Jack was my boy. I miss the guy every day. My wife and I were just talking about the time he stared us down while taking a dump, in the kitchen, while we ate.
Piper...we have an 8 panel temp enclosure set up for her in the dining room. First night: she howled almost all night long (another reason I think she has some hound in her, because she can bay just like a hound dog. Anyway...). Second night: same thing only when I came out the next morning, she had turned the octagon/ squareish enclosure into an L shaped wreck, flipped over her furry bed cube thing, pushed the pee pads to one corner, etc. The only untouched items? Her food and water bowls.
Fri. night my wife tries a different path: let her be, free range puppy (we lock the doors to the dining room, giving the pets the whole front half of the house at night). She woke up to find this:
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The social butterfly was just lonely. That's her and Lily in Lily's cage (people can call them crates, but why class it up?).