Out of curiosity... "What do you do"

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My DD-214 is classified "Tippy Top Secret - Burn Before Reading". I'm so high speed, even I am not read-on for what I'm doing! :doh:

I can't believe you mentioned Tippy Top Sec......holy shit! :eek: I can hear the helicopters inbound! Save me!

Sorry - it's ninjas for you, no helos. And how many times do we have to tell you - NO FUCKING NAMES!!! :confused::doh:

I'm sure that Duane or whatever his new name is will love his new life now. ;) As for the ninjas, I can take ninjas; I'll just offer them up some cold ones and BBQ. :D:evil: Now if ye were sending pirates after me booty, then I might be worried.
I'm sure that Duane or whatever his new name is will love his new life now. ;) As for the ninjas, I can take ninjas; I'll just offer them up some cold ones and BBQ. :D:evil: Now if ye were sending pirates after me booty, then I might be worried.

That sounds so Monty Python....

snifff....."Is that bar-b-que?"

"Why, yes, yes it is. Want some?"

Guy turns his head - "Whaddaya think lads?"

As a group - "Yeah, yeah. Mmmmm"
Gotta love small town USA. Ran into the same loser again. After a few secs of small talk, I tried to make something up and think of something witty... I asked if he had "Secret Bravo Sierra" clearance.

Amazingly... He does have the BS.
Gotta love small town USA. Ran into the same loser again. After a few secs of small talk, I tried to make something up and think of something witty... I asked if he had "Secret Bravo Sierra" clearance.

Amazingly... He does have the BS.

You have the makings of a goooood poser hunter/attacker. ;)

Lucky for me I go to this bar where i met this girl whose brother knows this guy who's sister did this other couple, the wife of whom talked to this other guy who's cousin's mother-in-law had a kid in the MiB.

So I'm good.

I knew that chick too. But wasn't it her sister, not brother that knew a couple that did the cousin who fell for the mother in law ? ? :evil::cool:
The guy's an idiot. My son is MarSOC. They'd never say anything like that. I have never heard of a MOS that is Top Secret. Their location is. And only when they are deploying for safety's sake. Once they are there we get to know a general vicinity. If the Marine Commandant can go to their location with a Newsweek reporter and say where they are it must be okay (it's posted) - well, like you said, he's full of shit. All you have to do is look up MarSOC and find out all about it. I appreciate the comment about the misfits!
We used to say we were "Motor T".... if you can't truck.... f&ck it!
That or the age old "Bulk Fuel".... pumpin gas & kickin a$$....

We used to say we were "Motor T".... if you can't truck.... f&ck it!
That or the age old "Bulk Fuel".... pumpin gas & kickin a$$....


I've heard the "Bulk Fuel" one before, I was always curious as to how that one got started, or who came up with it.
That or the age old "Bulk Fuel".... pumpin gas & kickin a$$....


Good ol bulk fuel got mentioned on SS...I'm framing this one.
Wait, that was sarcastic.
Ahhhhh who am I kidding...bulk fuel IS lame :( It makes my soul hurt.
Good ol bulk fuel got mentioned on SS...I'm framing this one.
Wait, that was sarcastic.
Ahhhhh who am I kidding...bulk fuel IS lame :( It makes my soul hurt.

And who are you to say Bulk Fuel is a lame MOS? The Corps has a need for every MOS we have. Some people are MARSOC, some are cooks, and some are bulk fuel. It may be lame in your opinion, all the way up until you need fuel. The reason Bulk Fuel (and cook, or MT) are the best answers when people ask "what do you do?" is they invite very few questions. Not because they're "lame" MOSs.
No one's MOS (or service equivalent) is classified. Generally speaking, the fact that a certain unit exists or that you belong to it also isn't classified. Your job within that unit, since it's usually based on your MOS, is likewise usually unclassified.

Hint: if you're in a unit that requires any exceptions to the above, they will provide you a detailed, plausible, and simple cover story. If your unit doesn't tell you "this is what you say when you're asked about x," then you probably don't need to make some shit up on your own. If you're not comfortable talking about some aspect of your job, say "I'm not comfortable talking about that." Don't say it's "Top Secret." It annoys people who really do have those kinds of jobs, because they know better than to call attention to themselves by saying dumb shit like that.
I was the Medical and Weapons NCO for a Combat Football Team... does that count? Oh, and I have an ambulance driver's license, and was awarded the combat paper cut badge (with V device and 2 clusters).... :eek:

Every job in the military is important. some of the stuff/places people do/go is not for general consumption, but the basic job description is not....
And who are you to say Bulk Fuel is a lame MOS? The Corps has a need for every MOS we have. Some people are MARSOC, some are cooks, and some are bulk fuel. It may be lame in your opinion, all the way up until you need fuel.

I would like to clarify that I was being sarcastic to an extent.
No disrespect intended towards any fellow Marines or to the Marine Corps.

I am actually one of these motivated bulk fuelers that we speak of. I just really do not like the MOS (I know that's my mistake and a personal issue). It is a special case as it is the only SMCR MOS out of the state that I live in.

I do understand that the Corps has a need for every MOS and a need for Marines to fill it.

Again, I apologize if I offended anyone.
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