Mod Election Campaigning Thread

Donations of single malt are accepted.

You need to visit, and the bourbon is on the house... but you need to pay for toilet priveleges.

I wasn't going to jump into the shenanigans this year, but for a couple of reasons I now think I should.

To begin with, there's the tone of this thread. In years past, threads like this were a time to exchange some good-natured humor among friends. That appears to have changed this year for some reason, and now it seems like we've got some score-settling and cheap shots going on. It would be great if we could get back to the old way and have a little less of the new way. We need to remember that we're still going to be a community after this election. There's no need to let pettiness and bitterness start creeping in. I think we have literally never had to edit or delete posts or warn members in threads like these. But we can start this year if we need to.

Along those lines, and to address some of the things that have already been said: not everyone on the staff gets to be the "fun mod." Some of us, or at least someone, has to be the bad guy and hold people, including long-term site members and even fellow members of the staff, accountable. When you do things like that, whether online or in real life, it makes you enemies. That's why you should always be suspicious of people who say "I get along with everyone," because it means they never took a stand on anything important. Some of us aren't afraid to do that. Many times over the years some of us have had to be "the bad mod" or the "mean mod" or the "fun police." It's not a role any of us cherish, but it's necessary in order to keep our little corner of the Internet from becoming like so many other larger, but far more dysfunctional, sites out there. Personally, I make no apologies for that.

One of the reasons we have so many mods is that we're all so different, and bring different (and complementary) talents to the team. Not everyone can be SuperMod, at least not all the time. People on the staff come and go in accordance with their abilities to contribute, their priorities, their performance, and the yearly mandate from their fellow members. They give what they can, when they can. Some do more than others and that's the way it is in pretty much any volunteer organization. But at least they volunteered.

This year I voted for 6 people and would have voted for more if I could have. While there have always been people I wouldn't vote for because I don't think they're up to the task, I think I've always voted for the max number allowed. I've also voted for people I didn't like, because I recognize their ability contribute to the site in a positive manner.

This is where I'd normally say "vote for me for mod" but I'm not doing that this year, for two reasons. One, pretty much everyone who was going to vote already has. For all intents and purposes, it's all over but the crying. And two, you should vote for the people who you think would do a good job for the site in the coming year. If that's no one, vote for no one. If it's one or six or any number in between, then vote for those people. If that's me, then I'll serve another year as mod. If it's not, then I'll find another way to contribute to the site. I suspect that's the case for everyone who threw their names in the hat this year.

Finally, the part you've all been waiting for. A couple of people have called me out on this thread, in a good-natured and humorous way. You know I was going to have clip art for this. I am Mara. You should have expected me...

In order of posting:

What have you got, like 51 hate? That's... cute. I remember my first week on ShadowSpear too. Come back up on the net when that, and your GT score, are in the triple digits. But you know, if you reverse those digits you've got a number that approximates both the number of total months that @Diamondback 2/2 has in the Army as well as your current vote tally. So there's that.

51 hate and 15 mod votes? Yeah I've got a meme for that:

[View attachment 19715

Let's get something straight. The only way I'm "high ranking" is in the race for the trophy that says "Your Mom."
View attachment 19716

Now this:

This, ^ this is brilliant. It's witty, it's scathing, it's well-timed, it's... a four-year-old quote stolen from someone named "girrlgenius" on Twitter?

View attachment 19717

Wow. Make someone an admin and watch their game slip out the window. Just like... never mind I already made a "your mom" joke once in this thread.

Anyway, I think that effectively handles anyone who called me out in this thread. Now for the rest of you,

Wow, ma'am... did you not get enough TGL18 this week?:p:-"

@Ooh-Rah ... you need to get to @Muppet or @RackMaster level hate to even be considered in the damn race, you are not even an amateur yet... Mara and I are the "Pros from Dover" in the hate game.

Friggin whingy assed crayon eaters.
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CDG - Well, I figured 'Mittens' meant there was a chance he/she was a female. So that was my female-supporting-female vote. If he is not a she, then I don't want to know.

@CDG is an (out and) proud member of the Air Force. They have questionable taste in friends, preferring the company of other Air Force people who wear impractical hats that smell funny when they're wet. Generally, they talk about various hair products. I really don't want to know what they do with mittens--alone or together.

However, despite their many well-documented character flaws, and nonbinary ceteroromantic preferences, @CDG is not our leading transsexual.

That honor clearly belongs to @Marauder06 (informally Mara, or simply honey bunny when he's in his cups).
Thank you for the clarification, @policemedic .

Based on that info, I'm still very happy with my choice.

