Out of curiosity... "What do you do"

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The ShanMan
Jun 29, 2008
CA, WI, and TX
When someone claims to be in MARSOC and you ask "What do you do", what would be the 'acceptable' reply?

Reason I ask is because I talked to someone who said they were in, and I ask them that question, and they replied "Force Reconnaissance". Which I understand why he would say that, but then he went of on saying his MOS is "Top Secret" So I just started to waive the BS flag.:confused:
When I was in I would answer "Dolphin trainer" or "a Clown School Grad". Worst case scenario is Bulk Fuel.
Anyone who tells you that his "job" is "top secret" is full of shit.:2c:

Very true.... or he/she might be embarrassed by what he does. Which is just as stupid at lying about it. All the jobs are important and there is no need to try to “pump” up your job.
Sounds like a BS statement to me; what an 0321 does isn't classified. When, where, how, etc, might be, but not the basic skills required.

To tangent, my first MOS in the Corps was 2532 Microwave Equipment Operator. Basically, we operated long distance radios that used frequencies above 1000 MHz, hence the "Microwave". The standard answer though (when people asked what a Microwave Equipment Operator does) was a long drawn out story about giant microwave ovens (think the size of an ISO container) that were mounted on the back of trucks to prepare chow in the field. We'd get into the radiation suits we wore, etc. People would get pretty disappointed when they figured out we were just cooks...
The guy is full of shit. He could have said special reconnaissance, or deep reconnaissance, but Force Recon was a unit not a job, and it is not a part of MARSOC. How the hell does that even sound "I do Force Reconnaissance". Back when Force was still around he would have either gave you the straight answer of "I'm Recon over with 1st or 2nd Force" or the always fun "I'm bulk fuel". Just puch him the face next time you see him.
Walked into this individual again, got to talking....

Since when do people have a 'top secret' MOS? lmao...

Gotta love posers/idiots.
This is not my lane, because I am not a Marine, nor am I affiliated with MARSOC... however, I have run missions with them, and I can attest... they are a GREAT bunch of misfits... I fit right in with them.

You should get this ass clown's name and info to them, because I am very sure they have a Poser Trophy Room, the same as we do.

One thing is for sure... the world is a very small place. Posers beware!!!

Top Secret MOS. That's funny right there.
When I was at USASOC, I occasionally gave a class to 18-series BNCOC and ANCOC - "This is what a SOT-A can do for you."

I was amazed at some of the responses I got.

"The team leader told me that he worked for NSA, not me."
"You don't have need to know."

Then why the fuck are you here, hero?!

You either have a higher opinion of yourself than everyone else does, or you're incompetent and are covering your ass with "access."
Shhhhhh... remember - we're all so secret here that we really don't exist, our MOS's are so classified that they make people's brains explode when they hear about them, and our missions are so top secret that we don't even know what we do - in case we might tell somebody....:confused:

Friggin assclown...

His best answer - I am a Marine Infantryman attached to [major higher headquarters here] and damn proud of it. Semper Fi!!!
I just watched a movie about a guy named Jason Bourne.... Does that qualify me? Is that the kind of thing you guys are talking about?

I just watched a movie about a guy named Jason Bourne.... Does that qualify me? Is that the kind of thing you guys are talking about?


Even better you need to watch the new Nicolas Cage movie, Bangkok Dangerous, then you'll qualify. :D That was a good flick, shitty ending.

That guy sounds like a tool, I hardly ever admit that I'm in the military, let alone what I do; unless it's to some one else that serves. I just don't want the risk of getting into some BS political argument. So I usually say I'm a painter or carpenter, sometimes I even say I'm an artist waiting for my big break and when they ask what kind of art I do; I tell them I break shit. :evil:
I saw this at the squadron, especially with the younger guys looking to get laid. They would talk their head off about what we did (not classfied stuff; I never saw that) in some bar to a girl they'd just met.

I usually tried to convince people I was a day laborer :D. If they didn't buy that, I'd just say we were in the military here for a training exercise. Most everyone let it go at that.
My DD-214 is classified "Tippy Top Secret - Burn Before Reading". I'm so high speed, even I am not read-on for what I'm doing! :doh:
My DD-214 is classified "Tippy Top Secret - Burn Before Reading". I'm so high speed, even I am not read-on for what I'm doing! :doh:

You realize that I've had to authorize the use of black helicopters to hunt you down since you even mentioned yourself and your clearance.... sorry, SimSig it was nice knowing you - the MiB will be knocking on your door in short order...:confused::cool::evil:

I know that you know that they know that nobody knows what we know that everybody else doesn't know what we know because if they knew than we wouldn't have to know that we don't know what we think we know... y'know.:doh: Thus having to issue the TwEPord. We're gonna miss you.
You realize that I've had to authorize the use of black helicopters to hunt you down since you even mentioned yourself and your clearance.... sorry, SimSig it was nice knowing you - the MiB will be knocking on your door in short order...:confused::cool::evil:

I know that you know that they know that nobody knows what we know that everybody else doesn't know what we know because if they knew than we wouldn't have to know that we don't know what we think we know... y'know.:doh: Thus having to issue the TwEPord. We're gonna miss you.

Lucky for me I go to this bar where i met this girl whose brother knows this guy who's sister did this other couple, the wife of whom talked to this other guy who's cousin's mother-in-law had a kid in the MiB.

So I'm good.
Lucky for me I go to this bar where i met this girl whose brother knows this guy who's sister did this other couple, the wife of whom talked to this other guy who's cousin's mother-in-law had a kid in the MiB.

So I'm good.

Oh, hell I met that guy's brother's sister in law's cousin's friend.:doh:
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