One day my wife had some furniture delivered while I was over here. The delivery guy lingered, chatting with my wife, and Max started walking back and forth between them. Finally Max stood between them and looked at him, back at her, back at him, back at her....
...and then walked over to mark his territory. On the guy's boot. Max just looked at the guy. My wife swears he never broke eye contact. She gave the delivery guy some paper towels and he left. Max stared at him until she closed the door.
We used to give Jack canned food every night at the same time. One night we were eating a late dinner and Jack was crying up a storm. Pacing, meowing, would not shut up. Finally my wife yelled at him, and the woman can yell, and Jack shut up. Not a peep.
My wife and I had our backs to him but our daughter could see him. "Oh. My. GOD! JAAAAACK!" We turned around to see Jack, squatting not 5 feet from the dinner table, dropping a growler and staring at us the whole time. When finished he stood up and meandered out of the room.
He didn't get his can of Fancy Feast that night.