To be honest, I would have liked to vote for @Marauder06 . I was touched by the quick response of creating the "Open Mic" thread - which I still don't get. To date, there are references of farting, testosterone, erection, c*nts, penguins, Mexican food and how to punch a Nazi. Not to sound ungrateful, but it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Still, I remain appreciative all the same. Another link I dutifully click so I can think HUH? WTF? OMG! O_o
This thread sucks so hard even Comey won't investigate it.
Says the man whose only contribution after 8 pages of this thread, is to complain about the thread :rolleyes:

This bitch is about as over as @Salt USMC 's short lived reign as a moderator.

@CDG isn't going to talk shit. As of this morning he's on the comeback trail and watching the polls like Hilary on election night.

@Florida173 hadn't posted since January of 2017 and then came back to run for Mod again. Great strategy! :thumbsup: You received 12 votes last year and are at 16 this year. Looks like you picked up the pity votes that Metalmom got last year.

@Marauder06 might as well be a Supreme Court nominee when it comes to this election. Pretty obvious who controls the levers behind the curtain. And I quote:
This year I voted for 6 people
How many votes did the rest of you get? :-"

@NavyBuyer , fucking Marine is getting stomped like his 0-2 fantasy team, but he keeps coming back for more! Semper Fi, brother!

@pardus obviously has 'goat fuck' porn of those who matter. <cough @ShadowSpear cough> I mean why bother running when you are a lock anyway? #recount2016

@RackMaster and @Red Flag 1 - how do you go after two guys who are obviously just genuinely "good" guys? You go for the pain that's what you do. RackMaster is only running because coming from America's 51st state, (Canada) he wants the opportunity to participate in an election that actually matters. And everyone knows that RedFlag lifts his medical advice from WebMD.

@AWP - What the fuck is it with you and that band you actually took the time to filter so that it reads "Nickelback" instead of it's own name? When I am elected I am going to make it my first mission to learn how to fuck with that setting so that whenever a member references that band's name, the auto filter shows" AWP will blow you for a sniff of Jack". Knowing your affection for clowns and "that band", I'll just leave this here....

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@x SF med - What the fuck is it with you and that band you actually took the time to filter so that it reads "The worst band in the history of ever" instead of it's own name? When I am elected I am going to make it my first mission to learn how to fuck with that setting so that whenever a member references that band's name, the auto filter shows" x SF Med will blow you for a sniff of Jack". Knowing your affection for clowns and "that band", I'll just leave this here....

You are confusing me with @AWP ... while I am not a fan of that untalented bunch of canuks, he is the one with the digestive issues when they are mentioned.

eta- How the hell am I in the lead in this damn election at the moment? Methinks I shall have to abase myself and actually respond to some of the ill-worded and mindless babble that is spewing on this wholly inadequate thread of demeaning invective that calls itself a campaigning thread.

All of my opponents except @Red Flag 1 are a bunch of sniveling cunts, especially that ex-pat Kiwi medic of ill repute... the Jarheads just eat crayons and can't color in the lines... AF, 'nuff said - just look at their leaders on this place, a Meteorological Prognosticator of low order and hair gel addicted flying medic with no skillz a-tall... the rest of you losers... there are not enough are not worth mentioning... except Ms Mara, he/she is still owing a dram or two of a graduation bottle to the Troll, so shall not be fully demeaned until this payment is made, because he/she will get all bent out of shape and never pay up if I hurt it's feelings.

Now, get on with the verbal abuse and badinage, you illiterate hoi-polloi, step up your games and your vocabularies.
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Yes I hate to say this and it makes me shiver my timbers... but the Troll is right.

AWP is the one with the shell game. He pretends to hate Nickleback but he actually doesn't care either way. Because they're a beard:

He actually loves Celine Dion.
You are confusing me with @AWP ... while I am not a fan of that untalented bunch of canuks, he is the one with the digestive issues when they are mentioned.

- FUCK -

That boys and girls is why you let someone proofread your resume before you send it out....

Says the man whose only contribution after 8 pages of this thread, is to complain about the thread :rolleyes:

@AWP - What the fuck is it with you and that band you actually took the time to filter so that it reads "The worst band in the history of ever" instead of it's own name? When I am elected I am going to make it my first mission to learn how to fuck with that setting....

Negative reinforcement, you Marines should understand that. I guess the Corps isn't what I thought. As for the band? Not happening, Airman.
have you watched The Last Circus @Frank S.


if so would you give your thoughts or recommendations in it? It looks interesting.

Carolina Bang.

As for the rest, living under authoritarian regimes (Franco in this case), remains an indelible aftertaste of reflexive vomit for any semi-creative types. Cannot imagine what it must be like for artists. Vomit, rusty cans and menstrual cunnilingus come to mind.

Carolina Bang. Do see the humor in it, because there's plenty.