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Thanks everyone. Making the decision for a quality of life euthanasia is gut wrenching and never gets easier no matter how many times you've done it. Doing much better now that it's done.


When we had to put Libby down last year (10 November), she had her head in my lap when she died. I knew it was the right decision for her, but I still cried & wailed like an Iraqi woman at a funeral.
When we had to put Libby down last year (10 November), she had her head in my lap when she died. I knew it was the right decision for her, but I still cried & wailed like an Iraqi woman at a funeral.

Even the Troll was dusty.

Added another member to the family. Our Rottweiler Opha Mae needed a playmate. The local humane society had Rudy for 9 months (he was a stray before that). He is about a year and a half. Hyper as hell, but cuddles more than any dog I have ever seen. He also loves to suck on a blanket. Not sure what that is all about (the humane society said it may be that he was weaned to early).

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I realized I haven't updated here since we got our new pup, Coco. We found her online first, then once we met face to face, there was no hope for me.
We adopted her from a local rescue foundation, No Wagging Tails Left Behind. She's a Yorkie-Poo as best we can tell.

The day I brought her home, approx 4-5 pounds.

After her first haircut.

Hanging out with her sister (our other dog, Pepper)

And more recent
I realized I haven't updated here since we got our new pup, Coco. We found her online first, then once we met face to face, there was no hope for me.
We adopted her from a local rescue foundation, No Wagging Tails Left Behind. She's a Yorkie-Poo as best we can tell.

You adopted an Ewok?!? Sweet! :D