Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

Honduras arrests five US-bound Syrians with stolen passports - BBC News

Police in Honduras have arrested five Syrians who were travelling on stolen Greek passports and intended to enter the United States by land.

The five men were detained on Tuesday night after arriving on a flight from neighbouring El Salvador, police said.

How many others haven't been caught? How many others made it through in the past? When it comes to these attacks, it's always a question of when, not if.
Paris attacks: Bataclan police describe 'hellish' siege - BBC News


Police who stormed concert hall during the Paris attacks "really saw hell"

Officers who entered the Bataclan are not allowed to speak on camera about what they saw, but police union spokesman Nicolas Comte has recounted their story to the BBC. He said: "Inside the Bataclan, there was someone who was talking to the police by phone. He was hiding in a technical area. He told us he could hear more shooting, he could hear they were still executing people." Mr Comte said specially trained police then began their assault on the building.

"At first they thought they were walking in water, then they realised it was blood," he told the BBC's Damian Grammaticas. "They had to make their way in the dark, stepping over bodies. "The wounded lying there saw the police. They were calling out to the officers, moaning, begging them. They tried to catch hold of my colleague as [he] went past but the officers couldn't help them." Speaking in French, Mr Comte said the police had to "neutralise the terrorists before they could save everyone". He said the attackers fired at the advancing police, and 27 rounds hit a metal shield officers were using to protect themselves.

"There were around 20 hostages between them and the attackers," he said. "The officers realised they had to finish things quickly. They managed to shoot one and soon, as he saw that, the second one blew himself up." Officers took in the full horror of the scene after the attackers were dead, Mr Comte said. "They saw there were tens and tens of bodies lying on top of each other, some with terrible injuries," he said. "Many of them were very very young. My colleagues told me: 'We really saw hell tonight'."


There's an "afterwards" photo which I won't post here but which you can easily find. Personally, I think more people need to see that kind of stuff. See the reality of what these animals are capable of.
So another debate that gets fuel from the attack in Paris is that of the "The Militarization of Police"
I can say I've picked up enough body parts and seen enough carnage to last me a life time. The guys who stormed that concerts hall, will be dealing with some stuff that is long lasting.

The amount of bullshit everyone deals with due to the incidents, is reason enough to say fuck these people. Kill'em off...period.
I can say I've picked up enough body parts and seen enough carnage to last me a life time. The guys who stormed that concerts hall, will be dealing with some stuff that is long lasting.

The amount of bullshit everyone deals with due to the incidents, is reason enough to say fuck these people. Kill'em off...period.

PTSD is not a "military only", or "combat only" event. There are plenty of people who live with PTSD thanks to some selfserving bastards who make cruelity to others, their goal in life. To "Kill'em of" is a good first step.
PTSD is not a "military only", or "combat only" event. There are plenty of people who live with PTSD thanks to some selfserving bastards who make cruelity to others, their goal in life. To "Kill'em of" is a good first step.

I can't agree more. My brother is a firefighter with San Antonio Fire Department. I've seen some pretty drastic changes in him, and he didn't grow up sheltered by any means. Everyone deals with things differently, but one thing that tends to be common, is trying to rationalize good people being brutally killed for senseless acts.
An interesting interview with the rector of the Paris Grand Mosque.

Paris Grand Mosque chairman backs fight against ISIS -

"America doesn't want to, can't send men after Iraq, after Afghanistan — no longer wants to send men to Syria," Dalil Boubakeur said in French. "And yet it is necessary, only soldiers taking back territory is the way to push them back."

"You're saying," Amanpour responded, "that you have to send armies to occupy the land that they hold?"

"It is necessary, it is necessary. It is absolutely necessary.

All right, I'm onboard.

"Where are the massive marches," Amanpour asked, "by the Muslim community around the world? Just get out there and tell these Muslims, these radicals, these extremists, the people you're talking about, 'No!'"

"It is the true question," he said in English.

For all of her liberal bent, she poses a question I've asked repeatedly. Where's the community, where are the masses of Muslims crying out against the extreme minority?

"But each time I talk here in the Grand Mosque of Paris they say to me, 'Sir you do not represent the Muslims, the young who think differently.' And I say yes, because I don't think like them. The people who think like me are discreet, people don't listen to us, and apart from you," he told Amanpour, "the media don't pay us any attention."

The media, he added, only put their microphones in front of frothing radicals.

On one hand, I get it. The vermin need something to sell, I understand. The problem is after 14 years of this mess we only see little one off interviews like this. This issue is vitally important to the 1.whatever billion Muslims on the planet and yet they are stymied at every turn by the press? Seriously?

It is a good article, but stops short of offering any real insight or to show leadership.
Agree with @Freefalling , why don't the Muslim men of Iraq fight back? Is it because they WANT the IS to succeed?

Has Obama & the West backed the wrong horse? Should we team with Iran & the Soviets on this one?
Which means the government can put anyone on a secret terror list, and stop you from owning weapons.

You can't get off the list because it's a secret (who put you on it) and the Government would be harmed by telling you why you are on the list.

Where are all the Liberals, Libertarians, and other "freedom fighters"