Super Sweet Movie Discussion Thread

Saw Candyman yesterday with my teenagers. Slept through most of it. Read the premises online while watching. Did not captivate. It wasn't bad though.

Also saw Orphan: First Kill. Same as above, not by choice, did not captivate, slept through it, but the real story of Orphan First Kill turned out to be interesting.

In Norway, this foster kid "Adam" disappeared from a Foster Home, turns out to be a 33 y.o. female Czech woman named Barbora Skrlová who has a hormone disorder. At her last home she manipulated the adults into severely abusing the minors in the house, and it was caught on video. The background kept me slightly interested in Orphan First Kill, a bit longer than without it, but not by much.

Sorry if there was another post to quote in ref to The Lost City, but I couldn't find if there was. I finally watched it and enjoyed it. To me it was like a prequel or sequel to Bullet Train. The humor was right down my lane and had the same actors/actresses. Also I am known for having very bad luck.....

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