Out of curiosity... "What do you do"

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And who are you to say Bulk Fuel is a lame MOS? The Corps has a need for every MOS we have. Some people are MARSOC, some are cooks, and some are bulk fuel. It may be lame in your opinion, all the way up until you need fuel. The reason Bulk Fuel (and cook, or MT) are the best answers when people ask "what do you do?" is they invite very few questions. Not because they're "lame" MOSs.

We used to put up bulk fuel signs around our camp for exactly the reason 0699 mentioned: OPSEC. Force Recon isn't a classified unit with a cover story but we tried to maintain a low profile. We used to set up our camp next to the motor pool and throw up a sign that said bulk fuel. We used to have guys snoop around the Force Recon compound for whatever reason but no one snoops around the bulk fuel compound.
Good plan. I always said that if we were truly interested in maintaining a low profile we'd all wear a COSCOM patch and E6 stripes on our uniforms when we were forward. No one would ever give us a second look.

We never did that though :rolleyes:
All out humint guys used to remove their badges, rank and name tags as they thought that helped them maintain a low profile. In reality it made them stick out like dogs balls when everyone else around wore them.

On overseas jaunts on R&R we used to tell people we were a Rugby team. I had some hot Canadian chick on Phuket convinced I was playing in the "Bangkok 7s".
She gave me her room key to visit her later but I got too pissed and couldn't find the room. My mates found me the next morning asleep in a garden with the my pants round my knees and my cock in my hand, not my finest moment :(
It is kind of funny this discussion has come up as we had it in my shop yesterday. The more a SOF guy tries to blend in, the more he sticks out. Spend a few weeks at a place like Bagram and you can name the unit based on how they are dressed, kit they carry, etc.
We used to have guys snoop around the Force Recon compound for whatever reason but no one snoops around the bulk fuel compound.

That makes a lot of sense.
I have always been curious about why some of the Recon Marines don't talk a lot about what they do.
Is it just due to OPSEC, because it gets annoying explaining it, because you don't want a bunch of rubber neckers bothering, or something completely different?

As for the snoopers...I'm pretty sure it's becasue you're the pinacle of the Marine Corps (I'm not taking away from or down playing any other job in the Corps). It's like going to a car lot. I know I only have enough money to buy a Hyundai, but I still want to see the Bentley...and maybe even sit in it for a little while :confused:
I think that most of the lookie loos were looking to recon themselves some free equipment at our expense. We always downplayed recon to instill humility in our Marines and reinforce the point that we were Marines first just like every other MOS out there. There are a lot of recon haters out there who will use any little incident to add fuel to their unfounded accusations of elitism within the recon community.
Good plan. I always said that if we were truly interested in maintaining a low profile we'd all wear a COSCOM patch and E6 stripes on our uniforms when we were forward. No one would ever give us a second look.

We never did that though :rolleyes:

+1. Seems like people say they want to be "low profile" and somehow that means beards, pseudo-civilian attire (Oakleys & 5.11s), and every gadget known to man hanging off an M-4.
I would like to clarify that I was being sarcastic to an extent.
No disrespect intended towards any fellow Marines or to the Marine Corps.

I am actually one of these motivated bulk fuelers that we speak of. I just really do not like the MOS (I know that's my mistake and a personal issue). It is a special case as it is the only SMCR MOS out of the state that I live in.

I do understand that the Corps has a need for every MOS and a need for Marines to fill it.

Again, I apologize if I offended anyone.

Thank you for clarifying. :D
In-flight missile repair.

I used inflight tow bar operator a few times but switched to Special Operations Forces Culinary Craftsman (can't use the latter anymore, everything in AFSOC is now SO; SO Services Sq, SO Dental Sq......:rolleyes:.
I am not one of the people that needed a cover story. I will tell you I would have preferred giving a ride to a cook,paper salesman,inflight tow bar mechanic, or gerble rather than Frogs, and those that wore kacki pants and Hawaiian shirts.
A group asked what we wanted and I replied 151 rum I had never tried it. Months later a very small wood keg arrived. Six of us ended up chained around the flag pole I never have had another drink of 151. Wife wants to know what I am laughing at. Some memories are special.
Never woke up with my pants around my ankles though.
Thats something new to add to my Thanksgiving list.
She gave me her room key to visit her later but I got too pissed and couldn't find the room. My mates found me the next morning asleep in a garden with the my pants round my knees and my cock in my hand, not my finest moment :(

Why is it when we talk drunk stories about our military day's it alway's ends with someone sleepiing in a garden, in a clump of bushes, on the beach with seaweed, without our clothes ? :D

I woke up one glorious morning in Myrtle Beach to some kid poking me with his sand shovel. Needless to say the parents where most rickie tick about getting him away from the drunk guy, asleep, covered in sand and wet from sea water on the beach on their vacation. Not my finest moment either. :cool:

What did I do ? Hell, I didn't really know so it didn't matter. :confused:
I woke up to some guy honking his car horn one time, I lifted my head up and told him to STFU, he said "Look where you are!" I looked around, I was asleep in the middle of the road...

Thank fuck it was daylight.:rolleyes:
No one's MOS (or service equivalent) is classified. Generally speaking, the fact that a certain unit exists or that you belong to it also isn't classified. Your job within that unit, since it's usually based on your MOS, is likewise usually unclassified.

Hint: if you're in a unit that requires any exceptions to the above, they will provide you a detailed, plausible, and simple cover story. If your unit doesn't tell you "this is what you say when you're asked about x," then you probably don't need to make some shit up on your own. If you're not comfortable talking about some aspect of your job, say "I'm not comfortable talking about that." Don't say it's "Top Secret." It annoys people who really do have those kinds of jobs, because they know better than to call attention to themselves by saying dumb shit like that.

Ahh, isn't that a contridiction? :confused:

Delta is a classified unit is it not?

I know the SAS is/was at least, a unit that you were not required/allowed to divulge.
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My youngest son's birth certificate support document says his mom is an Army Lawyer and his dad is a Bulk Fuels Specialist. :D

The A1C (E-3) didn't believe me when I said I was a BFS. I told her "Who ever claims to be a BFS? Folks always claim CCT, SOWT or some other cool job". She smiled, said "yeah-you are right" , and put Bulk Fuels Specialist Down for my occupation.:D
Why the jump wings? Easy-in-flight refueling missions. I can't believe the crap I get away with.
I woke up to some guy honking his car horn one time, I lifted my head up and told him to STFU, he said "Look where you are!" I looked around, I was asleep in the middle of the road...

Thank fuck it was daylight.:rolleyes:

Hell, that was common here in Kentucky. All the roads where dirt and in some backwoods shit. :D

Rode a damn cow one night and broke my collar bone. Naked, with cowboy boots on. No shit. :cool:
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