorite...
Anyone ever been to Canada? No? Cause it's like America's attic- you forget it's there, and then you go there and say, "Shit, look at all this cool stuff I don't care about!" and then go back downstairs.

Have the best day ever whoever wins.

You would think that but we just want to keep all you fuckers out. We don't want you to turn our country into a cold Florida.
Whelp, bunny poop. Looks like we all might have to brush up on gender fuid safe words and know, to not offend @Ooh-Rah and the perfumed hairwax loving @CDG. I mean, gosh darn it. We could've had a moderator who campaigned on the cultural enlightenment of a society that loves maple syrup and bacon. But nope! Instead we are gonna get mods who know how to pay Dungeons & Dragons with muggle magic and use scented candles as hair wax. Woe, woe, woe.

Just remember that you people chose weirdness over the awesome power of maple syrup and bacon. As for those who refuted the return of the Canadian mod messiah...I hope that your bacon burns and your maple syrup runs dry. #thenorthremembers
Whelp, bunny poop. Looks like we all might have to brush up on gender fuid safe words and know, to not offend @Ooh-Rah and the perfumed hairwax loving @CDG. I mean, gosh darn it. We could've had a moderator who campaigned on the cultural enlightenment of a society that loves maple syrup and bacon. But nope! Instead we are gonna get mods who know how to pay Dungeons & Dragons with muggle magic and use scented candles as hair wax. Woe, woe, woe.

Just remember that you people chose weirdness over the awesome power of maple syrup and bacon. As for those who refuted the return of the Canadian mod messiah...I hope that your bacon burns and your maple syrup runs dry. #thenorthremembers

Uhhh, I think you're confusing me with @amlove21. TACPs are way less obsessive about our hair.

As to your second point, does anyone remember ever getting maple syrup and/or bacon sent to them by Rack? Did American prices for those items drop during his time in office? NO! There weren't. It's all bacon smoke and mirrors. Syrup covered bread and circuses. Piss off back to the nearest Horton's, @R.Caerbannog.